Inner Peace Ideas for Your Body & Soul This Holiday Season

by Elena Lipson (HuffPost-2017)

Are there things you love about the season?

Or are you dreading the stress and chaos of gatherings at your home, with your family or your co-workers?

Here are some spiritual Self-Care Tips to help you maintain inner peace for your body and soul this holiday season.

1.  Take Time Out

There is nothing like gathering family and friends in one place to test your triggers, bring up old hurts and bring out your inner five-year-old, tantrums and foot stompings included.

Give your self permission to tag out and find pockets of peace and quiet such as

  • Take a walk outside to reset your inner peace
  • Lie down in a quiet room with peaceful music.
  • Remove yourself from a conversation that might be getting heated.
  • Don’t drink too much to numb yourself, instead commit to giving yourself these pockets of peace and reset well being.

2.  Say Yes to Simple celebrations that don’t take much effort.

  • Invite a few friends for hot-cocoa and cookies.
  • Gather a few friends to co-host pot-luck brunch or breakfast or do acts of service to community for those who have less
  • Start a new tradition with a new gratitude practice like delivering meals to the homeless or to local retirement homes.

3.  Say No more

Don’t try to make everyone happy even when we don’t want to do.

If undecided, ask for some time to think about it.  Usually, a bit of space and time is enough to hear your inner GPS response.

Trust yourself and give yourself permission to say, “no thank you.”

4.  Take Time To Sparkle

Sometimes when you put on something sparkly like earrings, top, etc, everything seems better.   When you take extra time to sparkle yourself up, you really do feel better.  The reason is not just that sparkle makes everyone happy.  The reason this is important is because as women and moms, we tend to give time and energy to all those around us.

5.  Hugs for the win.

When you get or give a hug, your body release happy chemicals and yourself release tension in a way that is built into our human-ness.  Please use caution when you’re with strangers, not everyone want to hug a stranger.  Use your good common sense inner wisdom to guide you.

6.  Embrace the Chaos

Sometimes we suffer, what is happening around us or get caught up in the house being perfectly clean and tidy before guest arrive.  This control can raise the level of stress and tension.

Decide to be ok with 5% increase in chaos around you.

Some results may include:  more laughter, more play,a house well loved and lived in.

Grow Your Gratitude Muscle

Do a gratitude journal and write down 3-5 things you are grateful for each day.

Create your own daily gratitude practices

Simple gifts of breath, friendship and life are enough.


Hip and Leg Issues (mental/emotional reasons)

The Inner Cause:  A Psychology of Symptoms from A to Z by Martin Brofman


The hip’s primary function is to support the weight of the body in both standing and walking or running postures.  The hip joints play the most important role in maintaining balance, and are related to the root chakra, and the parts of the person’s consciousness related to security – money, home, job, mother and feeling supported.  If there is tension on just one side, it can relate to trust in a male side – right side in right-handed people – or the female side) in terms of what was happening in the person’s life when the symptom began.


The legs are related to the root chakra and thus the parts of the person’s life representing security – money, home and job.  Tension in the root chakra are experienced as insecurity or fear as a perceptual filter.  In right-handed people the right leg is the male leg and can represent something concerning trust in a male, or trust in oneself as a male.  Similarly, the female leg can represent trust in a female.  The polarity of right and left legs can also be described as the will leg and emotional leg, with the will leg representing trust in one’s will – having made a decision but not yet acting on it because of insecurity – and the emotional leg, representing insecurity or mistrust in one’s emotional being, like due to emotional insecurity, emotional dependency, not standing on one’s own two feet with regard to one’s emotions and possibly making decisions designed to hold on to someone rather than doing what is best for oneself.

If the effect of the symptom might be that person could not be able to walk, for example, it could be said that the person has been keeping him/herself from waling, giving him/herself reasons to stay in an unhappy situation.



Sciatica is the name given to any sort of pain that is caused by irritation or compression of the sciatic  nerve that runs from the lumbar area down the legs.  Because the pain begins at the level of the sacral chakra, it represents tensions about food, sex or having children, affection or affected by trust in a man (male leg – right) or woman (female leg – left), lack of trust in the will or having a sense of emotional insecurity; not standing on one’s own two feet with regard to their emotions.  If the eventual effect of the symptom could be inability to walk, it reflects the person giving themselves reason to stay in an unhappy situation, keeping themselves from walking away.


Positive  Balancing Thoughts


“You always pass failure on the way to success.” – Mickey  Rooney (Actor)

“If opportunity doesn’t knock, build a door.”  Milton Berle (Comedian)

“A truly happy person is one who can enjoy the scenery while on a detour.”

When you can’t find the sunshine, be the sunshine!!!!

It’s a good day to have a good day!!!