What Is My Truth ….. Authentic Self Made Visible


To live in your truth simply means to live as your most authentic self, things that bring you happiness and joy each day.

For many, to live in their truth, especially now is challenging and only a dream to recover your truth and stay true to your authenticity.

Living My Truth

When we follow to many of society norms we can quite easily lose some of ourselves, some of our true self.  All of your should have, could have, would have that have weighted us down, stops us from living fully.  So many expectations put on humans, that over time we follow “safe and comfortable” patterns.   Safe and comfortable but there is so much we are missing when staying in the comfort zone.

If you feel there is something missing, then maybe living more in the safe and comfortable society norms.  It is very empower to take control of your life, your destiny and ultimately your happiness.

Living in your truth becomes a reality the day you decide to take control of your life and in the end will bring your happiness and joy.

There will be things that we have to do, even though we’d rather no do, but keep these things to a minimum it will help.  An 80/20 rule with most things in life will keep you balanced.

If  you are living your truth….

  1. You’re content with your life.
  2. People will often tell you how well/happy/glowing you look.
  3. You don’t seek approval or validation from others
  4. You do more of what your soul craves and less of what doesn’t bring you joy
  5. You don’t rely on others to feel good about yourself
  6. You accept that life is imperfect

Steps to live your truth and enjoy your authenticity…

  1. Identify things that light you up. Eg painting, dancing, helping others
  2. Ask yourself if money, time, excuses or the opinions of others weren’t an issue and were simply yourself, what would you be doing with your time?  Maybe journal and see what comes forward.
  3. Make small actionable steps of getting there no matter how long it will take.
  4. If you have a family etc are definitely more challenging.    Just start doing more things for yourself and notice possible changes in your attitude and behavior.
  5. Start making time for yourself, and aligning your behaviors and activities with your true authentic self.  Your soul will thank you for it!


 The Soul Made Visible Quotes

Authenticity requires vulnerability, transparency and integrity.

The authentic Self is the soul made visible. – Sarah Ban Breathnach

Being your authentic self is the ultimate secret to happiness in life!

Only the truth of who you are, if realized, will set you free.

If you are your authentic self you have no competition

The privilege of a lifetime is to become who you truly are.  – Carl Jung –

Authenticity:  knowing who you are and being brave enough to live it!

Be who you are…. Everybody is busy in becoming someone.

Beauty begins the moment you decide to be yourself.  – Coco Chanel –

When your are in alignment with your authentic self, nothing is impossible.  – Jiulio Consiglio –

“Authenticity starts in the heart.”

Find the courage to be authentic.  Not everyone will like you, but no one can if they don’t get a chance to know you.  – Lori Deschene-

Authenticity is the daily practice of letting go of who we think we’re supposed to be and embracing who we are.  – Brene Brown –

Find out who you are and do it on purpose.  – Dolly Parton –

Never perfect.  Always genuine.

Don’t let anyone define who you are!


August Special

Detox Foot Bath & Reflexology Combo  $95

Touch the Body, Heal the Mind, and Calm the Spirit!

If you would like to book some

403-358-2362 OR
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