Indian Foot Massage

TIME FOR SELFIndian Foot Massage

Indian Foot Massage with “Marma” therapy is a beautiful and relaxing modality, which balances the body, mind and spirit. This unique treatment involves the use of ghee (clarified butter) and a small copper bowl. It is deeply revitalizing for tired feet and legs and, as the feet contain key energy and nerve endings relating to all organs of the body, it also helps re-balance the entire body. The treatment involves vigorously rubbing the soles of the feet with the bowl to draw out heat and toxins, thereby inducing relaxation. The treatment begins with some relaxing foot and leg moves. Slowly and methodically the toes, feet, ankles and calves are helped to relax. It continues with special moves performed with the copper bowl.

What are Marmas? According to Ayurveda, all meridians or energy channels in the body begin in the scalp and end in the soles of the feet. Many neural endings and Marmas — also called Ayurvedic pressure points — are located in the feet.

The benefits of an Indian Foot Massage include improved circulation and joint mobility, reduction of stress, anxiety and depression, improved sleep, and overall detoxification, to name a few.


60 minute session — $60

PUNCH CARD — Indian Foot Massage (60 min) Package of FIVE — $300, plus receive a 6th Indian Foot Massage for FREE


Combination Package:

Explore how you can receive more in-depth results through a combination of Time For Self therapies — ENTER HERE

All Time For Self therapies are not a substitute for any other medical care or consultation and offer no claims of treatment or cures. Always consult your physician for diagnosis and treatment.