Time For Self January 2025

Time For Self will reopen Jan 14th.  Clients that I have on my waiting list will be contacted shortly to set up appointments.  Thank You for your patience.

Embracing Change ………n the New Year 2025


Change is inevitable. Growth is intentional.” ~Glenda Cloud

As the saying goes, through chaos emerges a new order. Through adversities, learn to trust more.

Through challenges,  turn inward and listen to the wisdom and voice of your higher self.

Over time, change continued to sweep through, and the world shifted into renewal and recovery.

So, in line with embarking into a new year, here are some suggestions for setting your purest intentions for moving forward into the sea of change. Incidentally, they are contained in the acronym CHANGE.


At every point in time, and especially when confronted with imminent change, you have a choice of whether to embrace or to resist.

Embracing change requires courage and trust because it’s always unnerving to step outside your comfort zone. But when you trust and embrace, change can bring you excitement, growth, and infinite new possibilities.


Step into the New Year with the intention of choosing happiness for yourself and those around you.

Happiness is a choice that comes from within. Regardless of your external circumstances, your perception determines your emotions.

Choose to look on the bright side of everything; for example, ask yourself, “What can I learn from this?” Or, count your blessings with heart filled gratitude, and happiness will abound.


This brief life, with all its ups and downs, is merely a myriad of experiences for the growth of your soul. Staying anchored, you will ride and surf the storms and waves of life with skill and ease.


Time and change involve flow and movement. Along with these are borne new experiences, people, places, and ideas. Be open to receiving and bringing forth the new and nourishing, and let go of the old if they no longer serve you.


When you flow with the movement of time and change, and embrace the new while anchoring and trusting in the greater you, growth is the natural result. Like the sun enables a plant to sprout from a seed, the happiness that you soak in and project will allow you to grow and thrive.


You will find yourself forging new fulfilling friendships, relationships, successes, and joys. New ideas will emerge into manifestations. Imagination and dreams will become a reality. A new phase will continue and take you forward with the flow.

What are your intentions for this New Year ahead? May you flow with the energies of change and embrace this wondrous gift of life, along with its mystery and excitement, into the unknown.

January Special

                        Polarity Therapy $70

Create  flow in your body, by releasing blocked energy

Touch the Body, Heal the Mind, and Calm the Spirit!

If you would like to book some

403-358-2362 OR
contact me at



Embracing Change Quotes

* The art of life lies in a constant readjustment to our surroundings
* “In any given moment we have two options:  to step forward into growth or step back into safety.” – Abraham Maslow-
* “Change is what makes life exciting, daring, different, inspired.  Stop fighting it.  Embrace it!”  – Connie Podesta-
* “The only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it, move with it, and join the dance.”  – Alan Watts-
* The secret of change is to focus all of your energy not on fighting the old, but on building the new! – Socrates-
* Embracing change….. true success can be defined by your ability to adapt to changing circumstances.  – Connie Sky-
* Change is inevitable.  Growth is optional.  – John Maxwell-
* We cannot become what we want by remaining what we are.  – Max Depree-
* To improve is to change; to be perfect is to change often.  -Winston Churchill-
* “Open your arms to change, but don’t let go of your values.”  -Dalai Lama-
* Change is painful, but nothing is as painful as stayng stuck where you don’t belong.  – Mandy Hale-
* “Embrace challenge, ignite change.”
* If nothing ever changed, there’d be no butterflies.