Difference Between Alone and Loneliness
Of the many clients I have worked with using the Yuen Method™ / Personal Transformation, I have found the topic of loneliness being discussed time and time again. A lot of this is due……
Self-Care: Me-Time and the Importance Of It
At first it might feel uncomfortable, but it is so necessary to protect our mental, emotional and physical health. Even 15 min per day where you can focus on you and feed your soul. A good book, a glass of wine or tea, yoga, meditation, walk around the block, energizing music,……
Reasons You Need to be Touched – 90 Days, Self Improvement by Tracy O Connor
Do you ever feel like you’re living in a bubble, surrounded by people but never touched? We live in such a busy, crowded world, yet it’s so easy to many of us to go days, even weeks or months without being touched by others.
BODY – New Habits, New Life! 30 Days – Change Your Habits, Change Your Life by Marc Reklau
It takes about 21 days to implement a new habit. About 2500 years ago, the Greek philosopher Aristotle said that you change your life by changing your habits. The coaching process is, in its essence, a process of changing the client’s habits……
BODY – The Coconut Oil Miracle by Bruce Fife, C.M., M.D.
If you were to travel the world looking for people who enjoy a degree of health far above that found in most nations, people who are relatively free from the crippling effects of a degenerative disease, you couldn’t help but be impressed by the natives who……