Category: Uncategorized

  • Time For Self February 2025

    Time For Self February 2025

    February 2025 Newsletter


    Celebration Month…..

    Valentine’s Day and Family Day 

    As we move into the month of February, we have an opportunity to celebrate Valentine’s Day followed up by Family Day. What a great month to be in the flow of love, and gratitude.

    There are always fond memories of celebrations,  milestones, being together with significant other, family, soul family, friend, people who have passed etc.  Awesome to connect to these special people and be in the flow of love and gratitude.  Some really simple ways to be in this high vibration energy this month are:

    1. While sipping  on a cup of tea or coffee, visualize the person’s smile and or memories you remember and mentally say, “Thank You.”
    2.  Spend a few minutes journaling and recall a memory or two of these special people that warms your heart.
    3. Go through photo albums or where you store pictures digitally of those special memories of children or significant other and special people at different stages of growth in your relationship with them.
    4. Sit in a space of love and gratitude from both sides.   The appreciation and love these individuals had for you when you where there for them and visa versa of them being there for you.  Words, acts of kindness, patience are priceless and powerful.

    This month, celebrate these special people, no matter if one person or many that remind you of how love, gratitude, kindness and compassion makes the world a brighter place.


    February Special    Access Bars $80

    Defragment and Quiet Your Mind

    Touch the Body, Heal the Mind, and Calm the Spirit!

    If you would like to book some TIME FOR SELF

    403-358-2362 OR
    contact me at


    Quotes Of Gratitude For Loved Ones 

    * “Thank you for being the love story I always dreamed of”

    * Love is the greatest gift when given.  It is the highest honor when received.

    * “A friend is someone who know all about you and still loves you.”   – Gilbert Hubbard-

    * Thank you for being the one who always believes in me.

    “When we focus on our gratitude, the tide of disappointment goes out and the tide of love rushes in.”  – Kristin Armstrong-

    “Grateful for the gift of time spent with loved ones”

    Your love has been a guiding light during these dark times.

    A grateful heart is a magnet for miracles.

    If you have at least one person genuinely supporting you, you’re blessed.

    “We are never more than one grateful thought away from peace at heart.  -David Steindl-Rast-

    I am grateful for the people who fill my life with love, smiles, and support.

    “When the world is so complicated, the simple gift of friendship is within all our hands.”  Maria Shriver-

    “Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow.”

    “I’m so thankful for all the little things you do that make our life together so special.”

    “Thank you for being the melody in my heart and the song in my soul.”

    Gratitude paints little smiley faces on everything it touches.  -Richelle E. Goodrich –

    Kindness doesn’t cost a thing, yet it’s the richest gift you can give.

  • Time For Self January 2025

    Time For Self will reopen Jan 14th.  Clients that I have on my waiting list will be contacted shortly to set up appointments.  Thank You for your patience.

    Embracing Change ………n the New Year 2025


    Change is inevitable. Growth is intentional.” ~Glenda Cloud

    As the saying goes, through chaos emerges a new order. Through adversities, learn to trust more.

    Through challenges,  turn inward and listen to the wisdom and voice of your higher self.

    Over time, change continued to sweep through, and the world shifted into renewal and recovery.

    So, in line with embarking into a new year, here are some suggestions for setting your purest intentions for moving forward into the sea of change. Incidentally, they are contained in the acronym CHANGE.


    At every point in time, and especially when confronted with imminent change, you have a choice of whether to embrace or to resist.

    Embracing change requires courage and trust because it’s always unnerving to step outside your comfort zone. But when you trust and embrace, change can bring you excitement, growth, and infinite new possibilities.


    Step into the New Year with the intention of choosing happiness for yourself and those around you.

    Happiness is a choice that comes from within. Regardless of your external circumstances, your perception determines your emotions.

    Choose to look on the bright side of everything; for example, ask yourself, “What can I learn from this?” Or, count your blessings with heart filled gratitude, and happiness will abound.


    This brief life, with all its ups and downs, is merely a myriad of experiences for the growth of your soul. Staying anchored, you will ride and surf the storms and waves of life with skill and ease.


    Time and change involve flow and movement. Along with these are borne new experiences, people, places, and ideas. Be open to receiving and bringing forth the new and nourishing, and let go of the old if they no longer serve you.


    When you flow with the movement of time and change, and embrace the new while anchoring and trusting in the greater you, growth is the natural result. Like the sun enables a plant to sprout from a seed, the happiness that you soak in and project will allow you to grow and thrive.


    You will find yourself forging new fulfilling friendships, relationships, successes, and joys. New ideas will emerge into manifestations. Imagination and dreams will become a reality. A new phase will continue and take you forward with the flow.

    What are your intentions for this New Year ahead? May you flow with the energies of change and embrace this wondrous gift of life, along with its mystery and excitement, into the unknown.

    January Special

                            Polarity Therapy $70

    Create  flow in your body, by releasing blocked energy

    Touch the Body, Heal the Mind, and Calm the Spirit!

    If you would like to book some

    403-358-2362 OR
    contact me at


    Embracing Change Quotes

    * The art of life lies in a constant readjustment to our surroundings
    * “In any given moment we have two options:  to step forward into growth or step back into safety.” – Abraham Maslow-
    * “Change is what makes life exciting, daring, different, inspired.  Stop fighting it.  Embrace it!”  – Connie Podesta-
    * “The only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it, move with it, and join the dance.”  – Alan Watts-
    * The secret of change is to focus all of your energy not on fighting the old, but on building the new! – Socrates-
    * Embracing change….. true success can be defined by your ability to adapt to changing circumstances.  – Connie Sky-
    * Change is inevitable.  Growth is optional.  – John Maxwell-
    * We cannot become what we want by remaining what we are.  – Max Depree-
    * To improve is to change; to be perfect is to change often.  -Winston Churchill-
    * “Open your arms to change, but don’t let go of your values.”  -Dalai Lama-
    * Change is painful, but nothing is as painful as stayng stuck where you don’t belong.  – Mandy Hale-
    * “Embrace challenge, ignite change.”
    * If nothing ever changed, there’d be no butterflies.


  • Time For Self December 2024

    Time For Self December 2024

    The Joy of Gift Giving Without Any  Stress

    The Growing Popularity of Wellness Gift Cards

    The wellness industry has experienced a surge in popularity over the past several years, with more and more people turning to wellness treatments for relaxation and self-care. As a result, wellness gift cards have become increasingly sought after as the perfect present for anyone looking to indulge in pampering.
    There are several reasons why wellness gift cards have become so popular recently. One of the most significant factors is the growing awareness of the importance of self-care and relaxation in our increasingly busy and stressful lives. Many individuals seek ways to unwind and de-stress, and health and wellness treatments offer a luxurious and effective way of doing so.
    Wellness gift cards are also popular because they offer a customizable gift option.  This makes gift cards an ideal present for anyone, whether they need a massage to soothe tight muscles, detox the body/mind/spirit, relax or shifting energetically after a busy Christmas season.
    The gift of a wellness experience can be seen as a thoughtful and considerate gesture, encouraging the recipient to take time for them and prioritize their personal wellness.

    Reason #1: Relaxation and Stress Relief

    It offers many benefits, including calming and relieving stress. For many people, the daily grind of work, family responsibilities, and the general hustle and bustle of life can quickly take a toll on their mental and emotional well-being.
    In addition to the physical benefits and can also profoundly affect your mental state. Feeling pampered and cared for can help lift your mood and alleviate any feelings of stress or anxiety. All these small gestures can make a big difference in how you feel.

    Reason #2: Self-care and Self-love

    Self-love and personal wellness are essential components of a happy and fulfilling life. Spending time in a wellness environment can also help to shift your mindset and perspective. By focusing on self-care and relaxation, you can let go of worries and concerns and simply be in the moment. This can lead to a sense of clarity and renewed energy, making it easier to face the challenges of daily life with a more positive and calm attitude.
    This self-care sends a powerful message of self-love, reminding you that you are worthy of being pampered and taking time for yourself. It can also help to reduce stress and improve mental well-being, as you are giving yourself permission to unwind and recharge.

    Reason #3 Customizable Experiences

    A thoughtful and luxurious way to show someone you care about their well-being. They allow the recipient to indulge in various wellness treatments.  What makes wellness gift cards incredibly enticing is that they can be tailored to individual preferences, ensuring the recipient receives a genuinely personalized and enjoyable experience.

    December Special 

    Dec 1st – 24th

    Make Christmas Shopping Stress Free

    My Yearly Special for Yourself or

    Someone You Love

    “A Heart  to Heart Gift”

    *  Purchase a gift cert for $100-$140 and receive another gift cert for $25

    *  Purchase a gift cert for $150 or more and receive another gift cert for $50

    Touch the Body, Heal the Mind, and Calm the Spirit!

    If you would like to book some

    403-358-2362 OR
    contact me at


     Heart To Heart Quotes

    “If you find it in your heart to care for somebody else, you will have succeeded.”

    Among  the things you can give and keep are your word, a smile, and a grateful heart.

    The most useful asset of a person is not a head full of knowledge but a heart full of love, with ears open to listen, and hands willing to help.

    Great acts of love are done by those who are habitually performing small acts of kindness – Victor Hugo-

    If you carry joy in your heart, you can heal any moment.

    “Beauty is not in the face; beauty is a light in the heart.”

    The way to my heart is through your heart.

    Love is a path to the heart that knows it own way.  – Lamar Cole –

    “Come live in my heart, and pay no rent.”  Samuel Lover –

    “Love is like the wind, you can’t see it but you can feel it.” – Nicholas Sparks –


  • Time For Self November 2024

    Time For Self November 2024



    I have been sitting more and more in the energy of trusting the process these last few years.  What I have witnessed, confirmed and at peace with is a better fit in moving forward.

    Life is a journey with many twists and turns, ups and downs, and moments of uncertainty. It is easy to become engrossed in the small details of daily life and lose sight of the big picture.

    Patience is defined as the ability to wait without becoming frustrated or agitated. It is the ability to stay calm in the face of adversity and keep moving forward even when things get difficult.

    By trusting our journey means that we have faith in ourselves and in the path that we are on presently.  We trust that we are where we are supposed to be and that we are doing what we are supposed to do. We believe that everything happens for a reason and that the struggles and challenges that we face are there to teach us important lessons.

    Another important part is that I am not alone in this journey. We are all connected, and we all have a purpose. When we trust our journey, we open ourselves up to the help and support of others. We learn to lean on those around us, and we learn to be there for others as well.

    Remember to stay patient and trust your journey, and you will find that everything will fall into place..


    Boosting One’s Immune System

    Raindrop Massage     $75

    Touch the Body, Heal the Mind, and Calm the Spirit!

    If you would like to book some

    403-358-2362 OR
    contact me at


    Trusting The Process QUOTES

    Hold the vision and trust the process.

     Our time will come when everything before that is either a lesson or reminder.

    I trust my journey.  Your story is unfolding beautifully.  Even  if you don’t see it or feel it, trust the process.

    Trusting the process might seem like it’s not working – but that, to is another process to unpack.

    Learning to trust the process that more will be revealed in time.

    Trust the process.  The only limit to our realization to tomorrow will be our doubts of today.  – F.D. Roosevelt –

    Be brave.  Let go.  Trust the process.  allow the universe  to reveal its beautiful plan for you.

    It is good to have an end to journey toward; but it is the journey that matters most in the end.  – Ursula Le Guin –

    “Today I will go with the flow of life and trust the process.  I will not stress over things  I can’t control.”


  • Time For Self September 2024

    Time For Self September 2024


    This will be a little bigger shift for me how about you.   This was the first time since 2006 that I took 3 months off from writing newsletters.  I’m sure by October or November I’ll be back into the swing of things for the 2024/25 year coming up connecting to all my clients monthly.

    The start of a new season brings about changes in the world around us, but it can also be a time to start change within ourselves. Each seasonal transition is unique—winter brings celebration, spring ushers in new growth, summer promises a sense of optimism.  Autumn for fall is about reflective and nostalgic.
    Each season is an opportunity to start fresh in one way or another, and this fall, please encourage yourself to embrace change and everything that comes with it.
    Here are a few ways to help you transition your mindset from summer to fall:
    Enjoy the Slowed Down Pace
    If the excitement from summer is still lingering, you may not want to hit the brakes on all that fun momentum. Fall tends to bring a slower pace and a return to responsibilities and routine. Look at this as an opportunity to do all the little things you have been wanting to do. Here are a few ideas:

    1. Incorporate something new into your morning or evening routine. This will give you something to look forward to each day while also helping you with self-care.
    2. Be excited about fall food! Think hearty meals, soups, warming desserts, and tasty drinks. This is the perfect time to try a new recipe or bring back any personal or family favorites.
    3. Get cozy. Turn on the fireplace, make yourself a cup of tea, and settle in for a cozy fall night. Whether you watch a movie, read a book, or anything else, give yourself this time to enjoy feeling settled.

    These days, there may be less room for spontaneous adventures or time in the sun, but your down time can still be spent well. So, admire the changes happening outside, take it easy, and embrace what this season has to offer.  The beautiful fall colours, the fragrance, and crisp fresh air when going for walks

    Be Reflective
    Taking some time to be reflective is one of the best ways to transition your mindset. If you did a lot this past summer, use this time to reflect on all of those special moments, and then tuck them away in a way that makes sense to you. Curate a scrapbook, make a video, or print out pictures to hang up. Another great way to be reflective is to write in a journal. Here are some
    Get Planning and Organizing
    Getting back to business may seem mundane, but there’s beauty to be found in routine. Fall allows you the structure and downtime to sit and get some planning and organizing done. Especially since the two seasons that bookend this time of year tend to be filled with a flurry of activity—summer with vacations and winter with holiday planning.
    All in all, fall is a beautiful time to slow down and take things in. It’s a marker of making it to the tail end of the year, and there’s a lot to process. So, breathe in those last lingering days of sunshine and exhale a comforting breath into the crisp, cool air. This autumn season is waiting for you.

    Red Deer Community Votes Contest RESULTS 

    Time For Self received

    Silver for Reflexology


    Top Pick for Massage 

    Thank You, Thank You, Thank You for all my clients

    that showed their support for Time For Self and myself!!!

    Heather Young


    September Special 

    Relaxing and Detoxing Season

    Indian Head Massage  $40

    Touch the Body, Heal the Mind, and Calm the Spirit!

    If you would like to book some


    403-358-2362 OR

    contact me at



     Transitioning Mind Into Fall  Quotes

    .  “Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower.”  – Albert Camus-

    – Autumn ….. the year’s last loveliest smile.  – William Cullen –

    – Just like the season, people have the ability to change.

    –  Autumn shows us how beautiful it is to let things go!

    – “If a year was tucked inside a clock, then autumn would be the magic hour.”  – Victoria Erickson-

    – The leaves are changing:  I feel poetry in the air.”    – Laura Jaworski –

    – “Autumn dresses up in gold; the riches season of the soul.”     – Angie Weiland Crosby –

    – “I used to love September, but now it just rhymes with remember.” – Dominic Riccitello –

    – Autumn teaches us that change is a constant companion, and beauty can be found in every transition”

    – “Autumn is more the season of the soul”  – Fredrich Nietishche –

    – Every leaf speaks bliss to me fluttering in the autumn trees.

    – No spring nor summer beauty hath such grace as i have seen in one autumnal face.

    – all at once summer collapsed into fall – Oscar Wilde –

    – Autumn carries more gold in its pocket than all other season.  – Jim Bishop –

  • Time For Self June 2024

    Time For Self June 2024

    A Quick Pause In The Month of June


    Sorry no newsletter for the month, but I have included June’s special and Quotes.  I’ll return next month with my regular format.

    Until Zen………..
    Heather Young






    Red Deer Community Votes Needed….


    I have been nominated in two categories, massage and reflexology, in Red Deer Community Votes Contest.  Who else better to nominate me than my clients.  I have been in business since 2007 and I have meet so many amazing people, in Red Deer and surrounding area.  I would so appreciate if you would  (click) on and nominate me in one or both of the categories.
    Until Zen……….Thank You, Thank You, Thank You in advance for your continued support!!!!


                              June’s Special

    Relaxing and Detoxing season

    Relaxation MassageIndian Head Massage Combo

    Touch the Body, Heal the Mind, and Calm the Spirit!

    If you would like to book some

    403-358-2362 OR
    contact me at


     Full Blossom of June  Quotes

    – “I wonder what if would be like to live in a world where it was always June.”  – L.M. Montgomery
    – “June is the elixir of life.”  – L. M. Montgomery –
    – “Summer is a promissory note signed in June, its long days spend and gone before you know it, and due to to be repaid next January.”
    – June is the time for being in the world in new ways.  For throwing off the cold and dark pots of life. – Joan D. Chittisler –
    – Happy June!  Let this month be the start of something extraordinary in your life.”
    – “June is the gateway to the summer.  a time to let go of the past and embrace the new.” – Unknown-
    – What is one to say about June, the time of perfect young summer.”” – Gertrude Jekyll-
    – “At he midnight, in the month of June, I stand beneath the mystic moon.” – Edgar Allan Poe-
    – “May your heart be as bright as the sun on solstice.”
    – The first day of June is a reminder that summer is here and life is good.” – Unknown-

  • Time For Self

    Cheers To All Those Special Women….Happy Mother’s Day

    Mother’s Day is the perfect time to show appreciation for the women in our lives who have nurtured and supported us throughout the years. Whether it’s our own mothers, grandmothers, aunts, or other maternal figures, this day is a chance to reflect on the impact they have had on our lives.

    Mother’s Day is an opportunity to celebrate the important women in our lives and show them how much we love and appreciate them. Whether you choose to create a customized gift, plan a special outing, give the gift of time, cook a meal together, or acknowledge the women who came before, the most important thing is to show your love and gratitude in a way that is meaningful and authentic. With a little creativity and thoughtfulness, this Mother’s Day can be one your loved one will cherish for years to come.




    I have been nominated in two categories, massage and reflexology, in Red Deer Community Votes Contest. Who else better to nominate me than my clients. I have been in business since 2007 and I have meet so many amazing people, in Red Deer and surrounding area. I would so appreciate if you would (click) on and nominate me in one or both of the categories.

    Until Zen……….Thank You, Thank You, Thank You in advance for your continued support!!!!

    Heather Young



    Gift Certificate For That Special Woman in Your Life

    Relaxing and Detoxing Season

                              Detox Foot Bath or Indian Head Massage

                                               Gift Certificate  $35

    Touch the Body, Heal the Mind, and Calm the Spirit!

    If you would like to book some TIME FOR SELF

                                                   CALL  403-358-2362 OR
    contact me at


      Mother’s Day  Quotes

    – “Behind every great woman…. is another great woman.” – Kate Hodges– “Where there is a woman there is magic.” -Ntozake Shange-
    – Some women are mothers because they stepped in and stepped up exactly when they were needed.
    – Mother and daughter from the start. Best friends forever from the heart.
    – “A mother is the one who fills your heart in the first place.”  -AmyTan –
    – “Having children just puts the whole world into perspective.  Everything  else just disappears.”  -Kate Winslet-
    – The most powerful way to teach a daughter how to enjoy life and find her true purpose is  to let her see her mother do the same.

  • Time For Self April 2024

    Time For Self April 2024

    Springtime Awakening….Just Around The Corner

    Think about the flowers and trees, how they awaken and come back to life in the spring. The gentle rains that gift and assist the process of spring to evolve. This in turns encourages hearts of humans to open, so we can become wiser and more beautiful. Our heart is dormant during the winter like everything in nature – resting.  It is being charged by the sun to awaken spring once again as well as us.

    Light has an effect of awakening both the Earth and people. Light activates and stirs something within us that promote love. Love is the power of springtime, and as the Earth wakes up, she sends out that love frequency. When this happens spring is reborn into its perfection once again.

    The seasons affect us and we go through a major shift with the change of seasons. We are introspective in winter; energy goes inside. In the spring, we experience a rebirth – physically, spiritually, and emotionally – we are presented a new life.

    Springtime affects you which are affected by this shift of nature.  Every spring you have a chance to be regenerated again, awaken from the stillness and quietness of winter. You can be renewed right here, by opening your heart to the process of the aliveness that comes into your own personal spirit.

    We become more alert, our hearts are more open. It is a time of new beginnings; everything is fresh, clean and striving to grow upward toward the sun. In spring we move from an introverted state to a state of physical and spiritual blossoming.

    This process transforms us. It is a time of feeding, watering our spirits, and unfolding the pedals of our hearts. Bringing the light into your heart, you can become attuned to your environment and achieve greater balance and harmony.

    Approach spring as though it is the first time you ever experienced it – the first time you ever saw a flower, a tree growing, a bird flying. Open your heart to love, to beauty, to clarity. Leave the old behind and experience the coming alive during the season of spring. Each spring your spirit will burst out of the darkness of winter and make your spirit bright like the colors of nature. Feel the world through your heart.



    1 Hour Relaxation Massage and Detox Foot Bath Combo

    Relaxing and Detoxing season


    Touch the Body, Heal the Mind, and Calm the Spirit!

    If you would like to book some

    403-358-2362 OR
    contact me at


     Awakening to Springtime Quotes

    If we had no winter, the spring would not be so pleasant. – Anne Bradstreet –

    Spring time is the land awakening. Spring’s first heartbeat honors winter’s last breath.

    “Spring is far more than just a changing of seasons; it’s a rebirth of the spirit. – Toni Sorenson –

    “April prepares her green traffic light, and the world thinks:  Go. – Christopher Morley –

    In the springtime, the heart regrows hope.

    “Despite the forecast, live like it’s spring.”  Lilly Pulitzer-

    Be like the lotus:  trust in the light, grow through the dirt believe in new beginnings.

    The journey to the light is your destiny.

    Revolution is an awakening, so is the spring!  Spring is an awakening, so is the revolution!

    Awakening is the blossoming of the mind and of the spirit.

    “Spring:  a lovely reminder of how beautiful change can truly be.”  – unknown-

    “You’re only here for a short visit.  Don’t hurry.  Don’t worry.  And be sure to smell the flowers along the way.”  – Walter Hagen-

    “The beautiful spring came/ and when Nature resumes her loveliness, the human soul is apt to revive also.”  – Harriet Ann Jacobs

  • Time For Self March 2024

    Time For Self March 2024

    Powerful Spiritual Month of March….

    Asking You to Release What No Longer Serves You &
    Inviting New Opportunities to Show Up


    As the winter frost begins to thaw and the first delicate buds emerge, March whispers of rebirth and transformation. It carries with it a profound spiritual significance, inviting us to explore the hidden depths of our souls and embrace the potential for growth.

    The Significance of March in Spiritual Traditions

    It’s a time when nature undergoes a profound transformation, mirroring the inner shifts that occur within us. March marks the arrival of the spring equinox, a moment when light and darkness are in perfect balance. This celestial event symbolizes harmony, unity, and spiritual alignment.
    As the days grow longer and the earth awakens from its winter slumber, we too are invited to awaken to our own potential and embrace the energy of renewal and rebirth.
    March is seen as a time of great opportunity for growth and transformation. It’s a time to shed the old and embrace the new, to release what no longer serves us and invite in new beginnings.

    March invites us to:

    • reflect on our spiritual path and realign our intentions.
    •  It encourages us to connect with the cycles of nature and tap into the energy of growth and regeneration.
    • It’s a time to cleanse our minds, bodies, and spirits, and to embrace the transformative power of March.

    During March, let’s remember that we aren’t separate from nature, but rather a part of it. May this month be a time of deep spiritual connection and profound inner growth.

    Navigating Spiritual Transitions in March

    This month is a time of powerful transitions, where the energy of growth and transformation is palpable. We have an opportunity to navigate these changes, embrace the opportunity for personal growth and embrace the beauty of change.
    In this journey of self-discovery, we can experience personal growth that requires a delicate balance of surrender and intention. It’s a dance between letting go of what no longer serves me and actively seeking new opportunities for growth.
    To navigate spiritual transitions in March, these practices can assist you:

    • Meditation: Taking time to quiet my mind and listen to the whispers of your soul allows you to gain clarity and insight during times of change.
    • Journaling: Writing down your thoughts and emotions helps you process and understand your experiences on a deeper level.
    • Nature Connection: Spending time in nature grounds can remind you of the cyclical nature of life, providing comfort and inspiration.
    • Self-care: Nurturing your physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being is essential during times of transition.
    • Community: Surrounding yourself with supportive and like-minded individuals helps me stay strong and connected.

    March is like a blooming flower, bursting with spiritual energy and transformation. Just as nature awakens after the slumber of winter, so too can our souls awaken to new possibilities and growth.
    It’s a time to embrace the symbolism and energies of March, and harness the power of this season for our spiritual journeys. Let’s navigate the transitions with grace and embrace the beauty that unfolds before us.

      Releasing & New  Growth Quotes

    Change is inevitable.  Growth is optional.

    Everything negative – is all an opportunity for me to rise.  Kobe Bryant-

    Success is where preparation and opportunity meet.  -Bobby Unser –

    “Every sunset is an opportunity to reset. Every sunrise begins with new eyes.”
    – Richie Norton-

    “New beginnings are often disguised as painful endings.”  -Lao Tzu-

    Every end is a new beginning.

    Every new beginning comes from some other beginning’s end.  -Seneca-

    The start of something new brings the hope of something great.  Anything is possible.

    “A journey of thousand miles begins with a single step.”  -Lao Tzu-

    Leave who you were.  Love who you are.  Look forward  to who you will become.

    Your never know what you find once you really get going.  – Jan Hammer-

    Let go of things that no longer serve you, and put your problems in the past where they belong.

    It took a while to understand the beauty of just letting go.

    “Sometimes it takes losing your sense of direction to find our true path.”

    “In letting go, I create space for new beginnings.”

    “if you want to fly, you have to let go of the things that weigh you down.”

    “You can’t hold on to something that wants to go.”

    “it hurts to let go, but sometimes it hurts more to hold on.”

    March Special

    Indian Head and Detox Foot Bath Combo

    Detoxing the Mind and Body


    Touch the Body, Heal the Mind, and Calm the Spirit!

    If you would like to book some

    403-358-2362 OR
    contact me at


  • Time for Self February 2024

    Time for Self February 2024

    HeartMath… Balancing The Heart and Brain.. The Valentine Vibe


     I thought with February being focused on Valentines Day, what better way to talk about connecting to our own intelligent heart, by using HeartMath.  How our powerful heart can assist to align us on so many levels and send out high vibe  heart frequency into the world right here, right now.

    HeartMath meditation is a heart-focused breathing meditation that can help you quickly change from feeling stressed to feeling calm. Science-based and used worldwide, Heart Math meditation uses breathing techniques to bring about coherence — the alignment of your physical, mental and emotional systems to work in sync.

    Even thou the brain is the main source of command throughout the body. It is true that the heart does respond to messages from the brain. Also, the heart sends more messages to the brain than the other way around.

    The messages that the heart sends to the brain impacts our emotional processing and our higher cognition, including attention, perception, memory and problem solving.

    The HeartMath tool is a one-minute technique that allows a major shift in perception. More than positive thinking, it creates a definitive, heartfelt shift in how we view a situation, an individual or ourselves. When under stress:

    1. Shift out of the head, and focus on the area around your heart. Keep your attention there for at least ten seconds. Continue to breathe normally.
    2. Recall a positive time or feeling you had in your life, and attempt to re-experience it. Remember, try not simply to visualize it, but rather to feel it fully.
    3. Ask a question from the heart: “What can I do in this situation to make it different?” or “What can I do to minimize stress?”
    4. Listen to the response of your heart.

    HeartMath has developed practical solutions for relieving stress and anxiety, improving health and wellness, enhancing spirituality, and improving your performance. Activate the power and intelligence of your own heart and spirit. HeartMath solutions enable you to change what you couldn’t before.    Heart Math app  Facebook following



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     Heart/Mind Connection Quotes

    You’ll never find peace of mind until you listen to your heart.  – George Michael – 

    “The heart feels love, passion, and desires while the mind seeks logic and reasoning, and understanding.”

    Your worst battle is between what you know, your mind, and what you feel, your heart.

    “The heart is the origin of love, but the mind governs decision-making.”

    As long as our body-min-heart-spirit connection is active and balanced, we will continue to grow.
    – Joseph Rain – 

    Follow your heart but take your brain with you.  – Alfred Adler – 

    “Don’t let the confusion between heart and brain stop you from following your dreams- Unknown – 

    “Realize that everything connects to everything else.” -Leonardo Da Vinci-

    “The heart sees what the mind can’t comprehend.” – Unknown-

    The only way to change someone’s mind is to connect with them from the heart- Rasheed Ogunlaru-

    “The mind always tells you to be practical, but the heart tells you to follow your dreams.”

    True love is when your heart and your mind are saying the same things. – Leanna L. Bartram-

    Heaven on earth is a peaceful mind, a pure heart, and a high vibe.

    “The heart understands what the mind cannot explain.” – Unknown-

    When mind and heart come together, mind serves consciousness instead of serving itself.- David Icke-