Springtime Awakening….Just Around The Corner

Think about the flowers and trees, how they awaken and come back to life in the spring. The gentle rains that gift and assist the process of spring to evolve. This in turns encourages hearts of humans to open, so we can become wiser and more beautiful. Our heart is dormant during the winter like everything in nature – resting.  It is being charged by the sun to awaken spring once again as well as us.

Light has an effect of awakening both the Earth and people. Light activates and stirs something within us that promote love. Love is the power of springtime, and as the Earth wakes up, she sends out that love frequency. When this happens spring is reborn into its perfection once again.

The seasons affect us and we go through a major shift with the change of seasons. We are introspective in winter; energy goes inside. In the spring, we experience a rebirth – physically, spiritually, and emotionally – we are presented a new life.

Springtime affects you which are affected by this shift of nature.  Every spring you have a chance to be regenerated again, awaken from the stillness and quietness of winter. You can be renewed right here, by opening your heart to the process of the aliveness that comes into your own personal spirit.

We become more alert, our hearts are more open. It is a time of new beginnings; everything is fresh, clean and striving to grow upward toward the sun. In spring we move from an introverted state to a state of physical and spiritual blossoming.

This process transforms us. It is a time of feeding, watering our spirits, and unfolding the pedals of our hearts. Bringing the light into your heart, you can become attuned to your environment and achieve greater balance and harmony.

Approach spring as though it is the first time you ever experienced it – the first time you ever saw a flower, a tree growing, a bird flying. Open your heart to love, to beauty, to clarity. Leave the old behind and experience the coming alive during the season of spring. Each spring your spirit will burst out of the darkness of winter and make your spirit bright like the colors of nature. Feel the world through your heart.



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 Awakening to Springtime Quotes

If we had no winter, the spring would not be so pleasant. – Anne Bradstreet –

Spring time is the land awakening. Spring’s first heartbeat honors winter’s last breath.

“Spring is far more than just a changing of seasons; it’s a rebirth of the spirit. – Toni Sorenson –

“April prepares her green traffic light, and the world thinks:  Go. – Christopher Morley –

In the springtime, the heart regrows hope.

“Despite the forecast, live like it’s spring.”  Lilly Pulitzer-

Be like the lotus:  trust in the light, grow through the dirt believe in new beginnings.

The journey to the light is your destiny.

Revolution is an awakening, so is the spring!  Spring is an awakening, so is the revolution!

Awakening is the blossoming of the mind and of the spirit.

“Spring:  a lovely reminder of how beautiful change can truly be.”  – unknown-

“You’re only here for a short visit.  Don’t hurry.  Don’t worry.  And be sure to smell the flowers along the way.”  – Walter Hagen-

“The beautiful spring came/ and when Nature resumes her loveliness, the human soul is apt to revive also.”  – Harriet Ann Jacobs