Category: Uncategorized

Time For Self Newsletter November 2016

Difference Between Alone and Loneliness

Of the many clients I have worked with using the Yuen Method™ / Personal Transformation, I have found the topic of loneliness being discussed time and time again. A lot of this is due……

Time For Self Newsletter October 2016

Practical Enlightenment by Ariel & Shya Kane

When you are operating as though what happens in your life is supposed to happen, then life becomes an adventure. When life is a……

Time For Self Newsletter August 2016

What is Your I AM? How Short-Term Massive Action Equals Long Term Maximum Results by Honoree Corder

I AM. Two of the most powerful words in the English language (or any……

Time For Self Newsletter July 2016

Hanging Circumstances Isn’t Enough to Give Us the Happiness We Want – A guide to the Present Moment by Noah Elkrief

Changing circumstances to “perfect” isn’t enough to give us the happiness we want. Since getting……

Time For Self Newsletter April 2016

Holistic Home – The Mind and Clutter: Feng Shui For Mind, Body, Spirit, Space by Laura Benko

Mind clutter is negative thoughts, scattered thinking, self-doubts, cynicism, indecisiveness, procrastination, worry, and fear-based thinking. You can de-clutter your……

Time For Self Newsletter February 2016

Original Fear: Essential Wisdom For Getting Through the Storm by Thich Nhat Hanh

Many of us often find ourselves thinking of things that stir up feelings of fear and sorrow. We have……

Time For Self Newsletter January 2016

The Top 5 Foods For Sleep

1. Oatmeal

While traditionally considered a breakfast food, oatmeal can actually help induce sleep. Because it is a complex carbohydrates, oatmeal triggers a rise in insulin production that……

Time For Self Newsletter November 2015

BODY – New Habits, New Life! 30 Days – Change Your Habits, Change Your Life by Marc Reklau

It takes about 21 days to implement a new habit. About 2500 years ago, the Greek philosopher Aristotle said that you change your life by changing your habits. The coaching process is, in its essence, a process of changing the client’s habits……

Time For Self Newsletter September 2015

BODY – The Coconut Oil Miracle by Bruce Fife, C.M., M.D.

If you were to travel the world looking for people who enjoy a degree of health far above that found in most nations, people who are relatively free from the crippling effects of a degenerative disease, you couldn’t help but be impressed by the natives who……

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