Author: admin

  • Time For Self April 2022

    Time For Self April 2022

     The Universe Is Always Sending You Messages.
    Have You Received Any Lately? 

    The universe is talking to us.  It is trying to get our attention.  It is trying to guide us, connect with us, and wake us up.  It is very subtle, but very powerful.
    There are plenty of signs out there but are we looking? Are we listening? And do we even know what to look for?
    How many times do you wish you had a sign for what direction you should take in life?
    How many times did you ask for an answer but didn’t know how to receive it?
    How often do you feel alone and unsupported in life?
    When you are tuned in to how the universe is communicating with you, life becomes a lot less confusing, and you start to feel a lot more aligned and connected.
    The key is to SLOW DOWN, and BE AS PRESENT AS POSSIBLE so that you can tune into whatever sign shows up in your life.
    If you’re stuck in your head worrying, overthinking, overanalyzing, rushing and being busy, judging and being angry, you won’t hear Universe attempting to assist you.  You have to be present, open, and willing to receive answers.

    Experiencing Miracles

    Every sign is a miracle because it’s a direct connection with the Universe.  This is indeed a very miraculous experience.
    The signs are subtle, indirect, and can be very gentle and quiet, although sometimes pretty loud and obvious too.
    This means you can get a sign in the shower, while you’re washing dishes, arguing with your partner, or stuck in traffic.  The moment doesn’t have to be glamorous for there to be a sign, but seeing a sign in these unglamorous moments will surely make the moment more glamorous.
    Also, each sign that comes to you has a message that is unique to you.   Take your ego out of it.


    Through people

    This can be through meeting a random person.  The key then is to actually FOLLOW IT.


    A synchronicity is a random occurrence of events that seem coincidental, serendipitous, and related, yet are not connected by any one thing.
    For example, you are driving to work and see a child with a red balloon, then you get to work and someone got your coworker red balloons for her birthday, then as you drive home you see another red balloon on an “open house” sign.  Coincidence? I think not.
    Synchronicities are a direct connection to Universe and a sign that you are on the right path.


    For instance, if you’re seeing repeating numbers on license plates, addresses, phone numbers such as 1111, 333, 444, 555, etc. those are all signs from the universe that you’re on the right path.
    You can also see random numbers that mean something special to you like your favorite number, lucky number or your birthday


    Have you ever noticed a random song pop into your head, certain song come on the radio, or hearing someone who passes by you singing a song.
    When these things are random and you feel a strong connection to the song you hear, it’s probably something you should explore further.
    It could be a familiar song such as your wedding song, or a song that reminds you of a vacation, or a song that you used to like in high school, then interpret the meaning of the sign from that perspective.

    Random thought

    For example, if the random thought pops into your head “I wonder how my brother is doing,” that is probably a sign that you should call your brother as he probably needs your love and support right now.

    Word or a physical sign

    For example, if you’ve been in a really dark place lately and you see a post on Instagram saying “the darkest hour is just before dawn,” I would definitely take that as a sign to trust that everything’s going to be better soon.
    Or maybe you see a road sign that says “slow down” and for some reason it really resonate with you that can be a sign that you need to slow down in life and be more present.
    The key is to follow your gut and not over think it.

    Deep feeling or knowing

    When you feel like “this is right” or “something is off” or “every part of me wants to do this,” that’s a clear sign from the universe.
    Also, when you hear a message or read something in a book that deeply resonates with you and you don’t know why but it feels right and it feels true, that is your inner truth being awakened.
    Pay attention to this and follow it!
    Issues in your body
    Physical pain, symptoms, ailments, and diseases are all ways that the universe communicates to you that there is something wrong.  Your lifestyle and habits can be causing a problem such as pain in your back from sitting too much.  This can be a sign that you need to change your lifestyle and start being more active.
    However, illnesses can also have spiritual causes that manifest as physical ailments.  For example, you can develop a rash from “itching to get out” of a situation or relationship you don’t enjoy being in.

     Setbacks, roadblocks, detours, and delays

    When out of nowhere your flight gets delayed, your interview gets cancelled, you get sick, etc., and life might be trying to nudge you in a different direction.
    These things are usually beyond our control so it’s best not to fight or resist it, but to accept it and take it as a sign.  The universe might be doing damage control to reposition you on the right path.  It can also be a sign that your energy is low vibration and actually creating these setbacks, so you need to shift your energy and change your mindset to align to a higher vibration

    Everything is falling apart

    There are times in life when it seems like everything is falling apart and just when you thought life couldn’t get worse, it does.  Your car breaks down, your roof starts leaking, you lose your job, your kid gets in a fight, your partner breaks up with you, or someone you love dies.
    Often times when everything in our life falls apart, it’s an invitation to learn to let go and to learn to detach from the world of form.  It’s an opportunity to awaken.
    It’s also a great opportunity to sit with what needs to change, and start fresh in a way that aligns with who we truly are.

    Everything in your life is flowing and aligning

    This is the opposite of everything falling apart, and here you’re feeling inspired, feeling good, you’re in the zone, opportunities are showing up left and right, your desires are manifesting, you’re feeling connected and aligned, things just work out somehow, and there’s a sense of flow in your life.  This is a beautiful sign that you are aligned with your truth and that you’re on the right path.

    UPDATE:  I’m in physio, off crutches and moving forward, and still needing 1 more month to start to incorporate a lot of my services, I am only offering energy sessions like Yuen, Angel Card Reading, Akashic Record Reading and my new service Soul Plan and Soul Transformational Therapy.  Once May 1st comes, hopefully alot of my services will be offered once again in-person and or remotely.

     Messages From the Universe Quotes

    “Don’t count the day, make the days count.- Muhammad Ali –

    Seek out the synchronicities.

    “Once you begin to recognize and engage with the signs around you, remember that you have the power to see whatever you want to see.  – Leo Carver –

    The universe doesn’t answer questions.  It simply gives you signs.  – Lukas Boyer –

    If you ask the universe for signs, believe what shows up.

    You won’t miss a sign from the Universe.  It will keep getting louder and louder until you get it.

    Listen to the silence!  The universe will answer all of your questions.

    The universe speaks to you through signs!  For a moment, stop what you are doing and observe.  You’ll find yourself in it!!! – The Roaring Silence –

    The entire universe is conspiring to give you everything that you want.  – Abraham Hicks –

    The universe’s imagination always remains wider than our human imaginations. – Julie J. Morley –

    “Follow your bliss and the Universe will open doors where there were walls.”  Joseph Campbell-

    All the visible universe is nothing but a shop of images and signs.  _ Charles Bawdelaire –

    Coincidences, synchronicities, and serendipities are all signs from the universe that you are on your true path.

    April’s Special – Held Over


    Introductory Offer

    1.  Soul Plan ($100)
    2.  Soul Transformation Therapy ($85)

    SOUL PLAN:  $100 Your birth name has hidden within it your life’s blue print, the life’s journey your soul intended. Before we are born onto this earth our souls plan the destiny and goals we will strive towards. This plan brings with it a unique combination of goals, talents and challenges that we must conquer and embrace to reach our soul destiny.

    SOUL TRANSFORMATION THERAPY:  $85  Many issues are deeper than our conscious level, they can be subconscious or even soul level issues – this is the core of the matter and as such often hidden from our awareness. Soul Transformation discovers the core issue that is occurring and provides a range healing interventions that work to heal at spiritual, emotional, body memory or even ancestral level and make major shifts

    Touch the Body, Heal the Mind, and Calm the Spirit!

    If you would like to book some

    403-358-2362 OR
    contact me at


  • Time For Self March 2022

    Time For Self March 2022

     Receiving Gifts and Lessons

    From Opportunity of Growth 

    I have been missing in action for approximately 6 weeks now and this article says it all.   Jan 15th I fractured my knee cap and less than 48 hours I was resting in my home after doctor appoint, x-rays, emergency room and surgery
    I had much time to reflect in the quiet time on my couch, AKA my bed,   serve as my office, living room to entertain and sanctuary for the last 6 weeks. 

    These are a few things that I will savor from this experience.

      • Appreciate the little things. It’s easy to take things like walking and showering for granted, but now I realized what a gift they were.  During this recovery, that perspective helped me to focus on the amazing things I could do – things like see, hear, and breathe. Just had my 6 week check up, and it was very successful.  I was suppose to go into knee brace, but doctor decided just to start remove splint, start standing, walking, moving on own and physio in two weeks.  Way ahead of schedule and grateful for signs of returning to full recovery sooner, faster in a gentle, relaxed manner.  So, so grateful.  grateful. As Thich Nhat Hanh shares, “the true miracle is not walking on water or walking in air, but simply walking on this earth.”
      • Practice gratitude. This helped me through the difficult days. .  I am grateful for all the medical staff, protection with angels and guides being with all whole time and family and friends.  It was a time of receiving that is a challenge when who I am and what I love being of service.   I am especially grateful for my husband, for putting up with me and shouldering most of the chores.
    • Rest and fuel. It takes way more energy to repair a broken bone and recover from surgery than I expected.  With lack of desire to eat and surviving on half the amount of sleep due to sleeping on the couch.  With appetite and sleep returning, I welcome both of them back into my life.
    •  Don’t be afraid to ask for help. And don’t be too proud to get it.
    • Small actions done every day have a big impact. The more things I did, eg. Walking, moving, and exercising feet and ankles, the more I felt stronger and stronger.  I took a lot of my idle time taking a couple of courses that was a great distraction.  Can’t wait to tell you all about them next month as a beautiful I will be offering starting April called Soul Plans and Soul Transformation Therapy.
    • Bonus: When you’re on crutches, and using a walker everything takes longer and is harder to do. What was typically a 10-minute job took triple the time to do. With this experience, if someone is on crutches, handicapped in some way, I  help them out. Before I didn’t think it was a big deal, but it is a huge deal to them.

    Challenges Are Opportunities

    The challenges we go through can make us stronger, and help us discover new things about ourselves. Next time I encounter an obstacle, I choose to approach it as an opportunity and go diligently, patiently, persistently, playfully, and gratefully through it with grace and receive my gift in the lesson.

     Opportunity For Growth Quotes

    Whatever makes you uncomfortable is your biggest opportunity for growth.

    Every experience is an opportunity to learn and grow.

    Nothing is more expensive than a missed opportunity.

    H. Jackson Brown Jr.

    “Opportunities are like sunrises.  If you wait too long you miss them.”         – William Arthur Ward –

    Every adversity is just another opportunity to excel a little more.

    Success is where preparation and opportunity meet.  – Bobby Unser –

    View change as an opportunity, not as a threat.

    Each new day is a new opportunity to improve yourself.  Take it and make the most of it.

    If opportunity doesn’t knock, build a door.

    “In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.”

    Every day is a new opportunity to change your life.

    Opportunity often comes disguised in the form of misfortune, or temporary defeat.

    Every problem is an opportunity for solution.

    Today is not just another day.  It’s a new opportunity, another chance, a new beginning.

    SEE BELOW:  Due to taking month of March to do Physio on fractured knee cap, I am only offering energy sessions like Yuen, Angel Card Reading, Akashic Record Reading and my new service
    Soul Plan and Soul Transformational Therapy.  Once April comes, hopefully alot of my services will be offered once again in-person and or remotely.

    March Special 




    this month

    Introductory Offer

    1.  Soul Plan ($100)         and 

    2.  Soul Transformation Therapy ($85)


    SOUL PLAN:  $100 Your birth name has hidden within it your life’s blue print, the life’s journey your soul intended. Before we are born onto this earth our souls plan the destiny and goals we will strive towards. This plan brings with it a unique combination of goals, talents and challenges that we must conquer and embrace to reach our soul destiny.

    SOUL TRANSFORMATION THERAPY:  $85  Many issues are deeper than our conscious level, they can be subconscious or even soul level issues – this is the core of the matter and as such often hidden from our awareness. Soul Transformation discovers the core issue that is occurring and provides a range healing interventions that work to heal at spiritual, emotional, body memory or even ancestral level and make major shifts

    Touch the Body, Heal the Mind, and Calm the Spirit!

    If you would like to book some

    403-358-2362 OR
    contact me at

  • Time For Self January 2022

    Time For Self January 2022

     To Move Ahead in 2022 


    If 2021 could be a word, it would be “restrictive.” It was a difficult year in about every way imaginable. Life as we knew it got turned upside down, leaving so many worse off and leading us to wonder when (or if) normal life would ever return.

    But with the turn of a new year comes newfound hope. Though 2021 may still be gloomy, promise lies ahead. If you’re ready to move on but unsure how to approach a fresh start given the many uncertainties that surround us, here are some tips to guide you.

    1. Set resolutions wisely.

    This applies to the start of every new year, but if you are one to set resolutions for self-improvement, it’s important to set those resolutions up for success.  If your resolution is to spend less time on your phone, then define that more specifically. Perhaps the initial goal should be to set a time limit or not allow yourself to get distracted on your phone while around friends and family. If your resolution is to eat healthy, break it down into what that looks like on a daily basis. Maybe it means eating vegetables for two meals each day or limiting junk food to just a few days per week. Accountability is an important part of goal setting, so tell someone about your resolution early on and ask him or her to check in on your progress.

    2. Forgive those who have wronged you.

    Starting fresh means giving second chances to those around us. First, identify any unresolved issues with friends and family, then acknowledge that it’s time to make peace and move forward. Making peace can be done internally and not the need to approach them face to face.  The turn of a new year is a great time to check in with yourself and heal any relationships that may have been damaged over the past year.

    3. Forgive yourself.

    The easiest way to drag the past year into the future is to dwell on things you regret. Don’t allow that regret to follow you into the new year. You deserve forgiveness for anything you might have done to wrong yourself or anyone else. You deserve to move forward with a weight lifted so you can start fresh.

    4. Let your friends and family know you care.

    Some of us may have handled the woes of this year better than others, but you should take the time to acknowledge how much you care about everyone close to you, in case someone needs to hear it. This kind of support will empower your loved ones to tackle the new year confidently and will help you to do the same in turn. Not only will it make people feel good, but it will help strengthen relationships entering a new year.

    5. Be of service.

    If you feel lucky about how you made it through this year, find a way to give back to those who were not as fortunate. There are so many ways to donate your time or money to help improve the lives of those in need, both in your local area and far away. A little quick research will help you decide what causes you care most about and find ways you can provide assistance in the new year. You will not regret any time you spend helping others.

    6. Don’t take anything in life for granted.

    If we learned anything from 2020 – 2021, it’s that everything can be taken from us in an instant. All the things we used to consider part of everyday life became a privilege – practically overnight.  Don’t take any day for granted. Don’t take human interaction for granted. Think of the small things you miss most about everyday life and start incorporating them back safely.

    7. Do something you’ve wanted to do.

    We’ve put many of our dreams on hold for a while, and for good reason. When it’s safe to do so, cross something big off your bucket list. We learned this year that nothing is guaranteed, so don’t put off something you want to do – and can do – now.

    8. Prioritize yourself in the new year.

    This past year was tough for everyone, so don’t get caught up comparing your struggles and feeling undeserving of self-care. Regardless of how 2021 looked for you, it’s important to take the time you need to emerge stronger in the new year. Self-care strategies look different for everyone, so identify what it takes for you to be at your best and strive to give yourself what you need.

    January Special 

    Polarity Therapy  $70

    Ayurvedic and Chinese healing techniques to stimulate energy flow (READ MORE ABOUT POLARITY THERAPY)

    Touch the Body, Heal the Mind, and Calm the Spirit!

    If you would like to book some

    403-358-2362 OR
    contact me at

     Moving Forward Quotes

    “For last year’s words belong to last year’s language and this year’s words await another voice.  – T. S. Eliot –

    I don’t know where I am going from here, but I promise it won’t be boring.  – David Bowie –

    The New Year – A time to say goodbye and a time to say hello.

    Don’t stress about the closed doors behind you.  New doors are opening if you keep moving forward.

    “A new year has tiptoed in.  Let’s go forward to meet it.”  – Anusha Atukorala –

    You’ve got to let go of who you were, to  become who you will be  – Janet Fitch –

    “Be so busy loving your life that you have no time for hate, regret or fear.”

    I guess the moment when everything changed was when I realized I deserved so much better.

    It doesn’t matter where you are coming from.  All that matters is where you are going.  – Brian Tracy –

    Dear past, thanks for all the lessons.  dear future, I am ready.

    There are far better things ahead than any we leave behind  – C.S. Lewis –

    “The best way to predict the future is to create it.”  – Peter Drucker –

    One of the happiest moments in life is when you find the courage to let go of what you can’t change.

    “We all get the exact same 365 days.  The only difference is what we do with them.”  – Hilliary DePiano –

    This year, I just wanna go on more adventures, be around good energy, connect with people, learn new things and grow.

  • Time For Self December 2021

    Time For Self December 2021

    Ways To Keep Your Mind, Body & Spirit Healthy

    Through The Holiday Season

     It’s the most wonderful time of the year—all is merry and bright, right? Well, yes and no. While the holiday season is abundant with opportunities for connection, the endless energy demands, disrupted routines, late nights, and financial strain may leave you feeling drained, depleted, and disconnected. Fortunately, the following tried-and-true strategies can keep your mind, body, and spirit healthy throughout the rush of the holiday season.

    1. Be Intentional with Your Time

    Before committing to a party or gift exchange, check your intention. Are you doing something because it nourishes your spirit or are you doing it out of obligation? If it’s the latter, kindly communicate to the host that you are in need of some downtime but would love to schedule a time to catch up after the holidays. Then instead of heading out, head in: watch a movie with the family, sip hot cider by the fire, read a book, play board games, or engage in any other activity that lights up your heart.

    2. Practice Mindfulness

    A particularly powerful mindfulness practice is to bring awareness to your body. You can do this no matter where you are or who you are with. Observe your posture, notice where you are holding tension, and pay attention to how deeply your breath flows. The body can provide useful information about your subconscious interpretation of events. After scanning your body, ask yourself what you need in order to relax (hint: it cannot involve another person’s actions). Perhaps you would benefit from a walk around the block, a little snack, or some rest.

    3. Find the Blessings of Imperfection

    Do you have visions of sipping cocoa with your dreamy-eyed children by the fireplace, singing carols around the family room piano, or creating the perfect holiday meal? If so, you may be harboring expectations that set you up for disappointment. Idyllic holiday hopes often turn out more like spilled cocoa, crying children, and overcooked casserole. By adjusting your expectations, and allow yourself to receive the gifts in imperfection.

    The spilled drink offers a spontaneously cleaned floor, the crying child reminds us that he is healthy and alive, and the food that catches on fire creates funny holiday memories. Daily life does not have to be flawless to be beautiful; it can be perfectly imperfect.

    4. Eat Two Healthy Meals a Day

    To maintain your commitment to health without depriving yourself, focus on having at least two healthy meals each day. If you know you will be going to eat a hefty dinner, eat a breakfast and lunch loaded with fresh produce, fiber, and healthy fats. When your schedule boasts more than one food festivity in a day, decide ahead of time which venue will be your splurge. Then make healthful choices at the other by opting for veggies over crackers, berries rather than dessert, and hot tea instead of cocktails.

    5. Maintain a Regular Sleep Cycle

    To stay healthy in body and mind, it is crucial to prioritize your sleep. In addition to getting enough sleep, maintaining a regular sleep-wake cycle will support your body’s natural rhythm of hormone production, which in turn will contribute to greater health and wellness. Of course, you will have some late nights but try to wake up and start your day within one hour of your normal weekday wake-up time.

    6. Stay Active

    Don’t be afraid to spice up your physical fitness routine to accommodate a busy calendar. The key is to choose activities that keep you moving. As an added bonus, when you connect with others over physical activities, there will be fewer opportunities to overindulge in food and drinks.

    7. Meditate

    To fit meditation into the frenzy of holiday activity, it is best to schedule a few minutes at the beginning and end of each day. Even if you only have ten minutes, those few moments spent consciously breathing and settling into the present moment can set the course for your day or evening.

    8. Pay Attention to What Really Matters

    It can be easy to get lost in the holiday shuffle and lose sight of what is important. To stay aligned with your personal values, make a brief list of your top priorities in the areas of health, relationships, spirituality, and work/career. Then rank your values from most important to less critical. To make sure that the activities of lesser importance do not eclipse those of higher value, keep the list visible and refer to it when making choices about how to use your time. Is family time or career-building higher on your list? There is no right or wrong answer. Just be sure to be intentional and conscious in your choices.

    Cultivating awareness of how you choose to spend your time and energy will allow you to enjoy the laughter, connection, and, yes, even the treats of the holiday season, without compromising your health. The above steps toward self-care and intentional choice making will transform this season into the most wonderful time of the year!

     Gift of Balanced Mind, Body & Spirit at

    Christmas Quotes

    Just remember the true spirit of Christmas lies in your heart  -The Polar Express”
    “Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.”  – Mahatma Gandhi-

    The best way to spread Christmas cheer is singing loud for all to hear.

    “Christmas is the day that holds all time together.”  – Alexander Smith –

    Light warms the Heart and Brightens the Soul.  Light energizes the body and Inspires the Mind.  – Bella Bleue –

    The Christmas spirit is a spirit of giving and forgiving.  – James Cash Penney –

    Body plus mind, plus soul,  plus spirit equals YOU

    Christmas …. is not an external event at all, but a piece of one’s home that one carries in one’s heart.

    – Freya Stark –

    Be careful how you’re talking to yourself because you’re listening  – Lisa Hayes –

    I think as you grow older, your Christmas list gets smaller and the things you really want for the holidays can’t be bought.
    – Unknown –

    We are  like a snowflake all different in our own beautiful way  – unknown –

    Just be yourself.  Let people see the real imperfect, flawed, quirky, weird, beautiful, and magical person that you are.  – unknown –
    Your biggest commitment must always be to yourself
    – Bridgett Devoue –

    The way your spend Christmas is far more important than how much.  – Henry David Thoreau-

    Follow your dreams, believe in yourself and don’t give up.

    To believe in something and not to live it, is dishonest.  – Mahatma Gandhi –

    Your relationship with yourself sets the tone for every other relationship you have.

    Don’t get your tinsel in a tangle.

    And I said to my body, softly, “I want to be your friend.”  It took a long and replied, “I have been waiting my whole life for this.” – Nayyirah Waheed –

    December Special 

     Gift Certificates are Heart to Heart Gifts

    When You purchase:

    $100-$149 Gift Cert, you receive a 2nd one free for $25


    purchase $150 or more Gift Cert, you receive a 2nd one free for $50



    Touch the Body, Heal the Mind, and Calm the Spirit!

    If you would like to book some

    403-358-2362 OR
    contact me at


  • Time For Self November 2021

    Time For Self November 2021

    Remembering and Remembrance

    Memories offer us potential solutions to current problems and help guide and direct us when solving them. Personal memories are essential for social interactions. Being able to recall personal memories provides important material when making new friends, forming relationships and maintaining ones we already have

    The importance and the power of remembering when reconnecting with a friends and family that you haven’t seen or spoken with for many weeks, months or years. The conversations are electric of stories that we had shared, ones that are unique to our relationship, and therefore could only be shared and remembered by the two or more people.  The more we talked, the more we remembered, and before we knew it two hours had passed, and yet it felt like we had just sat down.
    Such is the power of remembering. Such is the power of having someone else remember something about us and about our shared history. We are all, I’m sure, warmed by the experience of someone saying to us, “I have this wonderful memory of you, of the time when you………” To be remembered is to feel honored and cared for.

    Memory is the foundation of culture and identity, and our enhanced capacity for memory is what separates us from all other living creatures. Identity is rooted in knowing and remembering our origin and history, whether it be that of an individual, a family, an institution, a country, or even a religion.  And identity and meaning are strengthened when we gather and share our stories.

    This connection between memory, identity, and meaning is the reason we as a nation will once again celebrate Remembrance Day. On Remembrance Day we remember and honor those who have given their lives in service to our country, and we honor the fact that our collective identity today is rooted in their sacrifice. Holocaust survivor, Elie Wiesel, said, “Without memory, there is no culture. Without memory, there would be no civilization, no society, and no future.”

    The saying, “living in the present moment” and not getting “stuck in the past,” I also know that we can become “stuck in the present’ when we fail to remember how much our present, our identity and our culture are all shaped by our history. Remembrance Day provides us with the perfect chance to balance both the present and the past. As we gather with friends and family, let’s also make time to remember and give thanks for those who have gone before us, shaping our lives today.

    Quotes of  Remembering and Remembrance

    Remembering the past gives power to the present – Fae Myenne Ng
    It’s hard to forget someone who gave you so much to remember

    A hero is someone who has given his or her life to something bigger than oneself.  -Thomas Campbell-

    “In war, there are no unwounded soldiers.”

    They gave their tomorrows so we could have our today….. Least We Forget

    Things end but memories last forever.

    Those who touch our lives stay in our hearts forever

    Forget the mistake, remember the lesson

    We don’t remember the days, we remember moments.  – Cesare Pavese-
    No day shall erase you from the memory of time.

    “Sometimes you never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory.”- Dr. Seuss-

    May we never forget freedom isn’t free – Unknown-

    Nothing is as nostalgic as remembering your childhood memories.
    Remembering is easy.  It’s forgetting that’s hard.  -Brodi Ashton-
    Sometimes I wish I could just rewind back to the old days and press pause .. just for a little while.

    A million feelings.  A thousand thoughts.  A hundred memories.  One person.

    Memories are timeless treasuries of the heart.

    Some moments are simply unforgettable


    November Special 

    Massage/Detox Combo


    If you would like to book some

    Touch the Body, Heal the Mind, and Calm the Spirit!

    If you would like to book some

    403-358-2362 OR
    contact me at


  • Time For Self September 2021

    Time For Self September 2021

    A Game Changer Called Connecting To Your Truth

    Many live life on autopilot and become disconnected from their truth.  A self-help called the T.R.U.T.H. Framework that Jennifer Warren Medwin has created to help individuals reconnect to their authentic selves.

    Jennifer Warren Medwin is a Certified Divorce Coach, Supreme court of Florida Family Mediator and Certified Marital Mediator at Seeking Empowerment:  Clarity through Partnership

    As we return to masking, hopefully not mandatory vaccines, lockdowns and passports, now more than ever is the time to connect to truth, your truth and not external powers and influences.  I can across this post while looking to give support to myself, clients and humanity at large.  This information from Jennifer Warren Medwin is powerful and I could never do justice to her powerful post.  This is an amazing tool to use each and every day information you receive when listening to radio, watching T.V./media, family, friends and co-workers.  This is what Jennifer has to say about connecting to truth and T.R.U.T.H. Framework.

    Are there times, especially now when you feel disconnected from your truth? If so, you are not alone. Many people going through divorce, separation from family, loved ones, different points of view or other life challenges look outside of themselves for confirmation of how to interpret their intuition or consciously indulge in behaviors that deviate from their own value system. When these patterns develop, your ability to think logically gets weaker over time and you begin to consistently question how to trust or interpret your emotions. As a result, you can become numb or overtaken with fear or uncertainty and consequently live in a state of self-doubt, which separates you from your own authentic feelings. By quieting your mind and focusing on the T.R.U.T.H. Framework of Trust, Reflect, Understand, Talk, and Honor, you can connect to your thoughts and feelings and live a more authentic life.

    T for TRUST:

    There is no one more important to trust than yourself. There are many layers of self-evaluation and acceptance that can be strengthened over time with focused intention. Believing that you are capable of handling painful emotions, failure, or rejection is core to developing self-trust. Having conviction of your capability can build up your confidence, make it easier for you to make decisions, reduce your stress levels, and lessen your need for approval from others. With conscious action, trust can become more prevalent.

    1. You are unique and important.
    2.  Try setting many little goals that point you in the direction of your big goal.
    3.  Be mindful of your self-critical thoughts as they arise, acknowledge them, and let them go. Set the intention of loving yourself unconditionally.
    4.  Become aware of the things you are good at and try other things without judging yourself to harshly. Growth comes from stepping outside of your comfort zone.
    5.  Look inward. Focus on the moment and do your best to fill your love tank.
    6.  Embrace your own power and judgment. Make choices and stick to them.

    No one can be as consistently supportive as you can be to yourself. Trust your inner wisdom.

    R for REFLECT:

    You must want to hop off the treadmill, step back, and reflect on your life, behaviors, and beliefs in order to find your balance in mind, body, and spirit. Being aware of your thoughts and how to uncover your core values and principals is essential to your happiness. Time flies by and without consciously pausing to evaluate your circumstance, character, actions, and motives, you can feel depleted, stressed, unhappy, frustrated, and tired. In order to connect with your truth, you can set the intention of following these steps:

    1.  Take a step back from life and allow yourself to take three deep breaths.
    2.  Identify and get perspective on what you notice and see without judgment.
    3.  Connect to your feelings, your wisest guide.
    4.  Identify the steps you need to take to be at one with your truth. Be open to adjusting, changing, or improving.

    Taking time for reflection will serve to keep you in check, focused on self-improvements, and will ensure you are as fulfilled as possible while being loyal to your truth.


    It is essential to look within yourself to define and get clear on what truly aligns with your deepest values. Developing an understanding of what is meaningful to you and making a conscious effort to identify and live by your values will allow you to speak your truth as opposed to reacting from old, negative patterns. Becoming sympathetic with yourself requires:

    1.  It is normal to struggle or to be disappointed. What is imperative is to focus on bridging the gap between where you are and where you want to be without judgment or blame.
    2.  Each of us have impulses that drive us. Take time to understand your strengths and weaknesses as well as your personal standards and ethical code.
    3.  Think, meditate, and journal your thoughts and feelings.
    4.  Be honest and full in your truth. Be supportive of what is true for you alone and unhindered by outside influences.

    Understanding and learning to accept your story and your life is what will connect you to your truth and will help you have a deep sensitivity and knowing for how your world needs to evolve.

    T for TALK (OPENLY):

    Communicating what your identity, feelings, needs, boundaries, and desires are in an authentic way is crucial to living in alignment with your truth. In order to enhance your capacity to speak your truth:

    1.  Communicate care for others. If you feel uncomfortable, scared, resentful, sad, angry, or guilty, identify the emotion. Inner liberation comes from owning your feelings.
    2.  Speak up and step into your life so you can be in truth with what you want. Your desires are a critical part of who you are.
    3.  Sometimes the best response is to say nothing.
    4.  When someone asks you how you feel, tell the truth. Small moments of authenticity allow you to receive compassion and empathy. Additionally, try not to set the intention of winning or being correct because it inhibits you from accessing the deepest places of your heart.
    5. : Dominating conversations and people is not productive and doesn’t help build authentic communication.

    Giving yourself permission to be vulnerable and transparent will enhance and deepen your capacity to speak your truth and will lead to increased freedom, self-respect, and confidence.

    H for HONOR:

    Honoring your inner wisdom is the most powerful tool you have for living an authentic life. When you are honest with yourself about your needs and wants are, and you live a life that is aligned with them, you have a stronger ability to let go of desiring validation by others. Honoring your truth can be really difficult and scary. In order to nurture your inner wisdom, set the intention of becoming one with your intuition and allow it to guide you in an appropriate direction:

    1.  Be honest with yourself about yourself.
    2.  Be mindful of the excuses you implement that keep you stuck. Identify and write them down.
    3.  Relax into your feelings of fear or discomfort instead of resisting them. By partnering with your feelings, you decrease the power of the scary or uncomfortable feelings and allow yourself the ability to honestly explore the depth of your emotions.
    4.  Hiding or burying your feelings doesn’t get you closer to your truth and does not fuel happiness. Be real with your emotions.
    5.  Do not pretend to feel something you don’t. Speak up for yourself and create healthy boundaries. People will treat you the way you allow them to.
    6.  Pausing allows you time to react in a more positive manner and to keep peace within yourself.

    Your truth is your power! Create space to become more aware of your highest principles, values, and desires. Integrity serves everyone in the long run, even if it does not seem that way at first. Being sincere about how you feel, what you want, or need will allow you to respect yourself as well as others. Set the intention of validating your inner wisdom, despite any discomfort that might arise because when you stand in your truth, you are honoring your very essence and purpose. True freedom derives from speaking authentically. Go ahead! Take the challenge of embracing a life of liberation and use the T.R.U.T.H. Framework to feel empowered and confident.

    How will you live your truth?

    What is true for me might not be true for someone else, but acceptance and not judging will be the test.

    I’m sure you have heard the phrase, “we signed up for it,. ”  Make the best of it.  Know that there is always a reason and you  might not know until after each and every storm in one’s life.


    Until Zen….. looking forward to see what September holds for everyone.


    Connecting To Truth  Quotes

    The truth is still the truth, even if no one believes it.  A lie is still a lie, even if everyone believes it.

    Truth will always be truth, regardless of lack of understanding, disbelief or ignorance. – W. Clement Stone

    In the long run, the most unpleasant truth is a safer companion than a pleasant falsehood.
    – Theodore Roosevelt –

    Truth exists; only falsehood has to be invented.  – George Braque –

    The truth will set you free, but first it will make you miserable.  – James A. Garfield –

    Truth is like the sun.  You can shut it out for a time, but it ain’t goin’ away.  – Elvis Presley –

    All truth passes through three stages.  First, it is ridiculed.  Second, it is violently opposed.  Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.  – Arthur Schopenhauer –

    The enemy of truth is blind acceptance.

    Real is rare and fake is everywhere.

    We ignore truths for temporary happiness.

    Truth triumphs.  Truth can be bothered but not defeated.  .Some changes happen deep down inside of you.  And the truth is, only you know about them.  Maybe that’s the way it’s supposed to be.  – Judy Blume –

    September Special

    Raindrop Massage  $75

    (Strengthen Immune System before cold and flu season)

    Touch the Body, Heal the Mind, and Calm the Spirit! …to read more

    If you would like to book some

    403-358-2362 OR
    contact me at


  • Time For Self August 2021

    Why Your Family Needs a Family Reunion

    Reunion is a homecoming after a separation and this is more true now than ever.

    Last year, my husband family was suppose to have their 5 year family reunion, but due to Covid it was postponed.  Not knowing when we would all connect again, we were notified about 1 month ago it was a go again in the early part of Aug.

    In the past, every 5 years we would see new additions to families, young ones turning into teenagers, and teens moving into post secondary education or married and  starting a family of their own.  There were also family members that had come upon hardship, sickness and loss.  This reunion will be different from all the other reunions this year with the pre, and post affects of Covid with  additional issues such as  isolation, masking, vaccinations and hopefully not divisions within families.

    It’s not uncommon for families to spread out across the country. New job opportunities or exciting adventures pull people into different cities and states. Over time, a family might rely on video calls and holiday cards for updates on their once-close cousins, aunts, and siblings.

    But a family reunion can change all of that. They can bring relatives together who may not have seen each other for several years and help new family members feel welcome. From a simple afternoon get-together to a weeklong getaway, these events are important.

    Help Your Kids Understand Family reunions can connect the next generation to their past. From kids hearing stories about the family history and trying recipes that have been passed down over the years, family reunions help kids form identities about who they are. Even hearing funny stories about their parents getting into trouble as teenagers can provide kids with a sense of belonging and connection with their immediate family members. Your children will know who they are because of their family members.

    Get Back in Touch with Relatives

    Whether you fell out of touch with your relatives because they moved away or because life got in the way, a family reunion is a great place to catch up with those you love and miss. Families can play volleyball by the beach or relax by the pool and enjoy some much-needed time together. Some families even spend hours telling stories and filling in gaps in time.

    Where They Come From

    We all wish we could keep in touch throughout the year, but it’s not always possible. Family reunions allow you to set aside time to check in with people you love.

    Spend Time with Aging Relatives 

    Time is precious, and a family reunion can bring people from across the country together to share their time for a few more hours. Grandchildren and great-grandchildren can get to know their grandparents and older aunts and uncles. Older relatives can meet new significant others of younger relatives. Everyone can share how much they love each other and mean to each other.

    Family reunions are meant to be fun – but they are also an important time to set aside the stress of life and focus on family.

    Create New Memories to Bring Everyone Together
    One of the best parts of a family reunion is being able to create new memories along with celebrating old ones. Families can leave the reunion with funny stories, breathtaking adventures with cousins, and fond memories with older relatives. This allows you to look forward to the next event when everyone comes together.

    I’m sure each one of us at the reunion will see each other differently.  I imagine that I will experience connecting to each one of them as we connect through our eyes and souls as  more  from a place of longing, missing, compassion, love like after a world war rather than from how we greeted each other in the past.  I can’t wait to see my tribe.



    I have used this truly amazing product, Pain Relief Now,  for approx 3 years now in my massage business.   Clients that are experiencing back pain, muscle aches, spasms, joint pain, soreness and arthritis have benefitted from this product..  It has powerful essential oils that are first class penetrating agents that really deliver.  Some of the ingredients are:  menthol, camphor, clove buds, peppermint, rosemary, eucalyptus and cedarwood oil.  This product comes in 3 sizes, 250 ml spray / $35.99, 120 ml spray / 20.99 and 30 ml roll on / 14.99.  I have brought in a small selection of each size due to clients interest in this product.   If there is enough interest, I will have it on hand permanent or bring it in as per clients request.  Contact me either by website or phone if you have any questions or would like to purchase this amazing product.

    Reuniting  Quotes

    Family is like branches on a tree, we all grow in different directions yet our roots remain as one.

    The act of gathering as a family strengthens the connections made long ago.

    Memories are made when gathered around the table.

    Family    a little bit of crazy, a little bit of loud and a whole lot of love.

    Family where life begins and love never ends.

    Family… a link to the past and a bridge to our future/

    Sometimes you never know the true value of a moment until it become a memory.

    Home is where you treat your friends like family and your family like friends.

    I shook my family tree and a bunch of nuts fell out

    We are who we are because they were who they were

    Keep calm it’s a family reunion

    Families are like fudge….. mostly sweet, with lots of nuts!

    Trees without roots fall over.

    August Special

    Foot Detox & Reflexology Combo $95


    Touch the Body, Heal the Mind, and Calm the Spirit!

    (to read more)


    If you would like to book some TIME FOR SELF
    403-358-2362 OR
    contact me at

  • Time For Self July 2021

    Time For Self July 2021

    KEEP THE SUMMER GOING: 10 Ways to Lift Your Spirits

    Summer is a good time to develop some healthy habits. Here are some tips to lift your spirits and give your wellbeing a boost

    1. Get out into the light 

    Get out in the sun to soak up some vitamin D which helps regulate the stress hormone. Only 10 per cent of our vitamin D comes from our diet, the rest comes from daylight.

    2. Tidy up your sleep habit

    Sleep is immensely important to our brain function and indeed every other aspect of our health.  By getting into a good, regular sleep habit by going to bed and getting up at roughly the same time every day.

    3. Turn off that phone

    There is a potential link between smartphone use and obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD). So, give the phone a rest, especially at bedtime.

    4. Exercise the brain muscle

    Learning a new language can improve our brain health. The Duolingo phone app promises to teach a language in just 15 minutes a day.

    5. Stay hydrated

    Good hydration is crucial for brain health. Even mild dehydration can influence mood and the ability to think clearly. Keep drinking water.

    6. A healthy body is a healthy mind

    People who exercise regularly, even going for a walk a few times a week, report significantly fewer mental wellbeing issues.

    7. Make time for friends and family

    Good relationships are important for your wellbeing. So, make a resolution to reconnect with family and friends – it’s good for all involved.

    8. Time to be mindful

    Mindfulness meditation is not just another fad, it has proven mental wellbeing benefits. It allows a bit of space from those other things, to deal with the here and now. Sometimes it’s great just to check in with yourself.

    9. Take a staycation

    Picnic in the park or at a lake close by, goggle what are some tourist sites in and around where you live to visit.

    10. Cut back on the caffeine

    Ease back on the java. “Caffeine has an effect on melatonin.  Studies have shown that you should be careful with your intake and have your last coffee a minimum of six hours before bedtime.”…….. (read more)  


    I have used this truly amazing product, Pain Relief Now,  for approx 3 years now in my massage business.   Clients that are experiencing back pain, muscle aches, spasms, joint pain, soreness and arthritis have benefitted from this product..  It has powerful essential oils that are first class penetrating agents that really deliver.  Some of the ingredients are:  menthol, camphor, clove buds, peppermint, rosemary, eucalyptus and cedarwood oil.  This product comes in 3 sizes, 250 ml spray / $35.99, 120 ml spray / 20.99 and 30 ml roll on / 14.99.  I have brought in a small selection of each size due to clients interest in this product.   If there is enough interest, I will have it on hand permanent or bring it in as per clients request.  Contact me either by website or phone if you have any questions or would like to purchase this amazing product.

    Summer Uplifting Quotes

    “Summertime is always the best of what might be.” – Charles Bowden –

    “I felt like summer had taken me over.”  – Junot Diaz –

    Sunshine on my mind

    It’s summer and time for wandering…. – Kellie Elmore –

    It’s summer!  Be free and happy and danceful and uninhibited and now

    We travel not to escape life, but for life not to escape us.

    Take me where the summer never ends

    “If summer had one defining scent, it’d definitely be the smell of barbecue”  – Kate Lee –

    “The summer night is like a perfection of though.”  – Wallace Stevens –

    Cause a little bit of summer is what the whole year is all about  – John Mayer –

    Summer is when the days get longer, the stars shine brighter, your hair gets lighter, the water gets warmer, the music gets louder and life gets better.

    If you’re not barefoot, then you’re overdressed.”  – Unknown –

    July Special

    Indian Head Massage and

    Foot Detox Combo $80

    Touch the Body, Heal the Mind, and Calm the Spirit!

    Indian Head Massage and Detox Foot Bath Combo $80

    (to read more)

    If you would like to book some TIME FOR SELF
    403-358-2362 OR
    contact me at

  • Time For Self June 2021

    Time For Self June 2021

    5D Living In A 3D World

    In the last 16 months or so, I have felt that I don’t know or recognize that world that I lived in for the past 60 plus years since early 2020.  Everything seems like a blur.  Sometimes, I feel that a week is like a day.  Other days feel like ground hog day.  Times, thinking I have to do something and only half doing it and moving on to the next project.  Just by thinking it, I’ve move into done timeline.   
    I was reading about jumping time lines and that is what it looks like and feels like.  What if we could move into a time line by thinking of what we would like to experience, wouldn’t it feel amazing, create a new higher dimension in the last half of 2021 and beyond.

    This is like moving into uncharted territory or is it.  Have you wondered how do I do something that you haven’t experienced before.   Right now we need PRACTICAL ways for us to implement the 5D consciousness in our everyday 3D lives.

    Our mind is often out on the higher dimensions travelling and being inspired, especially when you’re thinking, intuiting and using your imagination – i.e. daydreaming. At the heart level you’re always on the higher dimensional platforms, directing your life via your inner feelings and intuition.

    When we’re operating purely from a physical (3D) awareness, we usually ignore our spirituality. We may not have any spiritual beliefs, or we could be stuck in religious dogma. We tend to think of everything as being black and white and cut and dry. We show little knowledge of a universal power working through our lives. We get caught up in daily drama, gossip, abusive relationships, conflict and we can create painful situations very easily. We can often blame everyone else for what is ours to own. Also, personal responsibility for the bigger picture, tends to be lacking when we’re operating under a 3D reality only.

    It usually takes more than one wake-up call to shift your awareness and conscious focus into the 5D reality. Wake-up calls can take the form of a potent life crisis that causes you to re-evaluate everything and look for the deeper, meaning and purpose to life. When you’re operating under 5D you do have a strong spiritual connection. You see that your words and actions directly impact everyone and the world around you. You take full personal responsibility for what you create and choose to experience. Your compassion for all life deepens and you tend to not get caught in drama, as you stay focused on higher visions and on your higher calling. You also tend to move away from people who are purely operating under the 3D consciousness – being around them becomes draining and uninspiring. Many relationships go through great challenges when one person wakes up out of 3D awareness and is shot into 5D and the other person does not, or does not want to lift their awareness higher – it may not yet be their time to move to 5D.

    Mostly, yes, it will. Your everyday world will appear often the same to you, yet you’ll be more considered in everything that you choose to undertake. Some people do notice that their environment takes on a softer feel (less harsh) when they’re focused on 5D and coming from a spiritual awareness. So, you’ll still be out in the world working, living, relating, giving and receiving everyday – just like you’ve always done.


    • You may begin to notice a HUGE divide forming between yourself and those you’re normally close with OR those you associate with
    • Consider, that when you’re aware that you exist within a spiritual reality (5D consciousness) and yet are experiencing a human physical life (3D consciousness) you instantly become more SELF-RESPONSIBLE
    • When you become self-responsible, you more readily NOTICE when others are not on the same page as you.  Being self-responsible means that you will need to grow up and make wise and mature choices. Sometimes, your choices will be made by giving consideration for what’s best for the whole – rather than just for yourself
    • You’ll be evolving at an accelerated rate, where perhaps those close, are not. Indeed, we’re all at different levels of consciousness. This is the soul’s choice (on how rapidly we develop) and we respect the timing of waking up to who we are and what we’re truly capable of
    • Those who choose to keep operating only on the 3D level, probably won’t notice much of a difference in everyday life, although they may no longer feel comfortable around you.  Relationship breakdowns are common during a changeover to 5D consciousness. However, it’s also a time to deepen your awareness of one another and 5D awareness can often bring willing souls – even closer together.  If you’ve chosen to see life from the 5D higher perspective, who may no longer resonate with those close. You may find that family and friends tend to ignore you
    • A BIG outcropping of the New Earth 5D energy template is that we’ll naturally turn away from that which doesn’t resonate towards, that which does. This includes people, hobbies, creative pursuits, career paths.  You could feel sad at times and alone, particularly when you fully decide to start operating on a higher frequency than those around you.  Know that this period does of potential ‘alone-ness’ does pass and requires you to keep the bigger picture in mind
    • You will attract to you those also operating on the 5D energy template. As you give yourself permission to move away from the old games and dramas, the new ‘more supportive’ lifestyle does come in to meet you

    5D Quotes

    Be the change you wish to see in the world.

    The fifth dimension is not a physical location but a state of being.  Tune in.

    You are the light of the world, when your compassion radiates and pervades the world.  – Amit Ray –

    “Every next level of your life will demand a different you”

    Switch your mentality from ‘I’m broken and helpless’ to ‘I’m growing and healing’ and watch how fast your life changes, for the better.

    Ascension is a do-it yourself affair.  _Sandy Stevenson –

    Reality is reshaping in unimaginable ways!  Let everything soften – and – flow

    Once you awaken, you will have no interest in judging those who sleep.

    The reason people awaken is because they have finally stopped agreeing to things that insult their soul.

    When you understand that everything is frequency …. the universe becomes a symphony.

    Those who have the ability to be in 2 worlds simultaneously are walking portals.  – Phil Good –

    An awakened mind is not interested in drama, conflict or chaos

    We are here to awaken from our illusion of separateness. – Thich Nhat Hanh –

    June Special

    Massage and Foot Detox Combo  $100

    Touch the Body, Heal the Mind, and Calm the Spirit!


                                                   1 hour Swedish Relaxation massage and Detox Foot Bath

    If you would like to book some TIME FOR SELF …………………..
    403-358-2362 OR
    contact me at


    I have used this truly amazing product, Pain Relief Now,  for approx 3 years now in my massage business.   Clients that are experiencing back pain, muscle aches, spasms, joint pain, soreness and arthritis have benefitted from this product..  It has powerful essential oils that are first class penetrating agents that really deliver.  Some of the ingredients are:  menthol, camphor, clove buds, peppermint, rosemary, eucalyptus and cedarwood oil.  This product comes in 3 sizes, 250 ml spray / $35.99, 120 ml spray / 20.99 and 30 ml roll on / 14.99.  I have brought in a small selection of each size due to clients interest in this product.   If there is enough interest, I will have it on hand permanent or bring it in as per clients request.  Contact me either by website or phone if you have any questions or would like to purchase this amazing product.

  • Time For Self May 2021

    Time For Self May 2021



    Now more than ever is the time to use tools and techniques to travel through rough waters of life.

    When you are feeling anxious or stressed, people say “think positive,” or everything will be alright,” but we need info on how to do it.  Saying one thing is different from the action or doing part that is oh so necessary.  This is where this technique comes into play.

    This is an emotional guidance scale of feelings and emotions, from highest (joy) vibration to lowest (powerlessness).  The order from highest to lowest are:






    1. Joy / Knowledge / Empowerment / Freedom / Love / Appreciation
    2.  Passion
    3.  Enthusiasm
    4. Positive Expectation / Belief
    5. Optimism
    6. Hopefulness
    7. Contentment
    8. Boredom
    9. Pessimism
    10. Frustration / Irritation / Impatience
    11. Overwhelment
    12. Disappointment
    13. Doubt
    14. Worry
    15. Blame
    16. Discouragement
    17. Anger
    18. Revenge
    19. Hatred / Rage
    20. Jealousy
    21. Insecurity / Guilt / Unworthiness
    22. Fear / Grief / Desperation / Despair / Powerlessness

    To use this high to lower list of emotions, is kind of like climbing a ladder.

    You start at the bottom(the emotions you’re currently identifying with) and make your way to the top, one step at a time.

    When you want to feel better, you can simply identify where you are on the list and instantly reach for better-feeling thoughts that lead to better-feeling emotions, the one above.

    Once you’re feeling stable in a new emotion, you’ve successfully moved up the scale.

    Then you continue to practice of reaching for a better-feeling thought and moving up the scale to a high-vibration emotion.

    Step 1:  Identify Your Current Emotion

    Look at the emotional list and identify which state of emotion you are currently in.

    You may feel multiple emotions at one, but choose the one you resonate with the most at that very moment.

    Step 2:  Acknowledge and forgive yourself

    Acknowledge how you are feeling and forgive yourself for feel that way.  You can even use the Ho’oponopono technique for yourself which is very powerful.

    Don’t beat yourself up for feel that negative emotion; instead, give thanks that you are able to recognize that you were in a negative mindset, and you have the opportunity to reach for a better feeling.

    Step 3:  Slowly move upwards

    Refer back to the emotional list and look at emotions above your current state.

    Don’t try to immediately jump to an emotion that’s too high on the list; the key here is to move slowly.

    Every shift you make pulls you closer and closer to that upward spiral.

    1. Say to self or out loud “Thank you, Universe, for showing me I’m out of alignment with my power.  I choose to see peace instead of this.  I will step back and let you lead the way.”
    2. Approach the situation using the next better-feeling emotion.
    3. Reflect to see if this is a learning assignment presented to you from the universe.
    4. Distract yourself and go do something that feels good and brings you joy.

    Celebrate Every Small Win.

    Be proud of yourself every time you successfully move up the list.
    By showing high-vibe emotions like enthusiasm and optimism for your practice, you will be able to move up to more positive emotions more quickly.

    The upward spiral of emotions is kind of like a vacuum, as you build momentum towards it, it become easier and easier to reach the top.

    Soon, it will become natural for you to reach for better-feeling emotions and vibrate upwards towards joy.

    Videos to show you how to use this technique:




    I have used this truly amazing product, Pain Relief Now,  for approx 3 years now in my massage business.   Clients that are experiencing back pain, muscle aches, spasms, joint pain, soreness and arthritis have benefitted from this product..  It has powerful essential oils that are first class penetrating agents that really deliver.  Some of the ingredients are:  menthol, camphor, clove buds, peppermint, rosemary, eucalyptus and cedarwood oil.  This product comes in 3 sizes, 250 ml spray / $35.99, 120 ml spray / 20.99 and 30 ml roll on / 14.99.  I have brought in a small selection of each size due to clients interest in this product.   If there is enough interest, I will have it on hand permanent or bring it in as per clients request.  Contact me either by website or phone if you have any questions or would like to purchase this amazing product.


    Celebrating Mother’s Day $10 OFF ANY SERVICE – May 1st- 15th Special

    Touch the Body, Heal the Mind, and Calm the Spirit!

    1. Print coupon off above or have a picture on cell phone
    2.  Present coupon when you come in for next appoint May 1st through 15th.
    3.  Receive $10 off any service you are receive that day.
    4.  Relax and enjoy time for time.

    Emotional Quotes to Move You

    We try to hide our feelings, but we forget that our eyes speak!

    Feel the feeling, but don’t become the emotion.  Witness it.  Allow it.  Release it.

    People who hide their feelings usually care the most.

    The more I care, the more it hurts.

    Our feelings are our most genuine paths of knowledge.

    Feelings change; memories don’t!

    Peace begins with a smile.  – Mother Theresa –

    This to shall pass.  It might like a kidney stone, but it will pass.

    Music is the shorthand of emotions.  – Leo Tolstoy-

    Don’t allow your emotions to overpower your intelligence.

    “The best thing about being me, I’m a limited edition, there are no other copies.”

    “You never understand it until you experience it.”

    You’ll just never know….. so many emotions I choose not to show.


    If you would like to book some TIME FOR SELF
    403-358-2362 OR
    contact me at