What Will 2021 Bring to You After 2020 a year of Chaos

People assign a special kind of importance to each new year, putting off decisions and resolutions until that very day. Obviously, the 1st of January won’t be very different from say, the 28th of December or the 4th of February.

People are desperately waiting for 2020 to be over. Full of blown up plans, broken dreams, disappointment, unmet expectations, physical, social and emotional distance and loneliness.

The bad news is, turning the calendar to 2021 won’t magically end the Covid-19 and it will disappear. The restrictions won’t go away overnight.

But the good news is that just because your external circumstances suck, it doesn’t mean your whole life has to.

The biggest problem with 2020 — beyond the obvious effects of the pandemic — has been that it caught us off guard and threw us into a whirlpool of uncertainty.   2021 can be different — maybe not in the way that our life goes back to how it used to be — because we have already experienced 2020 with all its surprises and shocking news.

But asking ourselves, how can I build a better year on the ashes of a clearly difficult one? How can you start anticipating a better future when our experiences have just shown us how fragile the normalcy can be?

Let go of the expectations and start to plan without them.

Start to build small habits

Great changes consist of tiny, imperceptible changes in behaviour that stack up and define a different life for you over time. Think about losing weight, exercising, focusing on what’s important doesn’t magically manifest overnight. It requires small daily steps to build up. It requires a little change that will add up to miles of hard work.

Healthy eating, too, consists of tiny habits and conscious choices day after day — in order that it can be sustainable, you need to train your body and mind slowly to get used to them.

Don’t be afraid of change

Uncertainty is a monster under the bed we all loathe and fear. It stops us from living the life we imagined, it wrecks our plans, it forces us into a downward spiral of anxiety. It also stops from changing our lives for the better — because it pulls the rug under us and while free falling the last thing we want is a major change.

But change is not a bad thing. In fairness, it is an integral part of our lives.

Change needs courage — a lot of it. And this 2020 took away our courage and intimidated us in a way we might have never seen before in our life. But change is not linked to what happens on the outside, change is an inside job mainly. Sometimes we need visible changes in our life to show that something happened: a change of scenery, a new place to live, anew relationship, a new hair colour. But in a lot of other cases change is nothing but leaving one part of us behind to give ourselves space to grow and leave our shell that doesn’t fit us anymore.

Don’t fear change.   Look forward to it and shape your next year around the kind of change you want instead of being thrown around by the changes around you. If you focus on your internal change you won’t be that much rattled by the external factors.

Take note of the lessons you learnt and use them

Looking back on a year might have never been this conflicting. 2020 was really pushing our boundaries and we tend to say that we did nothing but putting on weight and surviving.

And more importantly, we had countless lessons that we had to learn.

Take note of your accomplishments — no matter how small, and recognise all the lessons you learnt. Maybe you mastered keeping together the family, homeschooling the kids and kept everybody safe and sane. Maybe you exceed at work, despite the crippling anxiety that suggested you crawl back into bed every day. Maybe you stepped out of your comfort zone and helped others in ways you never believed you would. Success comes in many shapes and forms — and just because yours is unique it doesn’t make it non-existent.

List the lessons you learnt about yourself, your relationship, your kids, your job, your health, your mental health, your family. This year has been full of lessons and it would be a waste of experience to just let them slip away when the year is over.

Notice what you learnt and think about how you can use it in other areas of life. Maybe you realized:

  • that you don’t have as many friends that you believed — cherish the ones who really matter and commit to keeping a better, deeper relationship with them.

  • that your job can be done in a lot less time if you don’t have a choice to waste time with water cooler chats and socialising — it might give you the push you need to save time for the passion you have been postponing forever.

  • that your relationship needs a lot more work than you had thought — then decide to spend more time with your spouse in a meaningful way.

Nothing we have ever experienced and learnt should go to waste and just because it was difficult circumstances bringing them along, they shouldn’t be neglected or hated.

Make 2021 a year when things happen as you plan them. Focus on things that you have control over and let go of all the expectations, so that life could surprise you with the success you are working for.



Lots of new regulations happening under the health care umbrella.   Presently individuals can still receive massages if they contact the following professionals to receive a letter stating massage would be beneficial for them.

As of December 28, 2020, presently individuals can still receive massages if they contact the following professionals to receive a letter stating massage would be beneficial for them. They are medical doctors, physiotherapists, chiropractors, psychologists, dentists,s, and acupuncturists. I will have one,  make a copy, put it in your file, and will be good for 1 year.  All other services other than the phone, Skype sessions will hopefully be available by mid-Jan. as per Alberta Gov’t.  I’ll make a copy, put in your file and will be good for 1 year.

Also,  more and more regulations regarding moving to a standard 2200 RMT standing are being slowly rolled out and flip by some Insurance companies.  I do not have 2200 hours and in like some professionals that changed to a  regulated body,  under a board grandfathers group,  massage therapy won’t be one of them.  The only answer is to return to school and upgrade.  I have decided not to and this has been fully implemented, I will adjust my price, knowing there are many individuals that don’t have benefits but still would like to receive massage and save some money.   I get informed mostly by my clients when this happens after they have been my loyal clients since 2007.  They make claim after a massage and now I am not recognized as RMT.  As of today, I know that Sunlife, Co-operators, and possibly Manulife are operating under this new benefit update.  If there are any others please notify me if there are any more so I can update my clients.

Also, I am registered under reflexology and have been told that if you have extended health care, you can provide your human resources a letter stating you would like to have reflexology as an option.   I do have letters that you can fill out if you are interested in.

In closing,  2021 will be a year of opportunity for growth for all.  Until Zen……. be well.       Heather Young



January’s Special  Polarity Therapy  $70

( Doors open hopefully by Mid Jan by Province)

Touch the Body, Heal the Mind, and Calm the Spirit!
Polarity Therapy uses Ayurvedic and Chinese healing techniques to stimulate energy flow, remove blockages, and allows natural energy pathways to flow again.  It is an energy-based body works modality to promote the flow of the energetic field in the human body.  Polarity Therapy is a simple and effective method used to bring deep healing relaxation.  This technique is used to treat the whole body.
…...(Read More)



If you would like to book some TIME FOR SELF
403-358-2362 OR
contact me at


Relaxing into Change Quotes

Change ….. It can be risky.  It can be difficult.  It can also be beautiful… and it will always show you more of yourself.
The hardest part of change is going through the unknown – Robert Kiyosaki –

Never be afraid of change.  You may lose something good, but you may gain something even better.

If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.

Consider how hard it is to change yourself and you’ll understand what little chance you have in trying to change others.  – Unknown –

If nothing ever changes, there’d be no butterflies.  – Unknown –

Sometimes change is what we need.  – Unknown –

“Sometimes it’s not the people who change, it’s the mask that falls off”  – Unknown –

Change your attitude and it will change your life.  – Unknown –

“Maybe sometimes people did not actually change.  Maybe you just never knew who they really were.”

If it doesn’t challenge you, it won’t change you.

“Your life does not get better by chance, it gets better by change – Jim Rohn –

People change for two reasons:  Either they learned a lot or they’ve been hurt too much.

To improve is to change; to be perfect is to change often  – Winton Churchill –