Author: admin

  • Time For Self February 2023

    Time For Self February 2023

    “Love Is The Beauty Of The Soul”


    Valentine’s Day is coming up soon. It’s a day that we honor and recognize the important people in our lives; the people we love. We purchase something special for a loved one or go out of our way to do something that demonstrates our affection. We give flowers, chocolate, greeting cards to those we adore to let them know just how much we care. And we truly enjoy showing our affection to the special people in our lives.

    It’s a well-documented fact that being in love is good for us. But what about loving ourselves?

    Louise Hay said, “I found that there is only one thing that heals every problem, and that is: to know how to love yourself.”   When people start to love themselves more each day, it’s amazing how their lives get better. They feel better. They get the jobs they want. They have the money they need. Their relationships either improve, or the negative ones dissolve and new ones begin’.

    Because loving ourselves is essential for our overall well-being, happiness and success, it seems obvious that we should focus our energy and intention on falling in love with ourselves. It sounds simple, but I find it difficult to love ourselves.

    Louise Hay defines love as ‘deep appreciation’. With that definition in mind, how do we nurture this deep appreciation for ourselves?

    Certainly, we need to accept ourselves as who we are with all our flaws, weaknesses and failures. But here’s where the demons step in and take over. For its one thing to say we love ourselves, but believing it, acting on it, and demonstrating that deep appreciation for ourselves is in reality much easier said than done.

    Just as any good relationship requires attention and needs to be nurtured over time, so does the relationship you have with yourself.

    Here’s how you can learn to love yourself and nurture a deep appreciation for who you are:

    Do something nice for yourself on a regular basis. Buy yourself flowers, book a massage or facial, go to the theatre, or take a vacation. Show yourself how much you appreciate who you are.

    Be your own best friend. Talk to yourself the way you’d talk to your best friend.  Think about how supportive and empathetic we are with our best friends. Have those encouraging and loving conversations with yourself.

    Forgive yourself for your mistakes. You would do that for your best friend. Continually beating yourself up for what you did in the past is not productive. Show compassion and forgiveness.

    Understand that failures, mistakes, and set-backs offer valuable lessons. Look for the opportunities to grow professionally and personally from your past and be mindful going forward of how to use these lessons.

    Valentine’s Day shouldn’t be the only day on the calendar that we show our deep appreciation for others and ourselves. Make loving yourself a daily habit for your continued well-being, happiness, and success.


     Loving Oneself Quotes

    “How you love yourself is how you teach others to love you.”
    – Rupi Kaur-

    Love yourself first because that’s who you’ll be spending the rest of your life with.

    If you have the ability to love, love yourself first.
    – Charles Bukowski –

    Your are imperfect, permanently and inevitably flawed.  and you are beautiful.  – Amy Bloom –

    “Loving yourself isn’t vanity, it’s sanity”

    Love yourself as much as you want to be loved.

    “Love yourself and dream bigger.”

    “I’m learning to love myself.  It’s the hardest thing I’ve ever done.”

    To fall in love with yourself is the first secret to happiness.
    -Robert Morely-

    You don’t need to be perfect to be good.

    Beauty begins the moment you decide to be yourself.
    -Coco Chanel –

    Talk to yourself like you would to someone you love.
    -Brene Brown –

    “Your relationship with yourself sets the tone for every other relationship you have.”
    – Robert Holden –

    To love oneself is the beginning of a life-long romance.
    – Oscar Wilde-


    February’s  Special

    Access Bars  $80

    This is a powerful technique that calms the mind by gently pressing 32 points on your head. It promotes peace-of-mind by way of reduction of anxiety, stress, and depression, resulting in clearer thoughts and an overall feeling of balance and wellbeing.

    The 32 points are actual “energy” that runs through and around your head connecting to different aspects of your life. These points are called “bars.” Each bar stores the electromagnetic component of all your thoughts, ideas, attitudes, decisions, and beliefs — they literally access your entire consciousness.

    Touch the Body, Heal the Mind, and Calm the Spirit!

    If you would like to book some

    403-358-2362 OR
    contact me at

  • Time For Self January 2023

    Time For Self January 2023

    What Does 2023 Offer Humanity

    I have always loved numerology and astrology and different ways of receiving more information that has been around for thousand of years.  When people talk about stars aligning or history repeating itself, it is fascinating to me.  I get excited at the beginning of each year and looked to numerology, year 7  and Chinese year of the animal symbol for signs.   This year is of the water rabbit for 2023.

    When you take 2023 and add each number eg 2 + 0 + 2 + 3 = 7, the universal 7 year.  Number 7 is being about truth, seeking the truth and embodying the truth. It is the number of looking for the hidden meaning in things and usually has a spiritual undertone. It is also about the big picture and how things fit together. The 7 is searching for the underlying meaning of things. 7 is philosophical. 7 is about the why? 7 is about the mystical and magical powers in the universe and collecting all the scientific information and combining it with the spiritual truth.

    The year 2023 could carry with it an aura of discovery, intuition, and compassion as we search for new ways to understand ourselves and the world around us.

    The number 7 is the “emotional healer” that is sweet, gentle and caring energy.

    When we look at the Water Rabbit on Chinese calendars, it gives another twist or way of looking at what 2023 holds for humanity.  You can even look deeper as far as the year you were born.  When we look at the general reading of 2023 for the Water Rabbit, we receive information that might present itself this year.  The Yin Water element represents sensitivity, intuition, and, in its most positive form, the way of inner peace. The 2023 promises a period of rest and reflection after the dynamic 2022,  Year of the Tiger.

    The rabbit is a symbol of good luck. In Chinese philosophy, rabbits are also considered to be emblematic of patience. So, as long as you can bide your time until the moment is right to act in 2023, you should experience some lucky breaks!

    “The water element will enhance our psychic ability, diplomacy and negotiation skills. Expect major shifts in politics, as a new wave of leaders step up. The answer to war isn’t peace. It’s creativity.”

    The phrase that I use often is “the only thing consistent in life is change.” Change is hard for most of us, but when turbulence happens like a storm, one looks forward to change.

    Wishing 2023 gifts each one of you prosperity, health and happiness.

    Gifts From The Universe Quotes

    Everything is a gift of the universe – even joy, anger, jealousy, frustration, or separateness.  Everything is perfect for our growth or our enjoyment.  – Ken Keyes Jr.-

    You are the greatest gift the Universe could have ever asked for.

    Once you make a decision, the universe conspires to make it happen.  -Ralph Waldo Emerson –

    Every year you make a resolution to change yourself.  This year, make a resolution to be yourself.
    – Unknown –

    Everything you can imagine is real.

    The way to become one with the universe is to trust it.

    Every new day is a gift and we should always welcome it with a smile.

    “To the mind that is still, the whole universe surrenders.”
    – Lao Tzu –

    I opened two gifts this morning.  They were my eyes.

    There are far better things ahead than any we leave behind.  – C.S. Lewis –

    “Change begins at the end of your comfort zone.”
    – Roy T. Bennett –

    “Open your arms to change, but don’t let go of your values.”
    – Dalai Lama –

    January’s  Special

    Polarity Therapy



    Touch the Body, Heal the Mind, and Calm the Spirit!

    If you would like to book some

    403-358-2362 OR
    contact me at


  • Time For Self December 2022

    Time For Self December 2022

    Connecting And Sharing Your Greatness

    Using One Smile At A Time


    As the end of the 2022 approaches, let’s try to find more positive energy for restoration and peace. Pick a day, any day, and then spend your chosen day looking for the good in everyone you encounter, as if watching a sunrise over the ocean for the first time—no nitpicking. Smile, even if just in your mind. Sometimes we can feel the energy of our smile permeating the space between us. If you can feel this, let the positive energy resonate in you. Then do the same with other things in your environment. Smile as you pass through places, listen to good music or enjoy nature. At the end of the day, notice how good you feel and how much better your energy is rather than if you’d gotten into a clash with a co-worker or a total stranger ringing up your purchases at a department store.
    Many see smiling simply as an involuntary response to things that bring you joy or inspire laughter. While this is certainly true, it overlooks an important point: Smiling can be a conscious, intentional choice.
    What does psychology have to say about smiling? Whether your smile is genuine or not, it can act on your body and mind in a variety of positive ways.  It offers benefits for your health, your mood, and even the moods of people around you.

    1.  Smiling helps you live longer
    Happy people seem to enjoy better health and longevity, but more research is needed to understand why. Research indicates that happiness could increase lifespan by years—suggesting maintaining a happy, positive mood may be an important part of a healthy lifestyle.

    2.  Smiling relieves stress
    A simple smile can trigger the release of neuropeptides that improve your neural communication. It also causes the release of neurotransmitters such as dopamine and serotonin, which can boost your mood. Think of smiling as a natural antidepressant.

    3.  Smiling is contagious
    How many times have you heard that a smile has the power to light up the room? While it is certainly a beautiful sentiment, it carries a hint of truth.

    4. Smiling boosts you immune
    Smiling can also boost your overall health by helping your immune system to function more effectively. It is thought that when you smile, immune function improves because you are more relaxed (thanks to the release of certain neurotransmitters).8
    Whether you’re trying to maintain your overall health or strengthen your immune system ahead of cold and flu season, smiling may help. Warding off illness and staying healthier can also play a role in helping you feel less stressed.

    5.  Smiling may lower blood pressure
    Smiling could have a beneficial impact on your blood pressure. Laughter specifically seems to lower blood pressure, after causing an initial increase in heart rate and breathing.9
    If you have a blood pressure monitor at home, you can try testing this idea for yourself. Sit for a few minutes and take a reading. Then smile for a minute and take another reading while still smiling. Do you notice a difference?

    6  Smiling reduces pain
    Studies have shown that smiling releases endorphins, other natural painkillers, and serotonin.

    Together, these brain chemicals make us feel good from head to toe. Not only do they elevate your mood, but they also relax your body and reduce physical pain. Smiling is a natural drug.

    7.  Smiling makes you attractive
    Not only can smiling make you more attractive, but it can also make you look more youthful. The muscles we use to smile also lift the face, making a person appear younger. So instead of opting for a facelift, just try smiling your way through the day—you’ll look younger and feel better.

    8.  Smiling suggests success
    Research has shown that people who smile regularly appear more confident are more likely to be promoted, and are more likely to be approached.7 Try putting on a smile at meetings and business appointments. You might find that people react to you differently.

    9.  Smiling helps you stay positive
    Try this test: Smile. Now try to think of something negative without losing the smile. It’s hard, isn’t it?
    Smiling can influence your feelings of positivity, even if it feels unnatural or forced. Regardless of whether or not your smile is genuine, it still sends the message that “Life is good!” to your brain and, ultimately, the rest of your body.

    Can you imagine how you would feel if you did this 3,5, or 7 days per week.   Oh yes and extending it week after week, month after month, your true authentic self  will show up for you each and everyday.  The wow factor will now be turned on!!!

    Power In A Smile Quotes

    A simple smile.  That’s the start of opening your heart and being compassionate to other.  Dalai Lama –

    “A smile is a curve that sets everything straight.”
    – Phyllis Diller_

    Never under estimate the power of a your smile

    You’ll find that life is still worthwhile if you just smile.
    – Charlie Chaplin –

    “A smile is happiness you’ll find right under your nose.”
    – Tom Wilson –

    Everyone smiles in the same language.
    – George Carlin –

    :All the statistics in the world can’t measure the warmth of a smile.  – Chris Hart –

    “Just one smile immensely increases the beauty of the universe.”

    Smiling is one of our greatest defense mechanisms.
    – Asa Don Brown –


    December’s  Special

    T’is the Season for Gift Certs

    For Yourself or someone you Love

    “A heart to heart gift”


    • Purchase Gift Cert for $100 to $149 you will receive another $25 Gift Cert

    • Purchase Gift Cert for $150 and up receive another $50 Gift Cert

    Touch the Body, Heal the Mind, and Calm the Spirit!

    If you would like to book some

    403-358-2362 OR
    contact me at

  • Time For Self November 2022

    Remembering Who You Are


    As spiritual beings having human experiences, we are on an important mission to learn and grow here on earth. 


    Your mission if you decide to accept it is to get your PHD in such areas of kindness, understanding, being of service, compassion etc.

    Most of us are familiar with the idea that we are not human beings having spiritual experiences; instead, we are spiritual beings having human experiences. We hear this and even though we may experience a resounding yes in our bodies, we may not take the time to really acknowledge the truth of these statements. Integrating this idea into how we view ourselves can broaden our sense of who we are and help us appreciate ourselves as brave spirits on an important mission to learn and grow here on earth especially during these chaotic times.

    Around 300 million sperm are typically released during sex, but only about 200 sperm will reach the egg. This is still a pretty big number since we only need one sperm to fertilize an egg in which spiritual enters in this union. Not only do these sperm have to swim a great length to reach your egg, but there are also a number of “booby traps,” you so brilliantly maneuvered through.  Oh so many a battles to survive and win the experience of spiritual being having a human experience.   Congratulations!!!!!!!

    As spiritual beings, we are visitors in this physical realm. The fact that we came here and lost all memory of what happened to us before we were born is one of the many reasons that it takes so much courage for a soul to incarnate on earth. This is why spiritual inquiry so often feels like a remembering — because it is. Remembering that we are spiritual beings is part of the work that we are here on earth to do. When we operate from a place of remembering, we tap into the wisdom that our spirit accumulated even before we stepped into this lifetime. Remembering who we are can give us opportunity to get an earth degree in patience to persevere when we become overwhelmed or frustrated. It can give us the courage to work through the most daunting challenges and help us trust the ancient wisdom we carry that is offered to us by our intuition.

    We have chosen to be on earth because there is something we want to learn that can only happen by inhabiting a body. Some of us are here to repay a debt, learn about love, or teach forgiveness. The essence of being of service is a deep desire right to our very soul.  Most of us are here for a combination of reasons, we carry this information in our souls, and all we have to do is remember. As you go through your journey, try not to forget how brave you are, being here now. Honor yourself!

    Spiritual Being Quotes

    “When you realize there is no lacking, the whole world belongs to you.”  – Lao Tzu –

    “just as a candle cannot burn without fire, Humans cannot live without spirit”

    There is no other spiritual teacher than your own soul.  – Swami Vivekananda –

    Follow your intuition it will always take you to the right destination  – Fearless Soul –

    Go deep within, the innermost being of your soul, where a mere branch becomes a fragment of the self.

    There is no other spiritual teach than your own soul.
    – Swami Vivekananda –

    “Don’t think spirituality means having a nice, quiet life – it means being on fire.  Sadhgahan

    You don’t have a soul.  You are a soul.  You have a body.
    – C.S. Lewis –

    You are a great, mighty and powerful spiritual being with dignity, direction and purpose.  – Dannion Brinkley –

    “What is a friend?  A single soul dwelling in two bodies.”
    –  Aristotle –

    Re-examine all you have been told.  Dismiss that which insults your soul.

    November’s  Special

    Massage and Detox Foot Bath

    Combo  $100

    Touch the Body, Heal the Mind, and Calm the Spirit!

    If you would like to book some

    403-358-2362 OR
    contact me at

  • Time for Self October 2022

    Mindful Practices for Autumn

    Every autumn, nature puts on a brilliant show of colors. Definitely fall brings different memories and feelings.

    What is fall for you?

    Is it a time for reflection and going within?

    Or maybe the colors make you so vibrant and open-hearted that you want to spend most of your time outside and share your joy?

    As the season alters your mood, being present is a little ‘Autumn Gift’ you can give to yourself to help experience inner peace and a feeling of being centered and connected.

    Here are some Mindfulness Practices for Autumn:

    1. Walk slowly. Take breaks throughout the day, even for few minutes and walk slowly while looking at the trees. Pay attention to the colors, allow yourself to stop and enjoy the change of season. Stand in your backyard for 5 minutes, mindfully looking around.
    2. Drink your tea slowly. As the weather changes and it is less warm outside, treat yourself with some new teas, different flavors, different types and drink at least one cup of tea every day, Drink mindfully, noticing how the cup feels in your hand and paying attention to how it makes you feel, without doing anything else at the same time. Spend time with just you and the tea.
    1. Get centered by raking your leaves. Raking the leaves doesn’t have to be a forced job on your to-do-list. See it as an opportunity to use a repetitive motion, with a consistent sound supported by the beauty of the colors, as an act of centering. Be in the moment and allow your head to be clear of worries and concerns and to simply rake the leaves. It will relax you automatically.
    2. Start each day with your daily autumn intention: Today, I let go of.. and I welcome it!!! Remind yourself that the change of season is a letting go of the old and an invitation for the new to unfold. Every day, set the intention to let go of something small and invite something new into your life.  Here are some examples.  Please take it and make it your own:

    I let go of hurrying and I welcome slowing down

    I let go of being stuck and I welcome growth

    I let go of old clothes and I welcome new ones

    Mindful Autumn Quotes

    A journey into autumn’s deep, puts all your worries fast asleep.  -Angie Weiland-Crosby –

    Autumn dresses up in gold, the riches season of the soul

    Be mindful.  You are a work in progress.

    “The leaves are all falling, and they’re falling like they’re falling in love with the ground.”  – Andrea Gibson –

    “Notice that autumn is more the season of the soul than of nature.”  – Friedrich Nietzsche –

    “If a year was tucked inside of a clock, then autumn would be the magic hour.  – Victoria Erickson –

    I cozy up to autumn’s trees.  Fall asleep to the lullaby of windblown leaves.  – Angie Weiland-Crosby –

    Autumn embraces change, even as she is falling to pieces.  _–Angie Weiland-Crosby –

    Fall rouses the spirit of change to color your soul brave again.
    – Angie Weiland-Crosby –

    Autumn is serenity, and old soul’s passage to deep dreams.  – -Angie Weiland-Crosby –


    October’s  Special

    Raindrop Massage $75

    Touch the Body, Heal the Mind, and Calm the Spirit!

    If you would like to book some

    403-358-2362 OR
    contact me at


  • Time For Self September 2022

    Embracing Feelings of Autumn

    “I come alive in the fall time.”

    Doesn’t autumn feel nostalgic? There is something about the crisp autumn air that makes the days a little more magical. What is not often talked about though are the melancholy feelings of autumn. There is often this underlying feeling of sadness,  that is difficult to put your finger on,  like a longing for the summer months. There is an unsettled energy and a sense of urgency to get everything done before winter. The process is easier if you can embrace the full range of emotions that you’re feeling this during season.

    Think about what happens during this season in  nature.  It’s a season of shedding leaves, preparation for winter, shortened days and early darkness.  Just as the seasons go through their natural progression, we to tend to follow the cyclical seasons of nature.

    By shedding what no longer serves you, you can use this season as a time of reflection.  This can be the perfect time to evaluate what is working and what is not working in your life right now.  Re-prioritize what is important to you.  What are the things in your life that no longer serve you?  Who are the people in your life who many no longer be supportive  or additive in your life?  What tasks are becoming more of a burden for you right now?  Where in your life does it feel too cluttered?  Are there any old beliefs that your would like to get rid of once and for all?  Work on simplifying  and releasing instead of piling on more and tolerating what you no longer want.

    Consider autumn is a time to work on slowing down. You might be feeling less energetic and motivated. Get back on a schedule and follow a routine that works for you. Our bodies crave the repetitive and familiar. Make sure you’re getting extra sleep. The summer months probably kept you up late, this season, try to get the 7-8 hours of sleep each night.

    Above all focus on feelings of gratitude, despite the often drastic changes eg weather.

    Work on ways to feel more grounded

    In contrast to summer’s more flighty energy, fall grounds us and brings us back to our roots. If you feel like you’re having a difficult time grounding and reconnecting to yourself and others, try to incorporate more grounding activities and awesome grounding foods.

    Ways to practice self-care and ground this fall:

    • Take a walk in nature
    • Clean out your closets and drawers
    • Take time to journal and reflect
    • Practice meditation or relaxation exercises
    • Light candles
    • Try a new recipe
    • Start a gratitude journal
    • Take an Epsom salt bath
    • Look through photos from the summer
    • Reflect on how far you have come

    Enjoy Eating

    • Root veggies (carrots, parsnips, beets, sweet potatoes and white potatoes)
    • Squash (Acorn, spaghetti squash, pumpkin, butternut)
    • Warm soups and stews
    • Hearty grains (oatmeal, buckwheat, barley, quinoa)
    • Warming coffee and tea


     Falling In Love With Autumn Quotes

    Autumn shows us how beautiful it is to let things go.

    Every leaf speaks bliss to me, fluttering from the autumn tree.  – Emily Bronte –

    Fall is the time when nature dresses in its many beautiful colors.  – Laura Coffman –

    The heat of autumn is different from the heat of summer.  One ripens apples, the other turns them to cider”  – Jane Hirshfield-

    The sheet bliss of autumn is the delight of watching the leaves in their final dance.
    A fallen leaf is nothing more than a summer’s wave goodbye.

    And all at once, summer collapsed into fall – Oscar Wilde –

    How beautifully leaves grow old.  How full of light and color are their last days.  – John Burrows –

    September tries its best to have us forget summer.
    – Bernard Williams –

    Happy September!  May the crisp days ahead fill you with joy!


    September’s  Special

    Indian Head Massage  $40

    Touch the Body, Heal the Mind, and Calm the Spirit!

    If you would like to book some

    403-358-2362 OR
    contact me at


  • Time For Self August 2022

    Time For Self August 2022

    What Is My Truth ….. Authentic Self Made Visible


    To live in your truth simply means to live as your most authentic self, things that bring you happiness and joy each day.

    For many, to live in their truth, especially now is challenging and only a dream to recover your truth and stay true to your authenticity.

    Living My Truth

    When we follow to many of society norms we can quite easily lose some of ourselves, some of our true self.  All of your should have, could have, would have that have weighted us down, stops us from living fully.  So many expectations put on humans, that over time we follow “safe and comfortable” patterns.   Safe and comfortable but there is so much we are missing when staying in the comfort zone.

    If you feel there is something missing, then maybe living more in the safe and comfortable society norms.  It is very empower to take control of your life, your destiny and ultimately your happiness.

    Living in your truth becomes a reality the day you decide to take control of your life and in the end will bring your happiness and joy.

    There will be things that we have to do, even though we’d rather no do, but keep these things to a minimum it will help.  An 80/20 rule with most things in life will keep you balanced.

    If  you are living your truth….

    1. You’re content with your life.
    2. People will often tell you how well/happy/glowing you look.
    3. You don’t seek approval or validation from others
    4. You do more of what your soul craves and less of what doesn’t bring you joy
    5. You don’t rely on others to feel good about yourself
    6. You accept that life is imperfect

    Steps to live your truth and enjoy your authenticity…

    1. Identify things that light you up. Eg painting, dancing, helping others
    2. Ask yourself if money, time, excuses or the opinions of others weren’t an issue and were simply yourself, what would you be doing with your time?  Maybe journal and see what comes forward.
    3. Make small actionable steps of getting there no matter how long it will take.
    4. If you have a family etc are definitely more challenging.    Just start doing more things for yourself and notice possible changes in your attitude and behavior.
    5. Start making time for yourself, and aligning your behaviors and activities with your true authentic self.  Your soul will thank you for it!


     The Soul Made Visible Quotes

    Authenticity requires vulnerability, transparency and integrity.

    The authentic Self is the soul made visible. – Sarah Ban Breathnach

    Being your authentic self is the ultimate secret to happiness in life!

    Only the truth of who you are, if realized, will set you free.

    If you are your authentic self you have no competition

    The privilege of a lifetime is to become who you truly are.  – Carl Jung –

    Authenticity:  knowing who you are and being brave enough to live it!

    Be who you are…. Everybody is busy in becoming someone.

    Beauty begins the moment you decide to be yourself.  – Coco Chanel –

    When your are in alignment with your authentic self, nothing is impossible.  – Jiulio Consiglio –

    “Authenticity starts in the heart.”

    Find the courage to be authentic.  Not everyone will like you, but no one can if they don’t get a chance to know you.  – Lori Deschene-

    Authenticity is the daily practice of letting go of who we think we’re supposed to be and embracing who we are.  – Brene Brown –

    Find out who you are and do it on purpose.  – Dolly Parton –

    Never perfect.  Always genuine.

    Don’t let anyone define who you are!


    August Special

    Detox Foot Bath & Reflexology Combo  $95

    Touch the Body, Heal the Mind, and Calm the Spirit!

    If you would like to book some

    403-358-2362 OR
    contact me at


  • Time For Self July 2022

    Time For Self July 2022

     Everyday, once a day, give yourself a gift!!!

    Every day, once a day, give yourself a gift. Don’t plan it, don’t wait for it, just let it happen. It could be a new top, a catnap on the couch or on a comfy chair on the deck, or two cups of hot, Chai Tea.”

    I realize how valuable those little, unplanned presents are, and I tried to consciously make them a part of my everyday.

    The present I give myself changes every day, depending on how I feel. Some days it’s a cup of Chai on the deck and other days it’s a piece of cake.  Other times it’s staying home doing nothing all day to recharge and other days making time to connect with a soul friend. Taking a long walk, happy hour to end the day, listening to harp or flute music while prepare a delicious meal are all forms of gifting.  Make sure you always check in to see how you feel after.  By taking a break for myself is gifting me for being me.

    Each day when I gift myself something, I’ve trained myself to stop and become aware to check in with my spirit at the time,  I feel that happiness deep inside myself. Gifts help me take care of myself and are a source of reassurance — I deserve to make myself happy regardless of if I feel I deserve it at the moment


     Quotes on Gifting Yourself

    The greatest gift you can give yourself is self love.

    Have you told you lately that you love you?

    Because it makes me happy…. Next Question

    The greatest gift that you can give yourself is a little bit of your own attention.

    Don’t just be your biggest critic, also be your biggest champion.

    Give yourself a gift:  the present moment.

    “Search within yourself to discover your gifts that are mean to be shared with others.”

    Feel free to get hugely, ridiculously happy about the tiniest things.

    Love the person you’ve worked to become.

    “Today and every other day, I choose me.”

    Do something today that your future self will thank you for!

    Make yourself a priority.  At the end of the day, you’re your longest commitment.

    Every day may not be good, but there is something good in every day.

    Talk to yourself like you would to someone you love.  – Brene Brown –

    Be your own reason to smile.

    Just be, and enjoy being.  – Eckhart Tolle –

    The best thing you can do for yourself is to stop saying “I wish” and start saying “I will”.  And then do something about it.

    Do something good for yourself today.  You matter.  -Virginia Madsen –

                    July Special Combo

    Indian Head Massage

    & Detox Foot Bath


    Touch the Body, Heal the Mind, and Calm the Spirit!

    If you would like to book some

    403-358-2362 OR
    contact me at

  • Time For Self June 2022

    Time For Self June 2022

     5 Things I’m Revisiting About Acceptance

    I have been working through the gift of acceptance these last almost five months.  My fractured knee cap and all the rehab is like a full time job.  The reminders every min of the day the comparison of my two legs how they work differently and go from the past and forward to now but challenged to  fully swing to the future 1 to 2 years down the road.   The future is whereby having full range of motion, getting on my knees, going up and down stairs effortlessly, seems like light years away.  I do know other people that have had similar injuries, healed fully, but has been a few years not months where I am currently residing.  It’s really interesting how I am fixated on people’s knee caps now.  (tee hee)    Here are five things about acceptance I am working on:

    1. Acceptance does not mean liking, wanting, choosing, or supporting.

    I don’t have to like, want, or support whatever it is that I need to accept. But by struggling against the pain—by resisting and rejecting it—I create undue suffering. It doesn’t mean that I’ve chosen or endorse what I’m accepting. It doesn’t mean I like frustration, pain, limitations, or support an injustice that’s happened to me.
    Rather, me choosing to allow emotions, thoughts, feelings to be there when I can’t change it in that moment. Making space for it is the key. To give myself permission to be as I am, feel what I feel, or have experienced what I’ve experienced without creating unproductive sadness, stress or, frustration etc. The pain might still be there, but some of the suffering will be alleviated.

    2. Acceptance is an active process. It must be practiced.

    I’m working on seeing acceptance as a verb.  I love when I can catch myself practicing it consciously. It’s rare that we one day choose to accept our emotional or physical pain, our bodies let alone our difficult relationships, or our pasts, and never think about it again.
    It can require effort at times (or most of the time, at least initially). It can be frustrating at times. But, like creating a clearing in a grass field by walking the same path many times, every time I  practice acceptance toward my present situation or anything, I create and strengthen neural pathways  in my brain, facilitating ease in the future.

    I waver back and forth between feelings of acceptance and feelings of resistance. Making space for a range of experience, and notice my internal critic getting quieter.

    3. Acceptance doesn’t mean that I can’t work on changing things.

    I use to think acceptance is a sign of apathy, passivity, giving up, relinquishing actions, but by working on acceptance differently, I am getting stronger at staying focused.   Practicing acceptance does not necessarily mean I won’t be able to make a change. I can accept knee cap and still change it, accept my emotions and acknowledge their impermanence, and accept my behavior one day when I might change it tomorrow.

    4. Acceptance doesn’t mean I am accepting it’s going to be that way forever.

    One, two, three etc. years later, my knee cap stays the same or possibly changes. Sometimes acceptance doesn’t always mean whatever I’m accepting will be that way forever.
    Focusing my acceptance on the present, alongside an open and realistic gaze at the future is my desire. Focusing too much on the present can be counterproductive, as a large part of acceptance involves letting go of the desire that things will change—detaching from hope that, in some cases, creates suffering.
    Lately, I try to find that sweet spot where I am accepting the current moment but not under the pretense that things will change in the future.

    5. Practice acceptance toward experience, appearance, emotions, ideas, and more.

    Expanding into other areas of my life whereby acceptance can be practiced in all areas of my life: I can exercise it toward my current experience or reality, others’ beliefs or ideas, my appearance, my emotions, my health, my past, my thoughts, or other individuals.
    I recognize that I can’t change the current nature of this exact moment, and accepting manages anxiety and helps calm.

    Think about how acceptance has benefited your life in the past, and how you can practice it more in the present.


                                          June Special

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     Quotes on True Inner-standing of Acceptance

    Understanding is the first step to acceptance, and only with acceptance can there be recovery.  – J. K Rowling –
    …..self-acceptance is truly a heroic act.  -Nathaniel Branden –

    Acceptance is the the road to all change   – Bryant McGill –

    You can’t stop the waves, but you can learn to surf.  – Joseph Goldstein –

    Nothing is impossible to a willing heart.  – John Heywood –

    If you can’t accept losing, you can’t win.

    The first step toward change is awareness.  The second step is acceptance.  – Nathaniel Branden –

    Don’t try to understand everything, because sometimes it is not mean to be understood, but to be accepted.

    Acceptance is the currency of love.  – Teal Swan –

    “Acceptance and tolerance and forgiveness, those are life-altering lessons.”  – Jessica Lange –

    Radical acceptance is the willingness to experience ourselves and our lives as it is.  – Tara Brach –

    “The most terrifying thing is to accept oneself completely.”  – Carl Jung-

    Acceptance is the act of opening up to painful feelings and sensations that we might otherewise want to avoid or fight.  – Giulia Suro –

    Most people need love and acceptance a lot more than they need advice.  – Bob Goff –

    We cannot change anything unless we accept it. – Carl Jung –



  • Time for Self May 2022

     The Magnificence of Springtime


    In the springtime, the Earth is waking up from her dream and everything bursts forward to grow. Think about the flowers and trees, how they awaken and come back to life in the spring. Just as rains fertilize Mother Earth, water also fertilizes the hearts of humans causing the flower of the heart, to open, so we can become wiser and more beautiful. Our heart is dormant during the winter like everything in nature – resting. This is a good thing. It is being charged up to awaken and arise in the spring; as the earth is waking up, we too, wake up.

    Spring brings back the power of light and the relationship of the sun to the earth, is what helps define the seasons. Light has the effect of awakening both the Earth and people. The sun gives light to the earth and activates chemicals that promote love. Love is the power of springtime, and as Mother Earth wakes up, she exudes that love and love is then reborn in the spring.

    Springtime affects your spirit; you are affected by Nature and the evolutionary processes that occur. Every spring you have a chance to be regenerated again, reborn from the stillness and quietness of winter. You have a chance to open up, just like everything around us. You can be reborn right here, on this Earth, by opening your heart to the process of regeneration.  Feelings of aliveness that comes into your own personal spirit, which is rooted in the spirit of nature.

    We become part of the process of re-creation occurring during the springtime. We wake up, become more alert, our hearts are more open. It is a time of new beginnings; everything is fresh, clean and striving to grow upward toward the sun. In spring we transition from an introverted state to a state of physical and spiritual blossoming.

    The light transforms us. It is a time of fertilizing, watering our spirits, and unfolding the pedals of our hearts. Honor the return of the light. Bring the light into your heart, your being. Look at the light in nature; become attuned to your environment. By taking in the light we can achieve greater balance and harmony.

    Walking on the earth is a good way to awaken your connection to the natural world. Feel Mother Earth waking up. Tune into nature and feel yourself becoming aware and alert during this season. Be aware of what’s happening around you and realize that same transition within yourself.

    Approach spring as though it is the first time you ever experienced it – the first time you ever saw a flower, a tree growing, a bird flying. Open your heart to love, to beauty, to clarity. Leave the old behind and be reborn during the season of spring.  Each spring your spirit will burst out of the darkness of winter. Make your spirit bright like the colors of Nature. Feel the world through your heart. This is a time to leave behind old patterns, old ways of doing things, and embrace the power and beauty of new life.

    UPDATE:  I am looking at opening up my business after a 4 month recovery period from fractured knee cap.  May 16th will be my grand opening date (Woo Hoo!!!)  I do have some very patient, awesome, loyal clients that have waited a long time.  Looking forward to seeing everyone again.  Thank you for your patience and understanding.  Until Zen ………

    Spring Quotes to Make Your Soul Bloom

    “If you look the right way, you can see that the whole world is a garden.”  – Frances Hodgson Burnett –

    “The first blooms of spring always make my heart sing.”  – S. Brown –

    ” A flower cannot blossom without sunshine, and humanity cannot live without love. ”

    Sometimes the heart sees what is invisible to the eye.

    “Spring adds new life and new beauty to all that is.”

    “Many eyes go through the meadow, but few see the flowers in it.”  – Ralph Waldo Emerson –

    When we smile from the heart, we release light through our eyes .  – Robert Beno –

    Outer beauty is what the eyes can see, inner beauty can only be seen through the heart.

    “Where flowers bloom, so does hope.”- Lady Bird Johnson –

    “Spring is nature’s way of saying, “Let’s party!”  – Robin Williams –

    “Spring will come and so will happiness.  hold on.  Life will get warmer.”  – Anita Krizzan –

    “A flower blossoms for its own joy.”  – Oscar Wilde –

    “The earth laughs in flowers.”  – Ralph Waldo Emerson –

    “Despite the forecast, live like it’s spring.”  – Lilly Pulitzer –

    “The world’s favorite season is the spring.  All things seem possible in May.  – Edwin Way Teale –

    ” An optimist is the human personification of spring.”  – Susan J. Bissonette – (read more)  

    May Special
    10% off on all my regular priced services 

    Touch the Body, Heal the Mind, and Calm the Spirit!

    If you would like to book some

    403-358-2362 OR
    contact me at