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Time For Self newsletter July 2019


A Great Place To Live From


I was just listening to Matt Kahn on You Tube about, “The will of my heart is to be Open”.  Wow, listening to that presentation is a reminder, confirmation and awareness of when it is, when it is not and how……

Time For Self Newsletter June 2019

If you feel there is little movement in your life or yourself,


If you feel there is little movement in your life or yourself, connect to flowers, blossoms on trees, etc. to receive confirmation, change is alive and well. ……

Time For Self Newsletter May 2019

Synchronicity In Numbers  and Their

In the last year, I have been paying attention of numbers showing up in my life.   The number of times per day that the11:11, 333, $4.44 etc shows up in a day has increased.  I was curious and……

Time For Self Newsletter March 2019

Ways To Spend Time Alone Will Change Your Life

by Jen Ganneman

Finally, the door closed and the noise stopped. I was in my bedroom, my own bedroom, with the lights turned perfectly low and no one else around.  But now, I had this: Time alone. The relief felt as real……

Time For Self Newsletter February 2019

What Would Happen If We Allowed
Our Heart To Talk To Our Brain

by Deborah Rozman


Sometimes if we are confused about an issue or decision, we are not connecting and listening to what the heart saying and then give equal time to the brain. ……

Time For Self Newsletter January, 2019

What is an Akashic Record Reading


An Akashic Records Reading consists of opening the records of the soul and asking that the information be given to an individual. This will give them valuable guidance in moving through the patterns prevalent in your past,current or future life…….

Time For Self Newsletter December, 2018

Inner Peace Ideas for Your Body & Soul This Holiday Season

by Elena Lipson (HuffPost-2017)

Are there things you love about the season?

Or are you dreading the stress and chaos of gatherings at your home, with your family or your co-workers?

Here are some spiritual Self-Care……

Time For Self Newsletter, November, 2018

How To Ease Your Body Into Fall
Have a Healing Drink


If the shifting seasons have already landed you a cold, make a soothing pot of ginger cinnamon tea.  Know to have genuine healing powers, cinnamon helps relieve headaches and can stabilize blood sugar, while ginger soothes……

Time For Self Newsletter September, 2018

Be Kind To Yourself

Living in the now by Gina Lake


Love is the underlying fabric of life, and kindness is its reflection in the world, through us.  Kindness can be conveyed in attentiveness to others, in words, or in deeds.  One of the most powerful acts……

Time For Self Newsletter August 2018

The Two Voices

Choose Wonder Over Worry by Amber Rae

Inside our minds there is a nasty little voice, a saboteur, a censor, and an eternal critic who creates a constant stream of scathing remarks that are usually disguised as The Truth.   I call this voice Worry.


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