Author: admin

  • Time For Self April 2021

    Time For Self April 2021



    Emotional health and resilience skills are very important right here right now.

    Over the past year which feels like 10 years, we humans need to refuel and heal and find hope in what is being force on humanity.

    Here are some  thoughts on where we are and and fuel to reignite you.

    1.  Our brains hate uncertainty.

    Uncertainty is the hardest thing for the human brain to handle.  The main job of the brain is to protect us from danger and uncertainty, so make doing that job really hard.    If we let it, our brain will cause us so much stress and make up many negative and dramatic stories about the future in its efforts to find some certainty with uncertainty.


    2.  Your mindset about a challenge determines how much you struggle.

    Challenges are external, but how much you struggle is determined by how you view a challenge and relationship with your thoughts and emotion.  Instead of thoughts of this challenge sucks, is unfair, look for ways you can support yourself and people you care about.

    3.  Self-care is not a luxury.  It’s your responsibility.

    Fueling your emotional, mental, and physical energy is self-care.  You can’t give what you don’t have.  Pandemics remind individuals how important self-care is and by treating self-care as part of work, not something separate from it.

    4.  Witnessing the pain of others is so much harder than our own.

    There is so much empathy and compassion in the human heart!   Much of the time our struggles are with watching people we love struggle, with hurt, loss and don’t know how to help them.

    5.  As human being, we want to do more than just survive through tough times.

    Research shows that the most resilient people search sense of purpose beyond just making it through, gives strength to keep going.  Helping others and to learn and grow in new and meaningful ways is focusing more on the thriving during times like now.

    6.  Gratitude is the best corrective lens for the negativity bias in our brains.

    There are many things that have been and continue to be wrong, negative, scary and frustrating and the negativity bias in our brains means that it’s really easily to over-focus on them.  Practicing gratitude is the most powerful, simple yet profound way to counter this tendency of the brain and not to lose touch with what’s OK, good, kind, beautiful even amidst the toughest challenges.   Start a gratitude practice on what brings joy.

    7.  Sharing your struggles is an act of kindness.

    When your open up about your struggles, you give others permission to share theirs and that vulnerable honesty creates the most meaningful genuine human connections.  We all fear how others will react to our vulnerability but seeing people of different backgrounds, titles open up about their struggles especially right here, right not shows that our fears are unjustified.  We are not alone in our struggles and challenges.

    8.  The human spirit is generous, kind, and strong.

    Generosity, warmth, and kindness does shine through if you closely, especially at rallies, events, bringing people together for one or many causes of uniting humanity with the same goals, dreams for them and their family.   Freedom with hopefully not take the back seat ever again.



    I have used this truly amazing product, Pain Relief Now,  for approx 3 years now in my massage business.   Clients that are experiencing back pain, muscle aches, spasms, joint pain, soreness and arthritis have benefitted from this product..  It has powerful essential oils that are first class penetrating agents that really deliver.  Some of the ingredients are:  menthol, camphor, clove buds, peppermint, rosemary, eucalyptus and cedarwood oil.  This product comes in 3 sizes, 250 ml spray / $35.99, 120 ml spray / 20.99 and 30 ml roll on / 14.99.  I have brought in a small selection of each size due to clients interest in this product.   If there is enough interest, I will have it on hand permanent or bring it in as per clients request.  Contact me either by website or phone if you have any questions or would like to purchase this amazing product.

    Massage and Detox Combo $100

    (Massage & Detox Foot Bath)

    Touch the Body, Heal the Mind, and Calm the Spirit!

    Swedish Massage Therapy

    Swedish Massage is the foundation for all other types of Western massage, and its technique is based on the Western concepts of anatomy and physiology, as opposed to energy work on “meridians” or Sen Lines in Asian massage systems. Focusing on the muscle tissue, this therapy is as soothing as it is relaxing — but with powerful results.

    Commonly sought after to relieve back pain, muscle tension, stress, and headaches, Swedish Massage is also known to improve posture, flexibility, circulation, and deeper, easier breathing. It is also ideal for lowering blood pressure, strengthen the immune system, and as part of a rehabilitation regime.

    A Swedish Massage session can be slow and gentle, or vigorous and bracing, depending on the therapist’s personal style and what he or she is trying to achieve.

    Detox Foot Bath

    An incredible “Ionic Foot Bath Spa” that removes toxins from joints, kidneys and the liver, leaving your body pH balanced and in a state of overall harmony.

    Benefit include an enhanced immune system, which assists in:

    • recovery time from injuries and surgery
    • relief from pain and joint stiffness due to arthritis
    • improved sleep patterns
    • removal of heavy metals
    • removal of blood clot material
    • improved liver function
    • improved kidney function
    • improved overall immune system

    If you would like to book some TIME FOR SELF
    403-358-2362 OR
    contact me at


    Human Spirit Quotes

    The human body has limitations.  The human spirit is boundless.   – Dan Karnazes –

    Man never made any material as resilient as the human spirit.  -Bernard Williams –

    The human spirit is stronger than any government or institution.  – Fela Kuti –

    Survival is not so much about the body, but rather it is about the triumph of the human spirit.  – Danitra Vance –

    The human spirit needs places where nature has not been rearranged by the hand of man.

    “The human spirit was the strongest medicine on earth.  And sometimes all it needed was a little encouragement to pull off a miracle.”

    The human spirit lives on creativity and dies in conformity and routine.

    Wilderness is not a luxury but necessity of the human spirit.  – Edward Abbey –

    I think it’s the human spirit inside of all of us that has an enormous capacity to survive
    -Amanda Lindhout –
    The human spirit must prevail over technology.  – Albert Einstein –



    Spring ONLINE Wellness Expo

    April 9 – 18, 2021

    Join us for this interactive ONLINE event. Many amazing people sharing what they are passionate about, that they love introducing to others to help them. Free to “attend”.

    for more information:

  • Time For Self March 2021

    Time For Self March 2021

    Humanity’s Life Through  Dragonflies Eyes

    Having flown the earth for 300 million years, dragonflies symbolize our ability to overcome times of hardship.  Sighting a dragonfly is meant to remind us to take time to reconnect with our own strength, courage and happiness.

    Over the last year, humanity has started to go on an inner journey, due to isolation and fewer distractions from the exterior interference.  I started to delve into or sit with my higher purpose as to  going forward.  Being still and look at where humanity is right here, right now.  In my last newsletter, I discussed the transformation from caterpillar to butterfly, which is commonly use to discuss evolution and and personal growth.  No where on my spiritual journey was it compared to that of a dragonfly until I started reading about dragonflies in the Gene Code book .

    There is much change happening right here for masses of humanity to  awaken.    Some may see it welcoming, others apprehensive or even still a bad nightmare.  In the past, change happened slow and gradual, but now weeks feel like days.

    The understanding of the awakening, one can find an analogy in the life cycle of the dragonfly.  Dragonflies spend much of their early lives underwater and identified as nymphs, and don’t need to coming to the surface for air.  They are very successful, gathering food and surviving.  When the nymph starts to mature it has no idea whatsoever of what kind of future lies ahead.  It goes through a series of hidden  mutations..  Then , one day, all of a sudden, some sleeping gene deep within is triggered and the nymph does something totally out of character – it finds the stalk of a nearby plant and climbs out of the water.  For the first time in its life it tastes air and direct sunlight..

    Once the nymph has left the safety of its underwater environment, the sunlight begins to transform which will be it’s final stage.  The advanced creature hidden with the nymph cracks the outer larval skin.  Over several hours, 4 crumbled wings appear and the distinctive slender body.  The water pumps into the dragonfly wings and thorax and become aerodynamic.   The dragonfly emerges out of water and prepares to be reborn into a new life in the element of air, swaying in the wind, causing chaos whilst at the same time, transforming, never to return to the once familiar life under the water,  that is not an option any more.

    Imagine us humans holding on tight, knowing they can never go back to once was their life.  This intense presence of change is somehow cracking humanity to open, see life differently, see things differently and experience a lot of things with different perspectives like the dragonfly.  The dragonfly didn’t know the possibilities as it hang to a stalk of a near by plant and that is when magic happened.

    Holding that thought of the dragonfly, seeing things above, freedom on a different level, the sweetness of nature, flowers, vastness, and different opportunity once in full flight of airborne.  Sounds familiar to what is happening to us right here right now to humanity.



    I have used this truly amazing product, Pain Relief Now,  for approx. 3 years now in my massage business.

    Clients that were experiencing

    • back pain,
    • muscle aches,
    • spasms,
    • joint pain,
    • soreness and
    • arthritis

    have benefitted from this product.

    It has powerful essential oils that are first class penetrating agents that really deliver.  Some of the ingredients are:

    • menthol,
    • camphor,
    • clove buds,
    • peppermint,
    • rosemary,
    • eucalyptus and
    • cedarwood oil.

    This product comes in 3 sizes, 250 ml spray / $35.99, 120 ml spray / 20.99 and 30 ml roll on / 14.99.  I have brought in a small selection of each size in to test clients interest in this product.   If there is enough interest, I will have it on hand permanently or bring it in as per clients request.  Contact me either by website or phone if you have any questions or would like to purchase this amazing product.


    Head to Soul Combo $80
    (Indian Head Massage & Detox Foot Bath)

    Touch the Body, Heal the Mind, and Calm the Spirit!


    Indian Head Massage

    An Indian Head Massage is a form of relaxation massage that focuses on the face, head, neck, shoulders, upper back and upper arms, which are important energy centers within the body. This form of massage is very relaxing and has a balancing effect. This technique helps to release stress and tension, creating a sense of peace and wellbeing. This type of massage is done over the clothing in a seated position.

    Detox Foot Bath

    An incredible“Ionic Foot Bath Spa”that removes toxins from joints, kidneys and the liver, leaving your body pH balanced and in a state of overall harmony.

    Benefit include an enhanced immune system, which assists in:

    • recovery time from injuries and surgery
    • relief from pain and joint stiffness due to arthritis
    • improved sleep patterns
    • removal of heavy metals
    • removal of blood clot material
    • improved liver function
    • improved kidney function
    • improved overall immune system

    If you would like to book some TIME FOR SELF
    403-358-2362 OR
    contact me at

    Dragonfly Quotes

    Doing what you like is freedom,  Liking what you do is happiness!!

    Be faithful in small things because it is in them that your strength lies – Mother Teresa –

    There is still a few remnants of magic left in this world

    Sometimes we are so afraid of change that we keep holding on even though there is nothing left.  – Loti –

    Let Go!!  Change brings new beginnings

    Dragonflies are reminders that we are light.  We can reflect the light in powerful ways, if we choose to do so!!!

    Advice from a Dragonfly:  Spend time near the water.  Be colorful.  Enjoy a good reed.  Zoom in on your dreams.  Appreciate long summer days.  Keep your eyes open.  Just wing it!!!

    A dragonfly will appear when a visitor from heaven is near.

    Your journey is like no other.  Your talents are unique to you.  Your gifts can make a difference in ways other’s can’t
    Symbolizing transformation, the Dragonfly carries the wisdom of “Change”

    Everyday holds the possibility of a Miracle

    Whisper I love you to a dragonfly and it will fly to heaven and deliver your message.

    If I were a dragonfly I would flit through the garden with wild abandon flirting with light and kissing flowers.  – Nan Riddle –

    The dragonfly symbolizes free spirit, swiftness and activity.

    Spring ONLINE Wellness Expo

    April 9 – 18, 2021

    Join us for this interactive ONLINE event. Many amazing people sharing what they are passionate about, that they love introducing to others to help them. Free to “attend”.

    for more information:

  • Time for Self February 2021

    Time for Self February 2021



    As I have sat in this gooey energy of life for almost 1 year, I sometimes have a visual of what a caterpillar must go through to order to transform, receive strong wings to fly, soar and become magnificent in the end.

    Going through a major life transition, for example Covid 19 right now, is just like the transformation of a caterpillar to butterfly experience. We humans do not physically but psychologically experience this transmutation. All of us will experience metamorphosis several times during our lives, exchanging one identity for another. You’ve probably already changed from baby to child to adolescent to adult—these are obvious, well-recognized stages in the life cycle. But even after you’re all grown up, your identity isn’t fixed. You may change marital status, become a parent, switch careers, get sick, win the lottery.

    Any transition serious enough to alter your definition of self, like we are going through right here, now, will require not just small adjustments in your way of living and thinking but a full-on metamorphosis. I don’t know if this is emotionally stressful for caterpillars, but for humans it can be hell on wheels. The best way to minimize trauma is to understand the process.


    The first phase of change is the scariest, especially because we aren’t taught to expect it. It’s the time when we lose our identity and are left temporarily formless: person soup. Most people fight like crazy to keep their identities from dissolving. “This is just a blip,” we tell ourselves when circumstances rock our world. “I’m the same person, and my life will go back to being the way it was.”

    Sometimes this is true. But in other cases, when real metamorphosis has begun, we run into a flurry of “dissolving” experiences. We may feel that everything is falling apart, that we’re losing everyone and everything. Dissolving feels like death, because it is—it’s the demise of the person you’ve been.


    For those of us who have just a few tiny control issues, Phase 2 is as welcome as rain after drought. This is when the part of you that knows your destiny, the image in your psyche, will begin giving you instructions about how to reorganize the remnants of your old identity into something altogether different.

    You’ll know you’re beginning Phase 2 when your mind’s eye starts seeing images of the life you are about to create. These can’t be forced—like dissolving, they happen to you—and they are never what you expected. You’re becoming a new person, and you’ll develop traits and interests your old self didn’t have. You may feel compelled to change your hairstyle or wardrobe, or redecorate your living space. The old order simply seems wrong, and you’ll begin reordering your outer situation to reflect your inner rebirth.


    As your dreams become schemes, you’ll begin itching to make them come true. This signals Phase 3, the implementation stage of the change process. Phase 3 is when you stop fantasizing about selling your art and start submitting work to galleries, starting a new hobby, taking a course you always want to take. You’ll feel motivated to do real, physical things to build a new life. And then…(drum roll, please)…you’ll fail. Repeatedly.

    I’ve gone through Phase 3 many times and watched hundreds of clients do the same. I’ve never seen a significant scheme succeed on the first try. Re-forming your life, like anything new, complex, and important, inevitably brings up problems you didn’t expect. That’s why, in contrast to the starry eyes that are so useful in Phase 2, Phase 3 demands the ingenuity of Thomas Edison and the tenacity of a pit bull.


    Phase 3 is like crawling out of your cocoon and waiting for your crumpled, soggy wings to dry and expand. Phase 4 is the payoff, the time when your new identity is fully formed and able to fly.

    What to Do
    The following strategies—which can help you optimize this delightful situation—are about fine-tuning, not drastic transformation.

    You’ve just negotiated a scary and dramatic transformation, and you deserve to savor your new identity. Spend time every day focusing on gratitude for your success.

    Make Small Improvements
    Find little ways to make your new life a bit less stressful, a bit more pleasurable.

    Know That Another Change is Just Around the Bend
    There’s no way to predict how long you’ll stay in Phase 4.   Don’t attribute your happiness to your new identity; security lies in knowing how to deal with metamorphosis, whenever it occurs.

    Phase 4 Mantra

    “Everything is changing… and that’s okay.” 



    Just for ME

    February 27, 2021

    A day dedicated to giving you empowerment tools to use in your daily life, all in an online setting

    For more information go to

    Spring ONLINE Wellness Expo

    April 9 – 18, 2021

    Join us for this interactive ONLINE event. Many amazing people sharing what they are passionate about, that they love introducing to others to help them. Free to “attend”.

    for more information:


    Access Bars $80

    Touch the Body, Heal the Mind, and Calm the Spirit!  This is a powerful technique that calms the mind through gently pressing 32 points on your head. It promotes peace-of-mind by way of reduction of anxiety, stress and depression, resulting in clearer thoughts and an overall feeling of balance and wellbeing.

    The 32 points are actual “energy” that runs through and around your head connecting to different aspects of your life. These points are called “bars.” Each bar stores the electromagnetic component of all your thoughts, ideas, attitudes, decisions and beliefs …...(Read More)



    Change is inevitable, but transformation is by conscious choice.  – Heather Ash Amara –

    Surrender is not failure:
    It’s letting go of negativity and a giving space for
    positivity to fill

    Transformation is a process, and as life happens there are tons of ups and downs.  It’s a journey of discovery.
    – Rick Warren –

    Within you is the power to rise above any situation or struggle, and transform into the brightest, strongest version of you EVER!

    Transformation is not a future event.  It is a present activity.  – Jillian Michaels –

    We delight in the beauty of the butterfly, but rarely admit the changes it has gone through to achieve that beauty.
    – Maya Angelou –

    Transformation literally means going beyond your form.
    – Wayne Dyer –

    Not All Transformations are Visible

    The wings of transformation are born of patience and struggle.  – Janet S. Dickens –

    ” I only ask to be free, The butterflies are free.”  -Charles Dickens –

    “Don’t be afraid.  Change is such a beautiful thing”, said the butterfly.  – Sabrina Newby –



  • Time For Self January 2021

    Time For Self January 2021

    What Will 2021 Bring to You After 2020 a year of Chaos

    People assign a special kind of importance to each new year, putting off decisions and resolutions until that very day. Obviously, the 1st of January won’t be very different from say, the 28th of December or the 4th of February.

    People are desperately waiting for 2020 to be over. Full of blown up plans, broken dreams, disappointment, unmet expectations, physical, social and emotional distance and loneliness.

    The bad news is, turning the calendar to 2021 won’t magically end the Covid-19 and it will disappear. The restrictions won’t go away overnight.

    But the good news is that just because your external circumstances suck, it doesn’t mean your whole life has to.

    The biggest problem with 2020 — beyond the obvious effects of the pandemic — has been that it caught us off guard and threw us into a whirlpool of uncertainty.   2021 can be different — maybe not in the way that our life goes back to how it used to be — because we have already experienced 2020 with all its surprises and shocking news.

    But asking ourselves, how can I build a better year on the ashes of a clearly difficult one? How can you start anticipating a better future when our experiences have just shown us how fragile the normalcy can be?

    Let go of the expectations and start to plan without them.

    Start to build small habits

    Great changes consist of tiny, imperceptible changes in behaviour that stack up and define a different life for you over time. Think about losing weight, exercising, focusing on what’s important doesn’t magically manifest overnight. It requires small daily steps to build up. It requires a little change that will add up to miles of hard work.

    Healthy eating, too, consists of tiny habits and conscious choices day after day — in order that it can be sustainable, you need to train your body and mind slowly to get used to them.

    Don’t be afraid of change

    Uncertainty is a monster under the bed we all loathe and fear. It stops us from living the life we imagined, it wrecks our plans, it forces us into a downward spiral of anxiety. It also stops from changing our lives for the better — because it pulls the rug under us and while free falling the last thing we want is a major change.

    But change is not a bad thing. In fairness, it is an integral part of our lives.

    Change needs courage — a lot of it. And this 2020 took away our courage and intimidated us in a way we might have never seen before in our life. But change is not linked to what happens on the outside, change is an inside job mainly. Sometimes we need visible changes in our life to show that something happened: a change of scenery, a new place to live, anew relationship, a new hair colour. But in a lot of other cases change is nothing but leaving one part of us behind to give ourselves space to grow and leave our shell that doesn’t fit us anymore.

    Don’t fear change.   Look forward to it and shape your next year around the kind of change you want instead of being thrown around by the changes around you. If you focus on your internal change you won’t be that much rattled by the external factors.

    Take note of the lessons you learnt and use them

    Looking back on a year might have never been this conflicting. 2020 was really pushing our boundaries and we tend to say that we did nothing but putting on weight and surviving.

    And more importantly, we had countless lessons that we had to learn.

    Take note of your accomplishments — no matter how small, and recognise all the lessons you learnt. Maybe you mastered keeping together the family, homeschooling the kids and kept everybody safe and sane. Maybe you exceed at work, despite the crippling anxiety that suggested you crawl back into bed every day. Maybe you stepped out of your comfort zone and helped others in ways you never believed you would. Success comes in many shapes and forms — and just because yours is unique it doesn’t make it non-existent.

    List the lessons you learnt about yourself, your relationship, your kids, your job, your health, your mental health, your family. This year has been full of lessons and it would be a waste of experience to just let them slip away when the year is over.

    Notice what you learnt and think about how you can use it in other areas of life. Maybe you realized:

    • that you don’t have as many friends that you believed — cherish the ones who really matter and commit to keeping a better, deeper relationship with them.

    • that your job can be done in a lot less time if you don’t have a choice to waste time with water cooler chats and socialising — it might give you the push you need to save time for the passion you have been postponing forever.

    • that your relationship needs a lot more work than you had thought — then decide to spend more time with your spouse in a meaningful way.

    Nothing we have ever experienced and learnt should go to waste and just because it was difficult circumstances bringing them along, they shouldn’t be neglected or hated.

    Make 2021 a year when things happen as you plan them. Focus on things that you have control over and let go of all the expectations, so that life could surprise you with the success you are working for.



    Lots of new regulations happening under the health care umbrella.   Presently individuals can still receive massages if they contact the following professionals to receive a letter stating massage would be beneficial for them.

    As of December 28, 2020, presently individuals can still receive massages if they contact the following professionals to receive a letter stating massage would be beneficial for them. They are medical doctors, physiotherapists, chiropractors, psychologists, dentists,s, and acupuncturists. I will have one,  make a copy, put it in your file, and will be good for 1 year.  All other services other than the phone, Skype sessions will hopefully be available by mid-Jan. as per Alberta Gov’t.  I’ll make a copy, put in your file and will be good for 1 year.

    Also,  more and more regulations regarding moving to a standard 2200 RMT standing are being slowly rolled out and flip by some Insurance companies.  I do not have 2200 hours and in like some professionals that changed to a  regulated body,  under a board grandfathers group,  massage therapy won’t be one of them.  The only answer is to return to school and upgrade.  I have decided not to and this has been fully implemented, I will adjust my price, knowing there are many individuals that don’t have benefits but still would like to receive massage and save some money.   I get informed mostly by my clients when this happens after they have been my loyal clients since 2007.  They make claim after a massage and now I am not recognized as RMT.  As of today, I know that Sunlife, Co-operators, and possibly Manulife are operating under this new benefit update.  If there are any others please notify me if there are any more so I can update my clients.

    Also, I am registered under reflexology and have been told that if you have extended health care, you can provide your human resources a letter stating you would like to have reflexology as an option.   I do have letters that you can fill out if you are interested in.

    In closing,  2021 will be a year of opportunity for growth for all.  Until Zen……. be well.       Heather Young



    January’s Special  Polarity Therapy  $70

    ( Doors open hopefully by Mid Jan by Province)

    Touch the Body, Heal the Mind, and Calm the Spirit!
    Polarity Therapy uses Ayurvedic and Chinese healing techniques to stimulate energy flow, remove blockages, and allows natural energy pathways to flow again.  It is an energy-based body works modality to promote the flow of the energetic field in the human body.  Polarity Therapy is a simple and effective method used to bring deep healing relaxation.  This technique is used to treat the whole body.
    …...(Read More)



    If you would like to book some TIME FOR SELF
    403-358-2362 OR
    contact me at

    Relaxing into Change Quotes

    Change ….. It can be risky.  It can be difficult.  It can also be beautiful… and it will always show you more of yourself.
    The hardest part of change is going through the unknown – Robert Kiyosaki –

    Never be afraid of change.  You may lose something good, but you may gain something even better.

    If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.

    Consider how hard it is to change yourself and you’ll understand what little chance you have in trying to change others.  – Unknown –

    If nothing ever changes, there’d be no butterflies.  – Unknown –

    Sometimes change is what we need.  – Unknown –

    “Sometimes it’s not the people who change, it’s the mask that falls off”  – Unknown –

    Change your attitude and it will change your life.  – Unknown –

    “Maybe sometimes people did not actually change.  Maybe you just never knew who they really were.”

    If it doesn’t challenge you, it won’t change you.

    “Your life does not get better by chance, it gets better by change – Jim Rohn –

    People change for two reasons:  Either they learned a lot or they’ve been hurt too much.

    To improve is to change; to be perfect is to change often  – Winton Churchill –



  • Time for Self Newsletter December 2020

    Time for Self Newsletter December 2020

    Give Yourself The Gift Of

    Self-Kindness For The Holidays

    The holidays can take a toll on us if we neglect our own needs. It’s easy to get lost in focusing on other people and events, and trying to check all the boxes. Holidays are a time for connecting with the people we love, and it’s important to take care of ourselves too.  Focusing on kindness is one way to help get you through the season without feeling too drained.

    It is not about being selfish, or cynical: self-kindness helps us to be generous and loving to others through the Holidays while offering the same love and care to ourselves.

    So, with that in mind here are gift ideas of self-kindness you can give yourself these Holidays.

    The Gift Of Permission

    An especially valuable gift is to allow yourself to let go of expectations. Holidays can be a minefield of shoulds and obligations–from self and others. It’s important to give yourself permission to participate in the Holidays in a way that takes into account your own desires, energy levels, and a strong sense of who you are.

    This involves consciously setting some boundaries. A nice way to think about boundaries is that you don’t create boundaries to keep other people out, you create boundaries for your own energy, to ensure you have what it takes to connect more meaningfully with the people you care for.

    The Gift Of Time

    The Holidays often descend into a dizzying blur of activity. It may seem impossible at first, but try taking the time to plan a little and slow down. Then slow down some more.

    Think about where you might be able to give yourself some time buffers here and there. Can you cut some time from your shopping trip? The wrapping and preparation? Food preparation? All of these activities can get away from you if you let them. If you can’t cut time out can you spread little breaks for yourself through the time you’ve already committed to?

    The Gift Of Presence

    Christmas is such a sensual time and filled with beauty, too. Make sure you taste the food, smell the smells, enjoy coming in from the cold into a warm and cozy space.

    Connect with yourself whenever you remember to. When you’re seated at the dinner table feel your feet on the floor, appreciate all the faces around you, take in the decorations, be present as you can with each conversation.

    The Gift Of Rest

    The Holidays can often take an emotional toll on your body, whether it’s people you love being around, or not, emotions can get triggered. Underneath everything, there’s a whole lot of emotional processing going on.

    Be aware of that and allow yourself some downtime to let all this sink in and settle.

    The best way to do this is to build in opportunities for rest. Take care to not over commit to events or tasks. If you have a long list of things to do, build in mini-rest breaks so you can pace yourself better through the day.

    Put time for yourself on your to-do list! Give yourself a half-hour somewhere to just put your feet up and recharge before you move onto the next task or social event. Planning these mini-breaks ahead can really help. (Hint: Other people don’t have to know about this!)

    The Gift Of Meaning

    What are the most meaningful memories of the holidays for you? It’s important to remember these and make the most of them. If your memories of the Holidays are not appealing, then give yourself permission to create your own rituals and ways of celebrating.

    With the focus on family and the sometimes overwhelming commercialization, the Holidays can be stressful. Many people are excluded and forgotten in the crush, and it can be the most difficult time of year for many.

    Reaching out to people having a hard time is a great way to connect more deeply, and remember the real meaning of the Holidays.

    Falling In Love With
    Christmas Quotes

    Nothing ever seems too bad, too hard, or too sad when you’ve got a Christmas tree in the living room.  – Nora Roberts –

    Christmas is the day that holds all time together.  – Alexander Smith –

    “Christmas is most truly Christmas when we celebrate it by giving the light of love to those who need it most.”

    “Some Christmas tree ornaments do more than glitter and glow, they represent a gift of love given a long time ago.”  – Tome Baker –

    “Probably the reason we all go so haywire at Christmas time with the endless unrestrained and often silly buying of gifts is that we don’t quite know how to put our love into words.”  Harlan Miller

    “As for me, I like to take my Christmas a little at a time, all through the year.”  – David Grayson –

    “A good conscience is a continual Christmas.”  Ben Franklin –

    “Christmas gives us an opportunity to pause and reflect on the important things around us.”

    It’s not how much we give but how much love we put into giving.”  – Mother Theresa –

    “May you never be too grown up to search the skies on Christmas Eve.”  “Christmas will always be as long as we stand heart to heart and hand in hand.”  – Dr. Seuss –

    “Christmas isn’t just a day, it’s a frame of mind.”







  • Time For Self November 2020

    Time For Self November 2020

    What Do I vote, support, or stand for regarding my wellness?


    Just as there is a lot of ups and downs of who you support with different political parties and what they are for, there’s even a greater decision we now have to vote, support, or stand for something closer to home, and that is our own wellness on many levels.  Sometimes it is hard to juggle so many areas in wellness, let alone,  home, family, work, etc.

    As we head into the fall/winter of 2020 those feelings are more real and more intense and so we have to be more creative, more aware, and more proactive than ever before.

    There are up and downs, which are a normal part of life, but things like stress, struggle, anger get out of balance and lead to not sleeping and not being as active.

    Have you ever noticed that different kind of problems take a toll on how you feel, and less optimistic about the future, nothing works out, overwhelmed and frustrated.  It’s so important to maximize good mental health and well-being so you feel your best.

    As we prepare for the winter months ahead, start to view, review what you have noticed pluses, and minus about winter.  In the areas of sleep, exercise, eating, family and friends, thoughts, feelings and mood, hobbies/courses, and events.  There are even more areas that you can delve into and bring balance to them.

    Take a sheet of paper and draw a line down the center of it vertically.  On the left side write spring, summer, fall, and the right side winter.  For example, the left side might be getting together with family for bbq and the right side getting together for pot luck and cards.  Just continue making a list of how you can balance, adjust, add, or modify the right side so you can experience winter differently.

    If you love gardening, how about in the winter watch gardening on youtube, take a course, growing indoor plants, planning what you are going to grow next year, and ordering bulbs, seeds, etc.  Maybe join a local group of gardening enthusiasts.

    Also, think of what you like about winter and add them to your lists such as more reading, painting, sewing and crafts projects, renos, courses long soaks in the tub, etc.

    When you start to get a little winter blues have you list handy and fill in those times with all the good vibrational activities that get you through winter successfully.

    Below is an example of how to create your list.

    Spring/ Summer/Fall (What I enjoy)                            Winter  (What I Could do Now)

    1. Getting together with family BBQ                      1.  Potluck and cards/games
    2. Gardening                                                          2.  Plan garden, Youtube Channels, Read Gardening books, join a local group
    3. Walking outside                                                 3.  Meeting friend at park or mall walk and have a Tea and visit afterward
    4. Sit in the sun on the deck and relax                  4.  Soak in the tub and relax
    5. Sipping on a cool beverage on deck                 5.  Sipping on a hot beverage in a sunny location of the house

    Things like reading, painting, online courses, doing puzzles, crafts, and sewing are great examples of inside activities.

    Be creative with how you look at winter when winter is sometimes challenging and you are not a winter outdoor enthusiast.  Winter is a great time learning something that you have wanted to do for a long time eg. a cooking course, learn a craft.

    Mental health is of most importance during the winter month along with exercise, good sleep, connection with family and friends, good eating habits, meditation, and mindfulness, networking when dealing with stress, and extra things like Vit C, Vit D3, etc.  to keep the immune system healthy.

    The saying that doing the same thing and expect different results is oh so true with what you do during the late fall/winter months.


    Take Time To Strengthen
    Your Immune In An Easy & Relaxed Manner 

    Touch the Body, Heal the Mind, and Calm the Spirit!

    This “Aroma Therapy” massage entails heavenly organic essential oils dropped on the spine and massaged in to help reduce stress, release negative emotions, improve circulation, reduce inflammation and pain, as well as detoxify the body.

    Raindrop Therapy is also used to relieve colds and flu symptoms as it has been noted as a means to ……(Read More)

    If you would like to book some TIME FOR SELF
    403-358-2362 OR
    contact me at


    Wellness During The Winter Months  Quotes

    “People don’t notice whether it’s winter or summer when they’re happy.”

    “Every winter has its spring  – S. Tutle –

    “With every falling flake, a unique spark of interest falls from heaven. – P. Miller –

    How many lessons of faith and beauty we should lose if there were no winter in our year!

    Winter essentials:  hot cocoa and fuzzy socks.

    “When it snows you have two choices:  shovel or make snow angels.

    “Winter is on my, but eternal spring is in my heart.” – Victor Hugo –

    Winter is a season of recovery and preparation.”  – Paul Theroux –

    Laughter is the sun that drives winter from the human face.

    To appreciate the beauty of a snowflake, it is necessary to stand out in the cold.  -Aristotle –


  • Time For Self October 2020

    Time For Self October 2020

    An Alternative to Boosting Your Immune

    System During Cold and Flu Season

    The Raindrop Technique is an amazing alternative way to assist your immune system in an easy and relaxed manner.

    If you are looking for a natural alternative source—especially one that supports the body’s immune systemand is open to the use of therapeutic grade essential oils, consider The Raindrop Technique. My clients over the last 15 years have experienced incredible results.

    The techniques, created by Young Living co-founder Gary Young, originate from Tibetan medicine and Native American practices. This is truly an eclectic integration of modalities.

    What Is The Raindrop Technique?
    Taking about an hour, a series of therapeutic-grade essential oils, which help bolster the immune system, various essential oils are dropped from  6-8 inches away from the body onto the skin—like raindrops, hence the name—and massaged along the spine, over the back as well as inside lower legs(in reference to the intestinal area) and also onto the bottoms of the feet. After each particular oil is dropped, the essential oil is massaged into the skin in a very specific fashion.

    Once all of the oils have been applied to the spine, then hot moist towels are placed on the client’s spine.  While the oils with the help of the moist towels assist oils to move into the bloodstream and start working, 4 of the nine oils will be used on the lower legs and arch of each foot., or the client can sit up and turn over and lay on top of a warm moist towel.

    Many clients who specifically come for Raindrop Technique sessions are often looking to release something or to rejuvenate and build themselves physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

    What Essential Oils Are Used?
    The essential oils used are immune-enhancing and support the body’s natural defenses, as well as the circulatory, respiratory, endocrine, digestive, nervous, and other body systems. Because of the similarities in human and plant biochemical structures, the oils efficiently deliver their benefits to humans on a cellular level. In addition, their scents connect with us through direct access to the emotional center of our brain via the limbic system.
    Below are the essential oils and blends used in the technique, in a combination with massage oil.

    • Thyme: May be beneficial for overcoming fatigue and exhaustion.
    •  Basil: Has a fresh, herbaceous aroma that can be calming and refreshing.
    • Peppermint: Invigorates the mind and senses while inspiring a sense of peace.
    • Oregano: Supports the body as it protects against toxins and fungal infections.
    • Wintergreen: Wintergreen’s refreshing minty aroma is stimulating and invigorating.
    • Cypress: Can promote a sense of security and grounding.
    • Marjoram: Supports the reduction of pain associated with colds, fevers, inflammation, overexertion of muscles, and more.
    • Valor: A relaxing, grounding, and uplifting blend of Black Spruce, Camphor, Blue Tansy, Frankincense, and Geranium.
    • Aroma Siez: A soothing and relaxing blend of Basil, Marjoram, Lavender, Peppermint, and Cypress.

    These oils stay in your bloodstream to continue to work to build your immune system and fight against cold and flu for approx 14 to 21 days


    CALL 403-358-2362 OR CONNECT (HERE)

    Immunity-Boosting  Quotes

    Every act of kindness on your part is a boost to your own immune system – Marianne Williamson –

    One minute of anger weakens the immune system for 4 – 5 hours.  One minute of laughter boosts the immune system for 24 hours.
    The mind, in addition to medicine, has powers to turn the immune system around.  – Jonas Salk –

    The cells in your body react to everything that your mind says.  Negativity brings down your immune system.

    Life is like a virus, if you don’t have faith and hope, you will lose your immunity to that virus.  – Laske –

    As you begin to heal the inner you, you alter your immune system.  – Wayne Dyer –

    Happiness is the best immune booster  – Zarrine Flores –

    Cuddling literally kills depression, relieves anxiety, and strengthens the immune system.

    “The best immune system is in the body.  Not in the lab.”  – Dr. C.S. Gonstead –

    The true warrior isn’t immune to fear.  She fights in spite of it.   – Francesca Lia Block –


  • Time For Self September 2020

    Time For Self September 2020

    Break Down, Break Up and Break Through


    In the past,  September was about getting settled in for the fall, school, groups, and courses.  The only problem, this September is how do we settle in when the external world isn’t settled.  I could even say by the external world not being settled than our body, mind, and spirit isn’t settled and round and round we go and can’t get off the high-speed Merry(chaos) go round.

    Remember back long ago (or not too long ago for some) when we started school first day, new job, etc.  it felt foreign and this year is definitely magnified.  A very unnatural, unknown and you are correct in feeling that way.

    What we liked at 5, 10, 20, etc. years old has changed in regard to food, friends, etc. even 3-5 months ago.   The phrase I use quite often is, “The only thing consistent in life is change.”  Some times subtle, sometimes abruptly but always changing.  Some changes are good, others are no what we want or expect.

    You have a choice of events defining you or you defining the event.  You are in control of what you see, hear, and think.  Always remember who you are in your strengths, character, integrity, morals, ethics to take you through each and every event, especially this one, and weather the storm.  At this time of waiting for the storm to clear, hopefully, you will make it through fully intact with your greatness.  You will be able to review lessons, challenges, and obstacles of this 2020 journey and take it forward on your next journey.

    During this time in Earth School, we are all being tested to see if we pass, fail, repeat or quit or complete and receive our designation of a Ph.D. in humanitarianism.

    We will continue to learn until we leave this world.  Are you a willing participant in the earth’s classroom?  Do you learn by experiencing, auditory, or feeling?  The earth’s classroom is the universe, nature, country, communities, family, or friends but it starts with self.

    What would you like to leave the world with from your greatness and lessons?  Maybe kindness, understanding,  standing up to the truth, and acceptance.  The phrase, “The truth shall set you free,” is a simple but complex idea.   It can be your truth, their truth, and THE TRUTH.  Allow everyone to speak their own truth.   Remember, just because a person is louder doesn’t make them a winner or their words more true.   Everyone’s birthright is freedom, freedom of speech which is priceless.

    We have taken freedom for granted for a long time, but now it is a hot commodity, like fresh air, clean water, and organic foods.  What do you choose?


    Freedom is the OXYGEN of the soul.  – Moshe Dayan – 

    Freedom is a state of mind.

    The secret to happiness is freedom, and the secret to freedom is courage.  – Thucydides – 

    Freedom is being you without asking permission

    “The only real prison is fear, and the only real freedom is freedom from fear.”  – Aung San Suu Kyi – 

    “May we never forget freedom isn’t free.”

    “Without freedom, there is no creation.  -Jiddu Krishnamurti – 

    With freedom comes responsibility  – Eleanor Roosevelt – 

    “A hero is someone who understands the responsibility that comes with his freedom.”  – Bob Dylan – 

    Freedom is nothing else but a chance to be better.  – Albert Camus – 


    Thought Field Therapy ((TFT)  

    Hello everyone!  I would like to introduce myself.  My name is Zodie Klempp, daughter of Heather Young.  I would like to take a few minutes to introduce a community project in which I have been developing.  My mom has graciously presented this opportunity to share it in her newsletter. A little bit of a backgrounder.   I live in Rimbey and I commute to Red Deer 45 minutes every morning for work.  One morning, three years ago, I hit a deer on the highway and from that point forward I dreaded traveling in the dark.  I was nervous, my stomach was tight and I had irrational fears about another future accident.  This all ended this summer when my fiancé pulled out his Thought Field Therapy (TFT) tapping material in preparation for a practitioner course and we tapped on my anxiety surrounding driving in the dark.  In less than 10 minutes this anxiety was gone.   With the tapping, I was empowered and set free from this anxiety.  I immediately thought about my kids and family and where this tapping may be a tool to help others.  I thought about how in this unprecedented time the level of anxiety has risen. Particularly, anxiety is prevalent in students and parents with returning to school after COVID.  The mental and physical health of people is at risk if not attended to.  Empowering students and parents with this tapping tool will help you see that you can be the healer in your own life.  This is when my project,  “Students Tapping Out Anxiety” was born and I knew I had to bring it to people like me.

    I have a zoom meeting with a practitioner scheduled for 6:45 pm Tuesday, September 15, 2020.  In this meeting, we will teach students, parents, and individuals the same TFT tapping tool to help with their anxiety. To register for this free event, please call or text me at 403-785-7150 or email me at [email protected].   You can stay in the comfort of your own home while learning this tool.   Please see the poster and forward this information on to your friends and family.  Thank you for your time.

  • Time For Self August 2020

    Truth-Seeking and Realigning Beliefs

    Beliefs that keep you down, can change when you are ready to see more of your greatness!! Just because you believe something, does that make it true?  I’m talking about the ones that make you feel separated, isolated, not good enough, and the list goes on and on.


    These beliefs might be true right now for us but we have the freedom to choose a different belief. We have believed our whole life and up until now included, that these beliefs are true.  When we challenge them, study them, discover their origins (ie. via parents, culture, religion, etc.) now we are starting to mine golden nuggets.   I always say “my truth, your truth, and the truth.”   All three are true but 100% open to change at any time when we open to see the 360 degrees of any belief.   Byron Katie challenges each belief to get clear.  Some of her questions are…. 1.  Is this true?   2.  Can I absolutely know it’s true?  3.  How do I react when I think that thought?  4.  Who would I be without this belief?


    The 4th question, when you answer it will give you a snapshot of the possibility of confirmation of who you truly are without that one belief.  Those words, feelings, and visuals can transport yourself to experience infinite possibilities for your journey here on earth.


    In this day and age, we new to question beliefs, our personal truths, and evaluating what other people, groups, media, schools, organizations, etc. want us to believe their beliefs and truths.   Truth-seeking is not an outside job, but rather goes deep within to find out who you truly are.  When you do this, you move into freedom to be you, which is authentic, one of a kind, amazing, all-knowing and not following the herd.  The collective consciousness has been contaminated and missing a few ingredients of common sense, humanity, oneness, and the highest good for all.


    I would like you to ask one more question. 5. “What do I want to believe?”  This puts you in the driver seat and responsible for your journey from this point forward.


    More info:

    Do The Work

    Belief Quotes


    If you’re gonna make a change, you’re gonna have to operate from a new belief that says life happens not to me but for me.  – Tony Robbins –

    I’m not interested in your limiting beliefs, I’m interested in what makes you limitless – Brendon

    Buchard –

    You don’t have to accept the things you are not OK with.

    “Your desire to change must be greater than your desire to stay the same.

    “Give up being perfect for being authentic.” – Hal Elrod –

    Your life doesn’t get better by chance.  It gets better by change.  – Jim Rohn –

    If you change the way you look at things the things you look at change.

    You can change your beliefs so they empower your dreams and desires.  Create a strong belief in yourself and what you want.

    It’s not who you are that holds you back, it’s who you think you’re not.

    Understanding yourself is the beginning of wisdom.  – Jiddu Krishnamurti –

    Don’t change yourself so that other people will like you.  Be yourself, and the right people will like you.

    My barn having burned down, I can now see the moon.

    I am no longer accepting things I cannot change.  I am changing the things I cannot accept.



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  • Time For Self June 2020

    Time For Self June 2020


    Resilience is knowing how to cope in spite of setbacks, barriers, or limited resources.  Resilience is a measure of how much you want something and how much you are willing and able, to overcome obstacles to get it.  It has to do with your emotional strength. 

    Look to the past. Get hope from your past resilience. You have likely endured other unforeseen life disrupters, and you made it through, and you are stronger because of it. Know that you will get through this present situation the whole world is experiencing right now. Remind yourself of your resilience on a regular basis.



    7 skills to build resilience:

    Remain calm (Know yourself)  Be consciously aware of living in the moment.  Research has demonstrated that our confidence plays an important role in coping with stress and recovering from difficult events.  Becoming more aware of yourself, including your ability to respond to and deal with a perceived stressful event, is a great way to build resilience for the future.

    Use your body as feedback. (Your body and mind are one) Research has shown that while some people come by resilience naturally, it can also be learned.  What hasn’t been talked about much is the mind and body is one.  It is difficult to have resilience in the mind if the body is in pain, discomfort due to illness or an unhealthy lifestyle.  Working with the body to change lifestyle habits through healthy food, exercise, and sleep produces significant outcomes on resilience.

    Accept what is! (embrace change with optimism)   Flexibility is an essential part of resilience.  Becoming more adaptable, you’ll be better equipped to respond when faced with a life crisis.  Resilient people often utilize these events as an opportunity to branch out in new directions.  While some people may be crushed by abrupt changes, highly resilient individuals are able to adapt and thieve.  Staying optimistic during dark periods can be difficult, but maintaining a hopeful outlook is an important part of resiliency.  Positive thinking does not mean ignoring the problem in order to focus on positive outcomes.  It is the understanding that setbacks are a part of life and that you have the skills and abilities to combat challenges and obstacles you face.  What you are dealing with may be difficult, but important to remain calm and know that it is all temporary

    Nourish yourself.  (Nourish your body/balance your mind)Your mind will send messages to your body to use its resources to protect yourself.  It is important that your reserves are well maintained.  If the body and mind do not perceive threats as often, the individual will have the strength and stamina to withstand the tumultuous environment.

     Make time for life meaning activities that you enjoy.  By nourishing your own needs, you can boost           your overall health and resilience and be fully ready to face life’s challenges.  You will be also                   more able to serve others

    Build positive social relationships. (social network not social media)  It is important to distinguish between building a social relationship and social media accounts.  A human being operates within the relationship she/he has with themselves which in turn extends out to other life forms.  Expressing your feelings with another human being is far superior then posting on your favorite social media channel.  In fact, social media will support the breakdown of human interaction and in turn, will decrease the mind’s resilience factor.  Take time to cultivate a relationship with life and not a machine. It will be well worth your time.

    Find your purpose in life. (Set your intention) Setting an intention will keep you in balance and on track when an obstacle or setback occurs.  Keeping your purpose and intention at the forefront gives you immunity to stress.  We can do this by learning to train our minds through the practices of meditation.  Over time, your awareness of who you are and why you are her will become clearer and clearer. “ I am statements” or even repeating words, such as eg  “peace” throughout the day,  and look for signs of it all around you.  You will see signs of it everywhere.

    Practice your skills (Life is a practice, so enjoy the process) Resilience takes time, so don’t get discouraged if you still struggle to cope with problematic events.  Everyone can learn to be resilient and it doesn’t involve any specific set of behaviors or actions.  Resilience can vary dramatically from one person to the next.  Focus on your strengths, not your weaknesses and you will see over time, they will override any weaknesses. By practicing these suggested skills, you will build on strengthening your existing strengths.

    Resilience Quotes

    “Although the world is full of suffering, it is also full of the overcoming of it.”  – Helen Keller –


    A good half of the art of living is resilience.  – Alain de botton –


    “I can be changed by what happens to me.  But I refuse to be reduced by it”  – Maya Angelou –


    “Resilience is knowing that you are the only one that has the power and the responsibility to pick yourself up.”  – Mary Holloway –


    “Resilience is all about being able to overcome the unexpected. Sustainability is about survival.  The goal of resilience is to thrive.”  – Jamais Cascio –


    Joy, collected over time, fuels resilience.  – Brene Brown –


    Resilience is based on compassion for ourselves as well as compassion for others.  – Shannon Salesbury –


    “I am not what happened to me, I am what I choose to become.”  -Carl Gustav Jung –