Author: admin

  • Time For Self newsletter July 2019


    A Great Place To Live From


    I was just listening to Matt Kahn on You Tube about, “The will of my heart is to be Open”.  Wow, listening to that presentation is a reminder, confirmation and awareness of when it is, when it is not and how to open your heart again.


    We are always saying, “I want this to happen,” or “I don’t want this to happen.”   We are always co-creating positively or negatively.  In this instance, co-creating means to create a relationship between ourselves and spirit and to bring value.  When something happens that is negative, our goal as spirit is to keep our heart open.  If we say I will be happy when, it is conditional and if it doesn’t happen, we close our heart.


    When we protect, shut down, turn away from a person or situation, we unconsciously close our heart which we become who we are not.  We are a spiritual being (heart open energy) having a human experience.  The survival of a human is protection of self, protection of heart that keeps us alive.  The problem is when we protect ourselves, we close down our heart and it feels on some level we are dying inside.  We think we are protecting or saving ourselves and if this were the case it should feel good and not painful, sad and lonely.  The opening of the heart is the willpower the heart has but humans can over- ride it.  When you close your heart you lock even your spirit out from being with you and speaking or reminding you about who you truly are as spirit.  You are not your thoughts, you are not your action, you are not your pain, or sadness that locks you out from your heart.   Your beliefs, training you received growing up, conditional acceptance, etc. will sometimes close your heart.


    Throughout the day, your inner voice goes between ally and foe within you. You listen to it as truth but neither of these are who you are.  You have been conditioned to believe them as truth.

    By placing one or both hand(s) on your heart and saying to your silently or out loud, “Inspite of my __________(fill in the blank – anger, sadness, frustration, person, situation) the will of my heart is to be open.”   Whatever that comes up throughout the day, stop briefly, get connected to who you are with the heart open and it doesn’t matter if something does or doesn’t happen, a negative feeling, thoughts, judgments, etc. the will of your heart remains open of all experiences from a spirit point of view and not dwelling from a human point of view quite so intensely.


    This is the connection that most humans are missing in this busy, crazy, stressful world that is distracting us and our greatness of who we are here on earth.  Allowing and assisting our heart to be open, allows us to be more on our own path of purpose and passion and not following the collective consciousness at large.

    The Yuen Method/Personal Transformation Sessions that I offer really focussed on an open heart and allow what wants to come through as well as who you truly are, a spirit can shine.  Book in to experience either an initial session or do some maintenance on your heart, just like a check up or a light that has lit up on your human dashboard.

    Quotes From An Open Heart

    When you live with an open heart, unexpected, joyful things happen.  – Oprah Winfrey –

    An Open Heart is an Open Mind.

    Allow things to come and go, keeping your heart as open as the Sky.

    The less you open your heart to others, the more your heart suffers.  -Deepak Chopra –

    The most valuable possession you can own is an open heart.   – Carlos Santana –

    It’s such hard work keeping your heart closed.  – Sarah McCruin

    Keep an open heart.  We are wired to find love.

    Open heart see love everywhere.

    What happens when people open their hearts?  “They get better.”  – Haruki Murakami –

  • Time For Self Newsletter June 2019

    Time For Self Newsletter June 2019


    If you feel there is little movement in your life or yourself, connect to flowers, blossoms on trees, etc. to receive confirmation, change is alive and well.  Things are always changing. Just like day to day, as the sun shines on them and they open up to expanding etc., you can do the same when you connect to that same energy.  It is a gift the universe is gifting the trees and flowers. When you hear the bees humming as they collect nectar and birds building nests and collecting food, they explore all that is coming alive.

    I love when spring comes,  neighbours come out and connect with one another as they work on flowers, grass, and the garden. They are so happy to put their hands in the soil and check the daily progress of the plants reaching for the heat and light.

    Let’s be as excited as the sun touches our face and take in the true essence of connection to the world and how it feels.  Free, effortless and of so powerful if only for a few min here or there. Connect to the heat and warmth going from outside of yourself to flowing inside of you.  See how it feels. Those small things, when you take time for self and connect, sit, feel, see and breathe is what I call meditation.

    Some people say they struggle with meditation.  Be kind and gentle to yourself. That saying “a little goes a long ways” is true and allows us to let go of the day’s distractions that are calling you away from connection to your home.   Your home is here on earth and more important, your temple deep within you.

    Small everyday reminders are always available at every turn – every moment of every day.  It doesn’t have to be 20-30 min. Just enough time to remind yourself and celebrate, change, change of a thought, perspective, feeling that brings you back to the now – the present.  The gift in a everyday moment!


    The What If Game of Life

    Play the game of “What If…” for a guided meditation.

    Pick something, for example, like a leaf.  Imagine it becoming like a canoe, you are floating down a babbling brook or flying high in the air like on a magic carpet ride going on different adventures. Imagine the different adventures, insights, feelings, observations.   You don’t need to do anything other than imagine. In that state you get to experience, freedom lightness, excitement, or going above it all etc. Feelings are important because in the feelings we get to experience a whole new way of looking at things, the freedom from the humanness that is weighty.  This escape, if only for a few minutes, frees us from the entrapment of our mind that is controlling, creating stress, perhaps or anxiety.

    As you sit with your morning tea or coffee and you see that beautiful butterfly or a blossom blowing off of a tree, go with it on an adventure.

    Walt Disney brought his imagination to real life and this is a form of bring the lightness of our life to us again.  “If we dream it, we can achieve it.” What if that is all you have to do to experience freedom, peace, calm, connection, going from formless to form.  What if that information is carried to every tissue, cell, sub-cellular part of your being, then releases, fills you with all of those amazing feels and bring you back into balance in your body/mind/spirit.  It’s a gift you give to your body/mind/spirit. It’s time for self whether it is a few min or more.

    People nowadays want to experience peace and feel good, what a better way to escape.  Its like watching a movie and escaping into Neverland and the amazing feeling you have after watching it.

    Whether being a passenger in a vehicle, at coffee break, enjoying the sunshine, or going for a walk, become that duck swimming in the pond, the Blue Jay having a bird bath and flying , or bumble bee humming and collecting nectar.  

    Happy trails to you.


    Sometimes finding that quiet stillness within us is our highest and great aspiration …..

    “In stillness lives wisdom.  In quiet you’ll find peace.  In solituide you’ll remember yourself.”  – Robin Sharma –

    (be still)  The quieter you become, the more you can hear.  – Ram Dass – 

    Silence isn’t empty, it’s full of answers.

    True illtelligence operates silently.  Stillness is where creativity and solutions to problems are found.   -Eckart Tolle

  • Time For Self Newsletter May 2019

    Time For Self Newsletter May 2019

    Synchronicity In Numbers  and Their


    In the last year, I have been paying attention of numbers showing up in my life.   The number of times per day that the11:11, 333, $4.44 etc shows up in a day has increased.  I was curious and started paying attention as to what I was thinking, what I was doing or what was happening in my life.   It is totally facinatinating and makes me more aware, intune with everything around me.   I wrote the numbers and meaning on card and put on the fridge, typed into note sectionon my phone and have various place such as table my my bed where my clock sits.   Now when theses  numbers show up, I wave at the numbers and thank them for the message.  The more I do it the more they present themselves to me.  It is not uncommon to see them in different forms 8-10 times through the day.   Facinating!!!   Here’s some information I have for each number.

    111     Wake up call, pay attention,  where are you, what are you doing?

    222     Seek balance.  Pay attention to people that show up in your world.  They are         significant.

    333     Align body, mind and spirit.   In zone of all three.    Feeling fullfilled

    444  Home base calling.  To do with family, friends and people who have passed away connecting with you.  Or hard work will pay off.

    555   Change afoot, movement in new direction.  Creative self expression – or a mix of both.

    666    Awake up call for you to re-examine your current situation and change the direction of your thoughts.

    777     Good luck, miracles, fullfilled dreams in one’s life.   Good fortunes and supported.

    888    Prepare of abundance, Infinity, positive and progressive

    999  Stop procastinating and and, and time to start looking toward the future and chasing big dream.

    There is lots of information on numbers and meanings.  You can even just stop, and take inventory of where you are, what you are doing, how you are feeling, what you are thinking and create your own definition of what it means to you.   Be playful, be aware and ask yourself, “If I knew what this 111 meant, what would it be telling me.”   Enjoy your time with yourself and numbers coming and communicating with you throughout your each and every day.


    To Be Or Not To Be, That is the


    To be, involves your body, mind and spirit working together as one.  Being yourself will give you freedom, an internal freedom that we unfortunately, look outside ourselves to acquire. Your relationship with yourself should be first on the list.  If you don’t put it first, you will miss out on the essence of true friendship.  The oneness that always is there for you.  It is this relationship that will always survive the test of time and will always have the highest and best outcome for you.  Where can you find a true friend that is literally there 24/7?  Your body, mind and spirit, when working together, will go with you at a drop of a hat.  The idea that you are lonely is because the inner loving voice part of you doesn’t count.  You depend on someone or something external that sooner or later will disappoint you or disappear.


    Now is the time to come back to yourself where you will receive peace, calm and contentment.  Your body, mind and spirit will cheer you on as you maneuver through the Earth realm when things can seem bleak, for example, the dark night of the soul.   If your body, mind and spirit is working as one, it is a time to be excited about life, because you are “all in.”  You bring your whole self along on the journey and you experience fullness – you are never alone.  Now is the time to say yes to your body, mind and spirit and letting all parts of you know you, see, hear and feel fully that “you are enough.”   Now is the time to open yourself up to the light within and shine brightly so other friends and family are inspired to do the same.  When you are lighting yourselves from the inside out you are living your true authentic self.  The light your spirit intended when coming to live on planet Earth.  When you connect to body, mind and spirit, that is the home you long for – love, hope, serenity, and peace.  A temple of wonder, delight, and holiness.  A place of celebration.  As in the Wizard of Oz…….   there is no place like home.

    May Quotes


    “An optimist is the human personification of spring.”  – by Susan J. Bissonette

    Sometimes there are a lot more growing opportunities when its’ raining.

    “Spring: a lovely reminder of how beautiful change can truly be.”

    “Can words describe the fragrance of the very breath of spring?” – by Nellje Blanchan

    “Minds are like flowers; they open only when the time is right.  – Stephen Richards –

    “Blossom by blossom the spring begins.”

  • Time For Self Newsletter March 2019

    Time For Self Newsletter March 2019

    Ways To Spend Time Alone Will Change Your Life

    by Jen Ganneman

    Finally, the door closed and the noise stopped. I was in my bedroom, my own bedroom, with the lights turned perfectly low and no one else around.  But now, I had this: Time alone. The relief felt as real as a drug carrying me away to bliss.

    Don’t get me wrong, I love being around people. I really do. But as an introvert, I can only take so much “together time” before my energy is zapped, my brain becomes mush, and every cell in my body demands a quieter, less stimulating space.

    Introverts need alone time like we need air to breathe.

    If you’re an introvert like me, your alone time comes sporadically. When your roommate, spouse, or kids happen to be out for the night, you get the place to yourself. Or you find yourself “lucky” to have no plans for the weekend. Suddenly, with hours of couch and pajama quiet time stretching out infinitely before you, you realize just how much you needed this break.

    But what if you could feel so enchantingly energized as a rule, not a reaction? You can — when you start deliberately scheduling solitude. This year, my New Year’s resolution was to spend at least 30 minutes each night reading — alone in my bedroom.

    I invite you to join me on the fast track to bliss, because I believe you’ll find that spending time alone will absolutely change your life. Here’s how.

    The Life-Changing Benefits of Spending Time Alone

    1. You’ll show up better for the people in your life.

    Not getting enough solitude can turn you into a trash-can-dwelling grouch. You start snapping at every little thing. You start wondering why you ever thought it was a good idea to marry this guy, or start a family. You grump at your husband when he can’t find the milk that’s staring him in the face in the fridge. You snap at your kid when she forgets her lunch at home. You turn into everyone’s favorite person to avoid.

    But have you ever noticed what happens when the energizing salve of solitude is spread across your evening? You become a pleasant person again. Someone people actually want to be around. And not just pleasant, but downright engaging. You actually want to chat with your roommate about her latest Tinder disaster. You ask your coworker how his weekend was — and you mean it. Taking more time for yourself has the ironic effect of ultimately making your relationships better.

    1. You’ll get smarter.

    Alone time isn’t all just binge-watching your favorite shows in sweatpants. Many introverts spend their solitude reading books and articles or listening to podcasts. And the benefits of reading are huge, including helping to keep your brain sharp, possibly staving off Alzheimer’s disease, and even making you more empathetic (if you read fiction).

    1. You’ll improve your health.

    You can also use your alone time to do something healthy (mentally or physically) like jogging, yoga, meditation, or prayer. Regular exercise is basically a wonder drug for your mind and body, and meditation has been shown to increase your immune function, decrease pain, boost your happiness,  make you less lonely, and So..

    1. You’ll solve problems and optimize your life.

    When you don’t have to make small talk, your mind is freed up.  If there’s one thing introverts are great at, it’s reflecting on their experiences and optimizing things — and that’s best done alone, from distractions or interruptions.

    1. You’ll get creative “aha!” moments.

    When you spend time alone, you may get unexpected flashes of creative insight. Suddenly you know what should happen next in your novel, or you get a brilliant business idea. That’s because, it allows your brain to work on a problem in the background, subconsciously.

    1. You’ll have more energy.

    A recent study found that spending time alone is probably the best way to rest — whether you’re an introvert or an extrovert.

    1. You’ll feel calmer and happier.

    When you spend time alone, you get to focus on your own thoughts and feelings — and no one else’s. You don’t have to take anyone else’s needs into account — only your own. Spending time alone is a form of self-care. People who regularly partake in self-care are generally happier and calmer than those who don’t, because the “me-timers” prevent overload burnout.

    Marching Into Spring Quotes

    Winds of Mach, we welcome you.  There is work for you to do.  Work and play and blow all day, Blow the winter Cold away.

    “If we had not winter, the spring would not be so pleasant.”  – Anne Bradstreet –

    No winter last forever; no spring skips its turn.  – Hal Borland –

    March is a month of expectation.   -Emily Dickson –

    My favourite thing about winter?  When it’s over.

    Spring:  a lovely reminder of how beautiful change can truly be.


  • Time For Self Newsletter February 2019

    Time For Self Newsletter February 2019

    What Would Happen If We Allowed

    Our Heart To Talk To Our Brain

    by Deborah Rozman


    Sometimes if we are confused about an issue or decision, we are not connecting and listening to what the heart saying and then give equal time to the brain.  Usually both start tryng to communicate and the emotions increase.   To sit in the space and connect you ones heart like have a conversation of ones heart sitting across from you and you give 100 percent of you attend to that part of you.   The heart would speak from genuine feeling and authenticity, in the present.   Then if you sat across from  the the mind and listened to it fullly, you would hear  the mind speaks from opinions, fears, shoulds and shouldn’ts.  It would be like two different people talking about the same issue.  If you did the back and forth with the heart and brain separately, you would realize the heart’s voice was your true self, a voice that offered both more intuition and common sense illelligence.

    It’s fascinating is that the heart contains a little brain in it’s own right.  Our heart contains 40,000 neurons that can sense, feel, learn to remember.  The heart brain send messages to the head brain about how the body feels and more.

    We now know that the heart can speak to and influence the brain is when the heart is neutral and in balance and has great clarity, intuitive ability, including better decision-making.

    The brain and heart are always in constant communication, we can intentionally direct our heart to communicate to our brain and body in benefical ways.  You can shift into this coherent state to bring your mind and heart into harmoniuous alignment and have more access to intuition often in less thatn a minute.

    Heart Math “Freeze Frame” decision technique.

    1. When there is an issue causing you stress, write down what you’ve been thinking and feeling about it.
    2. Shift into Heart coherence using the Quick Coherence Technique
    3. In that state, ask yourself what would be a more effective response to this situation, one that will minimize future stress.
    4. Listen for what your heart has to say.  Notice the first feelings and sensations that come to you.  Perhaps it’s offering a new insight you need, or is saying let go or be patient?
    5. Write down what your heart says, even if it seems to simplistic.
    6. Now compare what you wrote in #1 with what your heart said.  Which feels better to you?  Which has more ease, flow or common sense?

    Often what blows people’s minds is the head saying what seems to be rational arguments that keep the emotions churning, but the hearts wisdom is so clear and releasing and simply feels right.  In comparing what you write in #1 and #5 people often find the heart more intelligent; the mind more emotional, irrational.


    Heart Brain Quotes

    Tears come from the heart and not from the brain   – Leonardo da Vinci-

    The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched – they must be felt with the heart    -Helen Keller-

    Smile, it is the key that fits the lock of everybody’s heart.  – Anthy J. D’Angelo-

    Follow your heart, but take your brain with you.

    You will never find peace of mind until you listen to your heart

    Write on your heart that every day is the best day in the year – Ralph Waldo Emerson –

    The a conflict between the heart and the brain, follow your heart.

    One smile is sufficient to fall in love, and one word is enough to break the heart.



    I will be participating in the Rimbey Wellness/Eco Expo again

    April 6, 2019

    10 a.m. – 3 p.m.

    Rimbey Community Centre




    I will be offering 30 min sessions for $30.  The sessions I will be doing are Indian Head, Angel Card Readings, Yuen/Personal Transformation, and Akashic Record Reading sessions.  Stop by to put your name in for a draw for either Detox Foot Bath or Indian Head Massage and receive a $20 gift card towards any regular price service of mine.   Check out January newsletter as well as service page for more info on new service Akashic Record Reading.   Hope to see you there!!!!


  • Time For Self Newsletter January, 2019

    Time For Self Newsletter January, 2019

    What is an Akashic Record Reading


    An Akashic Records Reading consists of opening the records of the soul and asking that the information be given to an individual. This will give them valuable guidance in moving through the patterns prevalent in your past,current or future life. It will offer you opportunities for growth and support right now!

    Topics that are commonly explored are relationships, big decisions, disempowering patterns and blocks, finances, career, creativity, health, and more.

    The Akashic Records are an infinite resources of information on your past lives,present life as well as possibilities for the future.  The word possibilities is important here as nothing is set in stone.  By uncovering blocks or traumas from a past or present life, the Masters, Teachers and Loved Ones will always provide information, techniques that can release and heal.

    Accessing the Akashic Records provides an energetic transmission at the root level of consciousness that is uplifting, inspiring and healing.  The Records activate a reconnection to your deepest knowing and soul-level awareness, allowing you to become fully whole within your authenticity.

    Format Your Questions

    1. Ask question for and about yourself – not for others.  The reading is for you, not the object of your attention.
    2. Question that illicit the most information are What, Why and How question.  There is no “time” as we know it in the Akashic Records.  This makes “When” question the lease powerful.
    3. If your problem is long standing, I recommend writing out 5 to 7 questions about it and really clear it from many different angels.

    Name Your Problem  (Formating Your Questions)

    Try these or name your own:

    Food, Money, Guilt, Anger, Fear, Shame, Insecurity, Boundaries, Denial, Addiction, Failure, Control, Perfectionism, Relationship, Career, Calling, Purpose etc.


    How has this problem prevented me from _______________?

    How has this problem helped me to ________________?

    How is ___________________ possibily good for me?

    What action can I take to bring healing to this situation?

    How have I abandoned myself?  Why?  How can I stop abandoning myself?

    What would happen if allow myself to have a gentle, patient and accpting attitude?

    How is disappontment holding me back?

    What is my greatest challenge/fear at this time?  What lesson am I to learn from this?


    Mini session specials are available Jan 1st – Jan 31st (phone or Skype Sessions only)  30 min $40.  Starting Feb 1st, 1 hour session available in-person, phone or Skype and $100.


    Universal Sphere®

    The Universal Sphere® is a process for helping you resonate with the perfect vibration of the universe, allowing you to feel and experience, once again your Universal Connection.

    Universal Sphere® can assist

    • Improved outcomes to events and situations
    • Better relationships
    • Peace Clarity
    • Healing
    • Love
    • Connectedness
    • Relaxation
    • More

    Visit this site to read about results of an individual who received Universal Sphere®.  AMAZING!!!!!

    The Universal Sphere® holds the potential for untold change and transformation, peace, healing, understanding and release.

    The Universal Sphere® can be done on

    • Humans
    • Situations
    • Animals
    • Homes and Businesses
    • Land
    • Space Clearing
    • More

    How Can It Help?

    • Connects you to centeredness and peace
    • Help to assist physical, mental, emotional and spiritual healing
    • Manifest better outcomes to your life experiences
    • Assist your family, children and loved ones with challenges
    • Allows you to live from heart space


    Mini session specials are available Jan 1st – Jan 31st (distance session only) 15 min $20.   Starting Feb. 1st, each session 30 min for $35 or three – 30 min sessions for $90 (distance sessions only)



    Positive Balancing Thoughts Quotes

    If another can easily anger you, it is because you are off balance with yourself.

    “Time isn’t the main thing.  It’s the only thing.”  – Miles Davis

    “Be not afraid of growing slowly, be afaid only of standing still”  – Chinese Proverb –

    I know for sure what we dwell on is who become.

    Life is like riding a bicycle.  To keep your balance, you must keep moving.  – Albert Einstein –




  • Time For Self Newsletter December, 2018

    Time For Self Newsletter December, 2018

    Inner Peace Ideas for Your Body & Soul This Holiday Season

    by Elena Lipson (HuffPost-2017)

    Are there things you love about the season?

    Or are you dreading the stress and chaos of gatherings at your home, with your family or your co-workers?

    Here are some spiritual Self-Care Tips to help you maintain inner peace for your body and soul this holiday season.

    1.  Take Time Out

    There is nothing like gathering family and friends in one place to test your triggers, bring up old hurts and bring out your inner five-year-old, tantrums and foot stompings included.

    Give your self permission to tag out and find pockets of peace and quiet such as

    • Take a walk outside to reset your inner peace
    • Lie down in a quiet room with peaceful music.
    • Remove yourself from a conversation that might be getting heated.
    • Don’t drink too much to numb yourself, instead commit to giving yourself these pockets of peace and reset well being.

    2.  Say Yes to Simple celebrations that don’t take much effort.

    • Invite a few friends for hot-cocoa and cookies.
    • Gather a few friends to co-host pot-luck brunch or breakfast or do acts of service to community for those who have less
    • Start a new tradition with a new gratitude practice like delivering meals to the homeless or to local retirement homes.

    3.  Say No more

    Don’t try to make everyone happy even when we don’t want to do.

    If undecided, ask for some time to think about it.  Usually, a bit of space and time is enough to hear your inner GPS response.

    Trust yourself and give yourself permission to say, “no thank you.”

    4.  Take Time To Sparkle

    Sometimes when you put on something sparkly like earrings, top, etc, everything seems better.   When you take extra time to sparkle yourself up, you really do feel better.  The reason is not just that sparkle makes everyone happy.  The reason this is important is because as women and moms, we tend to give time and energy to all those around us.

    5.  Hugs for the win.

    When you get or give a hug, your body release happy chemicals and yourself release tension in a way that is built into our human-ness.  Please use caution when you’re with strangers, not everyone want to hug a stranger.  Use your good common sense inner wisdom to guide you.

    6.  Embrace the Chaos

    Sometimes we suffer, what is happening around us or get caught up in the house being perfectly clean and tidy before guest arrive.  This control can raise the level of stress and tension.

    Decide to be ok with 5% increase in chaos around you.

    Some results may include:  more laughter, more play,a house well loved and lived in.

    Grow Your Gratitude Muscle

    Do a gratitude journal and write down 3-5 things you are grateful for each day.

    Create your own daily gratitude practices

    Simple gifts of breath, friendship and life are enough.


    Hip and Leg Issues (mental/emotional reasons)

    The Inner Cause:  A Psychology of Symptoms from A to Z by Martin Brofman


    The hip’s primary function is to support the weight of the body in both standing and walking or running postures.  The hip joints play the most important role in maintaining balance, and are related to the root chakra, and the parts of the person’s consciousness related to security – money, home, job, mother and feeling supported.  If there is tension on just one side, it can relate to trust in a male side – right side in right-handed people – or the female side) in terms of what was happening in the person’s life when the symptom began.


    The legs are related to the root chakra and thus the parts of the person’s life representing security – money, home and job.  Tension in the root chakra are experienced as insecurity or fear as a perceptual filter.  In right-handed people the right leg is the male leg and can represent something concerning trust in a male, or trust in oneself as a male.  Similarly, the female leg can represent trust in a female.  The polarity of right and left legs can also be described as the will leg and emotional leg, with the will leg representing trust in one’s will – having made a decision but not yet acting on it because of insecurity – and the emotional leg, representing insecurity or mistrust in one’s emotional being, like due to emotional insecurity, emotional dependency, not standing on one’s own two feet with regard to one’s emotions and possibly making decisions designed to hold on to someone rather than doing what is best for oneself.

    If the effect of the symptom might be that person could not be able to walk, for example, it could be said that the person has been keeping him/herself from waling, giving him/herself reasons to stay in an unhappy situation.



    Sciatica is the name given to any sort of pain that is caused by irritation or compression of the sciatic  nerve that runs from the lumbar area down the legs.  Because the pain begins at the level of the sacral chakra, it represents tensions about food, sex or having children, affection or affected by trust in a man (male leg – right) or woman (female leg – left), lack of trust in the will or having a sense of emotional insecurity; not standing on one’s own two feet with regard to their emotions.  If the eventual effect of the symptom could be inability to walk, it reflects the person giving themselves reason to stay in an unhappy situation, keeping themselves from walking away.


    Positive  Balancing Thoughts


    “You always pass failure on the way to success.” – Mickey  Rooney (Actor)

    “If opportunity doesn’t knock, build a door.”  Milton Berle (Comedian)

    “A truly happy person is one who can enjoy the scenery while on a detour.”

    When you can’t find the sunshine, be the sunshine!!!!

    It’s a good day to have a good day!!!

  • Time For Self Newsletter, November, 2018

    Time For Self Newsletter, November, 2018

    How To Ease Your Body Into Fall

    Have a Healing Drink


    If the shifting seasons have already landed you a cold, make a soothing pot of ginger cinnamon tea.  Know to have genuine healing powers, cinnamon helps relieve headaches and can stabilize blood sugar, while ginger soothes upset stomachs and has anti-inflammatory properties.

    Rather than buying a box of tea bags, you can make a much more effective brew at home by putting together a few common ingredients.  Simply put 3 – 4 quarter-sized slices of ginger into a teapot of boiling water.  Add a cinnamon stick, lemon and some brown sugar to taste, let it steep for about five mines, and strain into a cup.  Enjoy two cups a day, and your symptoms should begin to ease within a matter of days.

    Combat Cold and Flu Season with Raindrop Therapy


    Raindrop Therapy is the perfect way to combat the cold and flu season that is currently upon us.  Raindrop Therapy combines vita flexing, reflexology and massage therapy techniques to restore balance and alignment to the body.  Young Living Essential Oils are applied to the body in a formula designed for relaxation and detoxification.  The client may experience areas of tension or soreness being released through the treatment.


    Therapeutic grade essential oils, antibacterial, antiviral, and anti viral are applied to the feet and spine.  The oils used for this massage are Valor, Oregano, Thyme, Cypress, Wintergreen, Basil, Peppermint, Marjoram, and Aroma Siez.  These oils fall like raindrops on the spine when applied to the back.  Massage techniques are integrated to assist oils in permeating the skin.  The combination of oils that are used facilitate flushing toxins, dormant viruses, and bacteria that exist along the spine, thereby assisting the body in restoring balance and harmony. Hot moist towels are placed on the clients back that forces the oils into blood stream so they can start working immediately.  The aromatherapy is amazing and powerful. Raindrop therapy assists in reducing chronic pain, relieving/reducing stress, relaxes muscles, reduces inflammation, improves circulation, helps to detox the body systems, and improves immune function.


    Great Idea for Pumpkin   (Yummy)


    Coconut Curry Pumpkin Soup

    (Serves 4-6   Total Time:  40 min.


    1/2 C virgin coconut oil

    1 C chopped onions

    2 cloves garlic, minced

    4 cups chicken or vegetable broth

    1 1/2 tsp curry powder

    1/2 tsp salt

    1/2 tsp ground coriander

    1/2 tsp crushed red pepper flakes

    2 C pumpkin puree (15 oz)

    2 can full fat coconut milk

    Pepper to taste.



    Heather coconut oil in deep pot over medium-high heat.  Sit in onions and garlic; cook until onions are soft, about 5 min.  Mix in broth, curry powder, salt, coriander and red pepper flakes.  Cook and stir until mixture comes to a gentle boil, about 8-10 min.  Cover and simmer for 20 min, stirring occasionally.  Whisk in pumpkin and coconut milk, cook for another 5 min.

    Pour soup into a blender, filling only half way and working in batches if necessary; process until smooth.  Return to a pot, and reheat briefly over medium heat before serving.

    Positive  Balancing Thoughts

    Dreaming, after all, is a form of planning.   – Gloria Steinem –

    There are two ways of meeting difficulties.  You alter the difficulties or you alter yourself to meet them.  – Phyllis Bottome –

    You never lose by loving.  You always lose by holding back.  – Barbara De Angelis –

    Holding on to anger, resentment and hurt only gives you tense muscles, a headache and a sore jaw from clenching your teeth.  – Joan Lunden –

    Change is the law of life.  And those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future.  – John F. Kennedy –

  • Time For Self Newsletter September, 2018

    Be Kind To Yourself

    Living in the now by Gina Lake


    Love is the underlying fabric of life, and kindness is its reflection in the world, through us.  Kindness can be conveyed in attentiveness to others, in words, or in deeds.  One of the most powerful acts of kindness is kindness toward ourselves.  That is really where kindness begins.  If we aren’t kind to ourselves, how can we be kind to others?  Unless we are also kind to ourselves, kindness toward others is more of a manipulation, an attempt to get others to give us something, including love.

    True kindness comes from a desire to soothe and comfort others because we have discovered the power and blessing of kindness as a result of having received it.  Receiving kindness from others heals us and makes it possible to express it to others.  If we haven’t received much kindness from others, we need to find a way to give it to ourselves, to be kind to ourselves even though others may not have been.  To do that, we have to do two things:  We have to forgive those who weren’t kind to us and we have to see that we deserve love.

    Unfortunately, those who didn’t receive a lot of kindness as children usually concluded that they deserved that and that they aren’t lovable.  They need to forgive those who were unable to be kind to them (probably because they were treated unkindly when they were young) and learn to give love to themselves.  Those who were abused learned to abuse themselves inwardly; they learned to believe their negative thoughts about themselves.

    Everyone has the same capacity to love, but that ability may have been squelched by not having been loved.   Not being loved as a child blocks the natural flow of love.  Giving love to yourself allows love to flow outward again.  It’s always possible to give ourselves love because our true self, love human expression that we are, no matter what we have or haven’t done, no matter what our shortcomings are.

    We desperately need this now on earth.  Can you find it in your heart to be kind to yourself?  This is not a selfish act but the most unselfish act, because it allows the love of your true nature to flow outward toward all of life.  You don’t have to like the ego and its ways; just accept the ego as part of the human condition.  Be kind and compassionate toward yourself and others.  Give yourself and others some slack.  Forgive, allow, accept, and be kind.  Relax and let everything be as it is.

    EVENTS I Will Be Participating In

    Rimbey Pathway To Wellness

    Rimbey Alberta

    Community Centre

    Oct 13, 2018

    10 a.m. – 3 p.m.

    5109 54 St

    I will be offering 20 min. Angel Card, Indian Head Massages and Personal Transformation sessions for $20 as well as discount coupons and draws.

    The New Earth Expo

    Westerner Park, Prairie Pavilion

    Red Deer, Ab

    Oct 19 – 21, 2018

    I will be offering 30 min Indian Head and Personal Transformation sessions for $30 as well as discount coupons and draws.

    Positive  Balancing Thoughts

    Courage is like a muscle.  We strengthen it by use.   – Ruth Gordon –

    Nothing is more useful than silence.  Menander of Athens –

    Use your head, but follow your heart.  – Dame Nancy Rothwell –

    When something seems to go wrong, it’s invariably part of a larger right – Jed McKenna –

    A true friend never gets in your way unless you happen to be going down.

    • Arnold H. Glasow –


  • Time For Self Newsletter August 2018

    Time For Self Newsletter August 2018

    The Two Voices

    Choose Wonder Over Worry by Amber Rae

    Inside our minds there is a nasty little voice, a saboteur, a censor, and an eternal critic who creates a constant stream of scathing remarks that are usually disguised as The Truth.   I call this voice Worry.

    Wonder knows what we’re capable of, and is committed to nudging us closer and closer to who we were before the world told us who to be.  Wonder supports us in deciphering between the disempowering stories we inherited and made up, and the stories that strike the chord of resonance from within.

    When Worry is on its high horse, declaring, You’re not actually going to say that, right?, Wlonder will ever so clearly state, You are here to speak your truth.  Today, Tomorrow, Always.  Is what you want to say a reflection of your truth.

    And when Worry is inclined to keep the same soundtrack of judgement and fear and anxiety playing over and over and over again.

    Worry and Wonder are perpetually pointing us away from or toward who we truly are and what we’re here to give.  In every moment every day, we get to choose whom we listen to:  Worry or Wonder.

    Not all worry is destructive.  It can be useful.  Useful worry is the foresight to imagine set backs and challenges, make a plan, and take action.  Worry is useful only when it’s within our control and empowers us to act.  So when our Worry voice chimes in, we can ask two questions:

    1.  Is this a real possibility?
    2.  Is there any productive action I can take right now?

    Introduction to Worry Myths

    1.  ” I’m doing what I thought I was ‘supposed to be doing.’ and I  hate it.”  Meet Should.    Answer these questions, “What I should do?”, “Do I want to?”, “What I could do instead and my next move is _____________________.  Your life, your way.

    2.  “Can I really trust myself?” Meet Self-Doubt.”  Name three times you acted on your truth & it led you to learn and grow.  To trust yourself is to act on your truth.

    3.  ” I don’t have enough time.” meet Totally Stressed Out.  Fill in the blanks, ” I want ____________, I want more ____________”,” So I choose _____________” , “and will stop when _____________”.  Will the one thing.

    4.  “I’m torn.”  Meet Uncertainty.  Fill in the blanks,”I’m afraid of _____ because________.   My future self says.    My evidence to prove this is NOT true is.______.  Revise it (revise a more empowering story).  Name it to tame it.

    5.  “Why not me?”  Meet Envy.  Make three columns on page and list 5 – 10.  First column reads “I’m envious of, Second Column Because, third column, my next move is.    Envy is inspiration in disguise.

    6. ” I feel behind”.  Meet comparison.  Piece of paper and make 2 columns.   First Column reads Getting Ahead eg. Competitive, second column Coming Alive eg.  Collaborative.

     7.  Am I worthy of Love?”  Meet Unlovable.  Make a list of ways to love yourself:  eg. journal, meditate, say “I love you” to                      self.

    8.  “They rejected me…. Again.”  Meet Defeat.  Name 3 times you persevered in the face of rejection & defeat.

    9.  Who the heck am I to do this?  (I’m a fraud.)”  Meet Imposter Syndrome.  What is my imposter side of me saying (write               down until it is heard and exhausted and then write down what is my soul trying to tell you.

    10.  “I can’t do that!  Judge Me.”  Meet Hiding. Yes they might judge you.  But who they’re judging is themselves. Ask                 self If criticism and judgment didn’t matter, what would you do?  Say? Focus on?   Be all of you; not less.

    11.  “Oh God.  Look at Them.”  Meet Judgment.  Fill in the blanks, “I’m feeling ____(emotion) with ______(name) because _______ (situation).  I want her/him/them to __________________(action.  If she/he/they did, that would have me feel _____________________(emotion).  I can create that feeling for myself by _____________ (action).  What they are reflecting in me is __________________ (insight).  They are a reflection of you.

    12.  “Are they a threat?”  Meet Jealousy.  Fill in the blanks, the last time I felt jealous was _______, How I responded is ____________, the way I want to respond next time is ___________.  Let jealousy bring you closer together.

    13.  What the __________?????  Meet Anger.  Fill in the blanks, I acted out my anger when I ________________, My anger was telling me ___________________,  To act upon my anger, I will __________________.

    14.  “No pain, no gain.”  Meet Suffering.  Ask, What would it look like to put love & joy at the center of what you creat?  What might change.  Let love lead the way.

    15.  “I’m terrified of going there.”  Meet Avoidance.  Fill in the blanks, I’m avoid ____________ because _______________.

    What I need is ________________.  My next move is ________________________.

    16.  “There’s no way I can handle this.”  Meet Overwhelmed.  Set a daily intention.  Ways to respect the process.  Map it out – your way.

    17.  “My mind is racing.”  Meet Anxiety.  Answer, If my anxiety is a signal that something is out of alignment, what it’s trying to tell me is _____________  Anxiety is your friend, not your foe.

    18.  “That didn’t go how I expected.”  Meet Loss.  Answer, The loss I haven’t grieved yet is ______________________, the reason I’m avoiding it is ___________________, To grieve & feel it fully, I will ________________.  Feel your feelings – all the way through.

    19.  “I’m running away from myself.”  Meet addiction. Let’s get real.  Fill in the blanks.  The habits that block my gifts are _______________________,  The payoff is _______________________, moving forward, I will _________________.   Trust in your gifts.

    20.  “I must never make mistakes.”  Meet perfectionism.   Three columns on page.  First Column mistake eg. uncertainty,   second column paralyzing perfection, eg. I’m doing it wrong.  Third column, Healthy Striving, eg. I’m find my way.  Also on sheet of paper, one column heading “My old definition of enough (which has me feel crappy):  second column heading My new definition of enough (which has me feeling alive).  Your life, your definition.

    21.  “I have something to prove.”  Meet Hustling for approval.  Fill in the blanks.  By __________________(action), I’m trying to prove that I’m ____________  When I do prove myself, I will feel _______________(emotion).  To feel that way now, I can instead ____________________(action).  If I had nothing to prove, I would _________________(thought or action).  My heart wants me to remember to ______________ (insight).  You want to BE!!!!!  Not faster, better, smarter and enough.


    Positive  Balancing Thoughts

    If you want to control things in your life so bad, work on the mind.  That’s the only thing you should be trying to control.

    – Elizabeth Gilbert –

    There is no learning to let go, or trying to let go.  There is just letting go.  – Lori Deschene –

    The question isn’t who’s going to let me; it’s who’s going to stop me?  – ayn Rand –

    I have learned to seek my happiness by limiting my desires, rather than in attempting to satisfy them.   – John Stuart Mill

    You never lose by loving.  You always lose by holding back.  – Barbara De Angelis –

    If people sat outside and looked at the stars each night, I’ll bet they’d live a lot differently.   – Bill Watterson –